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This blog will contain posts and snippets from my album reviewing website http://www.talkabouttunes.wordpress.com


Let me know your opinions on the albums I review, or comment with suggestions :) 

Entries in this blog

Britney 'Glory' 2016

Britney Spears 'Glory' 2016 Album Review   For the Physical Deluxe review click here: https://talkabouttunes.wordpress.com/2016/08/29/britneyglory2016/   1. Invitation  (B.Spears, J.Michaels, J.Tranter, N.Monson) Instantly, this sounds like a zen track from Britney with an Asian twist to it. “Here’s my invitation baby” works great as an intro and literally invites the listener to engage in the journey Britney is providing with Glory. “I just need yo



Britney vs Katy - Singles Review

At last, 2 of the biggest names in music have premiered their new tracks online,Britney’s Make Me (ft. G-Eazy) and Katy Perry’s Rise.  Both tracks are the lead singles from the pop princesses’ respective new eras, Katy’s 4th studio album and Britney’s 9th – but who has the edge? For the audio and our single reviews, keep scrolling! Britney Spears – Make Me (Ft. G-Eazy) When the track kicks in, the song sounds as though Britney is going in a very different direction to what we



My Everything Review

The Review – Luke, Jordan and Amanda 1) Intro (T.Brown, V.McCcants, A.Grande) Intro (Audio) What a lovely introduction from Miss Grande. It really sets the tone for the rest of the album, I get the feeling of a calming mellow zen type of music, layered with silky vocals. The lyrics “I’ll give you all I have, and nothing less I promise” is something I am holding Ariana to. 7/10 My instant reaction is that it sounds very Glee/Fairy tale – it does set a lovely tone for what I think is to come



Lotus Review

Christina Aguilera - Lotus; album review 2 reviewers, Luke and Jordan. Luke is a casual Christina fan and Jordan is a stan so we have varied opinions on XTina. Any fans of the album here? She seems to get a bit of stick but I'm not sure why.   1) Lotus Intro (C.Aguilera, D.Abernathy, C.Pilay, A.Grant) Lotus intro (audio) OK, I don’t really have much to say for the intro. The start is very intriguing and the whole arrangement of the song makes it perfect for an intro, it keeps



Britney 'Circus' Review

Britney Spears  'Circus' 2008 Album Review   For the full review, click here: https://talkabouttunes.wordpress.com/2016/06/23/britney-spears-circus-2008/   The Review – Luke and Jordan 1. Womanizer (N.Briscoe, R.Akinyemi) Instantly I am in love with this track, the intro sounds like an alarm in a laboratory after a toxic spillage, the song then kicks in with killer hooks and catchy, memorable beats and lyrics. The attitude Britney portrays in this song is



Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande (Review)

Ariana Grande 'Dangerous Woman' Review For the full track-by-track review and overall summary visit:  https://talkabouttunes.wordpress.com/2016/05/17/arianadangerouswoman2016/   1. Moonlight   (A.Grande, T.Brown, V.McCants, P.L.Johnson) Awww, what a sweet introduction from Miss Grande; the soft tones at the beginning of the track which subtly carry the song almost sounds like a child’s lullabye. These are complimented by Grande’s ever changing vocal moments, with soft



Taylor Swift 'Red' 2012

Taylor Swift 'Red' 2012 Album Review   By Luke and Jordan   Full review: https://talkabouttunes.wordpress.com/2016/06/16/taylor-swift-red-2012/   1) State of Grace  (T.Swift) As soon as the ‘Play’ button has been pressed, this seems like a great opener with gradual building drums and escalating guitar riffs – almost punky. Taylor then graces us with her vocals, singing about who ‘we’ are in metaphorical terms. The track seems to work well as an interlude



Demi Lovato 'Confident' Review

Demi Lovato 'Confident' 2015 Album Review By Luke and Jordan   Full Review: https://talkabouttunes.wordpress.com/2016/06/10/demi-lovato-confident-2015/     1) Confident (M.Martin, S.Kotecha, D.Lovato, Ilya) Right away we are set up for what is sure to be a great journey if the opening track ‘Confident’ is anything to go by. It’s clear to see that this is single material, it’s an anthem and an empowerment track without being too egotistical. The backing mus



Fifth Harmony '7/27' Review

Fifth Harmony  7/27 Album Review   The Review – Luke and Jordan   Full review here: https://talkabouttunes.wordpress.com/2016/06/03/fifth-harmony-727-2016/   1) That’s My Girl  (T.Kachingwe, A.Kronlund, L.Loules) Why hello there 5H! What an introduction. With ‘That’s My Girl’ they really use the sassy ‘Worth it’ sax theme really well. The introduction is sublime, followed by perfect builds and then… the dreadful monotone chorus attacks your ear d



Meghan Trainor 'Thank You' Review

I loved Onika's review, so I thought I'd give it a go!   Meghan Trainor 'Thank You' 2016   1. Watch Me Do          *Audio* (M.Trainor, E.Frederic, J.K.Hindlin, G.Lewis) From the get go, this song is a funk fest. The track’s instrumental almost sounds like a modern day Michael Jackson song. It’s really nice to hear a fast paced, attitude filled, feel good song to open the album – I hope it’s foreshadowing what’s to come! It’s clear to hear the Meghan traits in the song, thi



Jessie J 'Sweet Talker' Review

Jessie J - Sweet Talker 2014 Review: TalkAboutTunes Full Review: https://talkabouttunes.wordpress.com/2016/05/24/jessie-j-sweet-talker-2014/     1. Ain’t Been Done   (D.Gamson, E.Warren, S.Harris) Jessie J knows how to kick off a track doesn’t she? ‘Ain’t Been Done’ is a prime example of this – as soon as it’s played Jessie spits some attitude filled fast paced rap style hook. She then manages to throw the listener into a frenzy of different sounds with an almost ‘m



Paris Hilton 'Paris' 2006 Review

Paris Hilton - 'Paris' - 2006                REVIEW So surprised at what Paris had to offer on her album. There were quite a few bops actually! Anyone on here a fan? Here's a snippet of my review - for the full track by track review and overall thoughts visit: https://talkabouttunes.wordpress.com/2016/05/06/parishilton2006/   Turn It Up           *Audio* (P.Hilton, S.Storch, J.Bowden, P.Magnet) As soon as the song starts, we are presented with trashy urban beats, with su


