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Sun and Moon - The Battle Royal!





Hello all my little Pokemonsters! Today, we become part of a new world; a world with Pokemon Sun and Moon. I know you're all excited as this game is released to most locations worldwide within the next 24 hours. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I will. You can use the attached Discussion and Gameplay Thread on my blog to talk about the game and post your progress! 

Now that we've finished with the formalities, let's talk about the reason we're all here; one of the best new features in Pokemon Sun and Moon; the Battle Royal. So what is this Battle Royal? It's a four-person battle mode where everyone battles against everyone else. You pick three Pokemon for the battle, and you get points for knocking out opponents. You also lose points for having your own Pokemon knocked out. When one trainer loses all their Pokemon, the battle ends and the results are tallied up and the winner is decided! 




This will be the official follow-up to our ORAS Free-For-Alls. Therefore, we'd like to experience new battle styles and battle mechanics from all of you! Sign up below with your friend code and play in Battle Royal with us! As of right now, there are no rules for Battle Royal. However, we may decide to do themed Battle Royals - such as mono-type, or Little Cup. If we decide to go ahead with these, then the second post in this blog will be updated to include these.  Of course, I don't expect you to catch and breed your own Pokemon just for Free-For-Alls. I will be on hand, and happy to inject any Pokemon for those who sign-up. See the third post in the thread for more details on this! 



So with all of that information out of the way, you can sign up in the comments section below! We will usually message you in advance if we need extra for a Battle Royal. Or you can post here and message other players to set one up. What you need to do is simple; post your 3DS Friend Code below in the comments section and that's all you need to do! Our Battle Royal Friend-List is as follows:




RihannaRTT: 0232-8747-2496
Billie: 3926-6473-2479
Habits: 0791-4341-5149
Popboi: 3136-7469-3538
Max: 0619-7731-8236





If you're playing in our Battle Royals, you can also upload the Battle Royal by saving the 'Battle Video' after getting the VS. Recorder and then uploading it online when that feature is available. If I'm not playing in a specific Battle Royal, someone else should upload the Battle Royal  I may request others to upload some videos if there's a limit on how many videos you can upload. You get the VS Recorder and access to Battle Videos when you reach the first Pokemon Center in Hau'oli City. In addition, you gain access to the Festival Plaza. You need to up your rank to rank 2 to gain online features in Sun and Moon. Then you should go into your settings with the person icon and change your settings for battle and trade to accept. After getting the VS Recorder, you can input the Battle Video codes below to download and view the following Battle Royals:










To all my Little Luranti, enjoy Pokemon Sun and Moon coz all of you deserve it! I hope y'all decide to join us for our official forum Battle Royal. Any themed rules will be included in the second post, and the way to request injected Pokemon will be included in the third post! See y'all soon.




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Applicable Games: Sun and Moon

Banned Pokémon: None
Banned Moves: None
Banned Abilities: None
Banned Held Items: None


These rules apply to every battle unless stated otherwise. The Battle Royal will take place under the 3DS "Normal Rules". You can use any Pokemon you wish; any ability you wish; any movepool you wish and any item you wish - as long as they are legally obtainable. There are no "Smogon"-like restrictions or clauses. You can use "banned" moves like Double Team and duplicate Pokemon/items if you wish. Try to be original in your choices! These battles also take place under the official Sun and Moon Battle Royal format. These rules apply to all Battle Royals unless stated. 




Applicable Games: Sun and Moon

Banned Pokémon: All
(Except: Clefairy, Clefable, Chansey, Snorlax, Cleffa, Togepi, Togetic, Snubbull, Granbull, Smeargle, Blissey, Happiny, Munchlax & Togekiss) [Pre-Bank]
(Except: Metronome-learning Pokemon) [Post-Bank]

Banned Moves: All
(Except: Metronome)
Banned Abilities: None
Banned Held Items: None


The 'Metronome Battle Royal' rules are nothing but a game of chance. Only Pokemon that can legally have the move Metronome are allowed to participate, and this is their only allowed move. All other General Rules apply here. 




Applicable Games: Sun and Moon

Banned Pokémon: None
Banned Moves: All 'Status' Moves
(Except: Pokemon with the Abilities: Magic Bounce, Oblivious, Aroma Veil & Pokemon with the Held Item: Mental Herb)
Banned Abilities: None
Banned Held Items: None


The 'Taunt Battle Royal' rules are a special set of Battle Royal rules where Pokemon are only allowed to attack. There will be no Protect, no Toxic, no Destiny Bond, no Recover or any other form of 'Status' move. A 'Status' move is a move that is not classed as 'Physical' or 'Special'. However, there are some exceptions. Pokemon with abilities that negate taunt (Magic Bounce, Oblivious, Aroma Veil) and those that hold a Mental Herb do not have to follow these rules. Think wisely. 



Applicable Games: Sun and Moon

Banned Pokémon: None
Banned Moves: All Special Moves [Fight Me Fat] or All Physical Moves [I'm Special]
Banned Abilities: None
Banned Held Items: None


The 'Fight Me Fat' and 'I'm Special' Battle Royals are a dual set. One set focuses on the strategies of having only Physical Pokemon. The other focuses on having only Special Pokemon. However, unlike the Taunt Battle Royals, Status moves are freely allowed. Therefore, the only restrictions are the types of damaging moves you can bring. You should focus on which walls work best for each category. Also, take note that some moves specifically do damage using the opposite stat but are perfectly usable (i.e. Physhock is a Special move that does Physical damage). Remember that OHKO moves and fixed-damage moves generally are still categorised to either Physical or Special. Make sure you check this beforehand. 



