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So basically I started having pain earlier this week and the doctors kept telling me it was either a pulled muscle or an inflamed nerve. The pain kept getting worse, until yesterday when I started feeling better. Then all of a sudden last night at around 10:30 something happened (don't wanna go into detail) and my parents rushed me to the ER, and it turned out it was actually a cyst causing my pain and that it had abscessed. They had to make an incision right there and drain it, and they had to



My Coming Out Process: Step 1

Like most people, coming out has been a timely process, and I'm just talking about preparing for it. I made a promise to myself two years ago that I would come out to my parents by the time I was 20. Here's the fun part. I turn 20 NEXT MONTH.  It's not even about the goal anymore, but rather I feel that the time is coming. Today at an appointment with my psychiatrist, we got to talking about politics and particularly Donald Trump and his feud with Rosie O'Donnell. My psychiatrist was talking abo


