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If you're feeling like you're worth 1000 dollars today, or you just wanna pretend like you're a supermodel strutting down the runway that is your 3 meters long carpet, or break your spine as you attempt to do a death drop, this playlist is for you. Or you just want some music to listen to while you're sipping on your whiskey / liquor / coffee / tea / sprite / whatever and read the latest issue of Vogue, then this music is also for you. Enjoy.
(The genres are mostly house and electr
Don't worry, peach, it just means "hi" in Lithuanian.
Damn, my first ever blog entry. For this one, I decided to showcase some of my recent sketches, because I actually really like 'em and I hope that you do too.
This one is called "Tamara", which is basically a subconsciously drawn portrait of Tamara De Lempicka, a well known Art Deco artist. The thing is, I usually start out drawings with absolutely no plan in my head, which is something really fun. I didn't even