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I was deleting some files and I came across my Minecraft data so I thought before I'd delete I'd take some snaps for memories!!
me dog name after @Hylia drowning in me beetroot paddy
me dog Hylia's kid Sylk Jr
Looking over me farm!!!!
Looking over me cottage me built
me land conquer me make map!!!!
me built wizard tower on mountain
me build portal thingy give me powers
--What is your name?
--How old are you?
home of sexual
--Are you dating anyone?
Single !
---Do you have a crush?
Yes, but they're taken
--What country do you live in?
Citizen of the world dahhling
--Summer or Winter?
--How many languages do you know?
--Have any tattoos? How many?
None, but I will get a tiny butterfly soon
--Have any pets? How many? Wh
It has come to my attention that many of you don't know how to eat hot spicy cheetos so I have decided to add another entry to my Back to bASSics series.
Please refer to the gif below as it shows exactly how to eat hot spicy cheetos. Alot of people just take it out and eat it and that's just barbaric. First we're gonna see the shape of her hand, notice how her hand has formed that claw shape, she delicately uses this "claw" to grab a single hot cheeto and lift it up, now look at this, she l
It has recently come to my attention that some of my fellow fotpers LACK the basic knowledge of how to make use of different condiments to their best advantage. So I have made this table to help and guide them to a proper way of eating condiments.
Condiments How much to use How to use
A little over a teaspoon or a little more!
if you're eating a burger or if you're eating fries, alwa
Today, I did something that I've been wanting to do for a long long time. I deleted my social media accounts. All of them. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Askfm, Snapchat, Whatsapp you name it. The reason is, I was holding on too much to my past. I finished High School almost a year ago, and since then my online social life hadn't been active that much, but still I held on to everything so dearly, every post that I made, ever status that I posted, every picture I uploaded, all those likes and comm
I think about ants alot. I saw an ant in my room once just walking to his ant friends in a corner. I never open my window so i thought to myself, this ant will never see sun light? heck this ant may never see anything outside of my room. that little corner in my room is all he'll ever know. I like looking at the stars, cause it makes me feel small, it makes feel like an ant. I think, when i travel alot and go to alot of different places, there's a little tea shop in a village in tibet, high in t
This was the first time I told someone, face-to-face. The person I told to always supported the LGBTQ community so I knew their reaction would be positive, but Idk why for some reason I was so scared. It felt like my heart would explode. Thankfully, the reaction was positive. My heart is honestly so full of love rn. But I'm still scared, I'll have to come out to basically everyone I meet in my life, only if they have a terrible gaydar ofco cause you can spot the fag in me from miles away lol.
I love honey I love it so much it's my fav thing to consume honestly. I carry a little thing of honey with me all the time just eating it wherever I go.
Mostly I use my fingers to dip and suck the honey but recently I've learned that that's frowned upon apparently since its 'unsanitary' or whatever. So I've decided to become a bit more civil. However, carrying a spoon seems too much of a clutter for me so what I do is open the honey jar and just shove my tongue right in there! I use t
Hello everyone sorry for this bleak moment but I feel a bit upset cause I fear that all the progress that the LGBTQ community has made in the past several years will be wiped out by who's in the oval office right now. I live in a country where LGBTQ is not recognized whatsoever but seeing that happen elsewhere, seeing progress, gives me and everyone else like me hope and that is the greatest gift of all. I truly hope and pray that people fight, raise their voices and protect our community and co
this is probably the 100th time I've written a lengthy, emotional post on some part or another from my life, and then erased it completely...
I don't know why I'm like this, but I'll just leave this here for now.
I measure every grief I meet with narrow, probing eyes -- I wonder if it weighs like mine -- or has an easier size - Emily Dickinson