Applicable Games: Sun and Moon

Banned Pokémon: Sceptile (Mega Evolution)Shedinja, Zebstrika, Thundurus (Therian Form) & Volcanion
Banned Moves: All Non-STAB Moves & Burn Up
(Except: Hidden Power)
Banned Abilities: Dry Skin, Flash Fire, Levitate, Lightningrod, Motor Drive, Sap Sipper, Storm Drain, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb & Wonder Guard

(Except: Pokemon with the Ability: Levitate & with the Held Item: Iron Ball)
Banned Held Items: Sceptilite 


The 'STABmons Rules' are one of the more exciting sets we've been dying to try out. After some discussion we've come up with a concrete set of rules. In addition to the regular General Rules, the above rules also apply. In short, Pokemon are only allowed to use STAB moves; moves of the same-type. This applies to ALL moves; Physical, Special and Status. The only non-STAB move that Pokemon are allowed to have is 'Hidden Power'. The type of the Hidden Power is free and changeable. The move 'Burn Up' is banned because the Pokemon then becomes typeless after its use. While obvious, it's important to note that dual-typed Pokemon can use BOTH of their STAB moves simultaneously. Also note that if a Pokemon gains a new-type through a form change in battle (i.e. like through mega evolution), it is permitted to use moves of that type before and after mega evolving as well as its one or two original types.

Levitate, Wonder Guard, Water Absorb and all equivalent counterparts are banned because they give an unfair immunity to some moves; as well as a stat-boost or HP recovery in most cases. Unfortunately, as Mega-Sceptile, Shedinja, Zebstrika, Thundurus' Therian Form and Volcanion only have access to these abilities; they are banned in this format. Do note that Levitate-users are permitted if they choose to hold an Iron Ball. Otherwise, they are not accepted in the format.

It is not required to use Hidden Power, but it's advisable. Outside of that, think carefully about the type of your Pokemon and how to build an effective strategy around it. Come, See, then Conquer. 

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As previously revealed, there are NO rules when it comes to the Battle Royal; except for any 'themed matches' we do which will be listed above. However, for general matches, there are no restrictions. You will be able to use any Pokemon you like, with any moveset, item and stats as long as these are all legally available. This doesn't mean that you have to catch and breed them yourself; it just means that they need to be possible so I can inject them to get through online hack-checks. Before a Battle Royal session, you will need to message me in advance with the Pokemon you would like.


To do this, you should use PokemonShowdown. Use the 'teambuilder' there to create your teams with everything attached. After that, use the 'Import/Export' command and copy the text in there to me in a message and send me it. I will generate your mons for you whenever convenient! It is important to use this format as it reduces the time to create them in PKHeX. An example of this format - copied directly from the Import/Export command - is as follows:



Thundurus-Therian @ Focus Sash  
Ability: Volt Absorb  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Volt Switch  
- Sludge Wave  
- Discharge  
- Protect


As I've said previously. The only rules are; there really are no rules. As long as everything is legally obtainable you're good to go. Please note that until January, Pokemon Bank is not available and therefore Pokemon not in the Alolan Regional Dex or available through the QR Code feature will be illegal until the release of the application. Therefore create your teams in 'Gen 7 OU' - not 'Pokebank OU' - and validate them (do not worry about 'banned Pokemon', such as Lunala). You can request any particular number of Pokemon that you like. Just bear in mind that you will need to catch Pokemon to trade me to get these Pokemon into your game (i.e., if you requested six mons, you would need to catch six Pokemon to trade). Participants usually request 12 'mons but you're welcome to request more or less, if you desire. In Sun and Moon, you can have up to six registered battle teams - and then your party on top too! No more switching between parties at the PC anymore! That's all! Sign up below and have some fun! #JoinUs. 



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@Billie @Max @Popboi @Habits @Day Dreamer @AGNTEA @BJORK @Hylia @Umbreon @WorkDude @Freedom @MichaelS24895 @Flash @Hyperballad @Jose @Shane @Chris Pratt @ParentalAdvisory @blankdreams. @Impossible Princess @Kaulitz. @ChooseyLover @Entea @Avril Lavigne @Kyoteki @WelatRogue @Saiga @Carlos @Rico

k. mentioned everyone who has posted on my blog mad1 If I forgot someone then Oops (feat. Charlie Puth). Anyway, the time has come to actually focus on this now that we've had time to enjoy the games. So if you have a 3ds and sun/moon, then sign up so we can have some Battle Royals. I'm about to edit the 2nd post too with some more ideas for other forms of rulesets we can employ too mad1 

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Just now, Kyoteki said:

I JUST got the game last week,  so I would need more time.

we have plenty time mad1 remind urself for later. not gonna start these till january comes anyway. 

currently updating rulesets for different types of BRs for fun. 

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6 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

we have plenty time mad1 remind urself for later. not gonna start these till january comes anyway. 

currently updating rulesets for different types of BRs for fun. 

I rather do regular matches, tho tbh. once I get my team up and running

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1 minute ago, Kyoteki said:

I rather do regular matches, tho tbh. once I get my team up and running

thats fine moo1 theyre more to stop things getting boring moo1 

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Updated with all the current rulesets we've thought of. If anyone has any suggestions, come up with a small plan and discuss with us and we'll implement them too. I'd like to thank Demi for her inspiration in the name of Fight Me Fat Battle Royals. A lot of these are taken from DuncanKneeDeep, GameBoyLuke and HoodlumScrafty's Battle Royals and FFA Roulette series' so go watch those! I'm particularly looking forward to STABmons. 

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i'll look for my ds code still my pokemons are level 35 (i like to take my time training my pokemons and catching them all) but still it will be nice to have friends lol 


we should make a whats your current team thread or something 

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