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Corocoro: New Pokemon Revealed!



Introducing Magiana, the new Pokemon design. While no type has been revealed yet, it looks somewhat like a trapped steel bunny. CoroCoro also gives information on why it is so special; stating that Volcanion is chasing after it, and only he knows Magiana's secret. Will this Pokemon make a surprise appearance in Z, or is 7th generation coming sooner than we think? More information will come as CoroCoro updates.




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3 minutes ago, Max said:

If this and Volcanion are any indicator for gen VII, I'd say let's delete it, fat.

Volcanion is a Gen VI Pokemon, you know that right? fall4 

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1 minute ago, RihannaRTT said:

Volcanion is a Gen VI Pokemon, you know that right? fall4 

Well it wasn't included in any Gen VI game, was it? I could see them recycling it as a cheap legend for VII. And if they are, I'm out. fall1

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Just now, Max said:

Well it wasn't included in any Gen VI game, was it? I could see them recycling it as a cheap legend for VII. And if they are, I'm out. fall1

It's an Event Legendary. It'll be released in June or something. It was in the coding for all Gen 6 games tho. 

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1 minute ago, RihannaRTT said:

It's an Event Legendary. It'll be released in June or something. It was in the coding for all Gen 6 games tho. 



Vaginamon is ugly enough alone anyway.

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2 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

Vaginamon > Volcanion tho tbh clap1 

True but both are ew 


Can anything even be worse than Volcanion? Don't think so demi1

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Clearly it's at least part steel type, but I won't make any guesses as to a secondary type jj2 it's adorable though, I'm excited to learn more about it cry6 

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17 minutes ago, Max said:

Mangina is probably steel/fairy.

Mess why didn't I think of fairy, it does serve slight Klefki realness

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37 minutes ago, Hylia said:

Mess why didn't I think of fairy, it does serve slight Klefki realness

Klefki? It's more Diancie. It looks like some man-made attempt to copy Diancie and this was the result (like DItto as a result of trying to copy Mew). It'll probably be Steel/Fairy. However, it's possible this could become another trio like Regis with an Ice / Fairy version.

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6 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

Klefki? It's more Diancie. It looks like some man-made attempt to copy Diancie and this was the result (like DItto as a result of trying to copy Mew). It'll probably be Steel/Fairy. However, it's possible this could become another trio like Regis with an Ice / Fairy version.

I meant  it looks like Klefki in a metallic fairy sort of way, idk how to explain it orangu1 I definitely agree that it resembles Diancie a lot more

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Would it be possible for this to be a generation 6 Pokémon and have its coding be available as DLC? Or am I just majorly reaching? orangu1 

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Wait though it was made over 500 years ago, what kind of Lanayru Province in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword/Ancient Aliens on History Channel teas jj2 

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8 hours ago, Hylia said:

Would it be possible for this to be a generation 6 Pokémon and have its coding be available as DLC? Or am I just majorly reaching? orangu1 

They would never do DLC in main series games. Whoever's in charge doesn't think it's right. It's possible this will be added into Z instead, with some other new additions, but the old games will probably not get patched; considering XY didn't get patched for new megas. 

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