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BDSP: Expectations, Predictions and More



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It's been almost two years since I made my last blog post, but with Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl on the horizon, it's the perfect time for a revival. I'm unsure if this will be a one-off entry or if the blog will see more regularly activity, but for now let's focus on the upcoming Switch releases. In this blog post, I'll be going over my thoughts of what to expect with the upcoming Diamond and Pearl remakes, and what will - and won't - be featured. Remember that these are educated guesses at best, so don't take anything I say as fact - or any unofficial sources for that matter. If you've missed it, here's the first trailer for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl:



I'll be putting this list together as a set of bullet points, but may also expand on specific ones for clarification. OK, let's get started, shall we?


General Info & Pre-Release

  • The release date will be November 19, 2021. Every main-series game since Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire has been released on the third week of November, and BDSP will likely be no exception.
  • The next info dump will be early June - either before or during E3's Nintendo Showcase. If before, follow-up info will drop at E3.
  • Gameplay footage will likely be shown at E3 Treehouse, similar to the footage of Nessa's gym from Sword & Shield or Viridian Forest from Let's Go. 


Pokemon Roster

  • All 493 Pokemon from the first four generations will be coded into BDSP, but not all will be natively available.
  • Alolan Forms and Galarian Forms of the existing Gen 1 to 4 Pokemon will also be available.
  • There will be no Sinnoh Forms. 
  • Sylveon and Galarian Evolutions such as Cursola or Perrserker will be available. 
  • At least one new mythical Generation 8 Pokemon will be introduced. 
  • Arceus will not be natively available within the game, but Darkrai or Shaymin (or both) will. 
  • Manaphy (and by association, Phione) will require a tie-in with another title - whether that is Pokemon HOME, Pokemon GO or otherwise. 
  • Regieleki and Regidrago will not be in the title, and will not be required for Regigigas.
  • The regional dex will likely be based on Diamond and Pearl, not Platinum. Wild encounters will be similar in distribution to the original titles, but not identical.
  • Swarms and Pokeradar encounters will return. Dual-pack encounters may return but influenced by save data from Let's Go and SWSH. 


The Story & Region

  • The story will largely take its basis from the original Diamond and Pearl - not Platinum - however some Platinum details will be included and it won't be fully identical.
  • A Platinum-inspired postgame will likely be included, similar to the Delta Episode. This may include the Distortion World for other legendary encounters. 
  • Some new inclusions or interactions will take place - like Archer's inclusion or Lorelei's added moment on Route 10 in Let's Go.
  • The region will be mostly unchanged from the original titles, with small additions or removals throughout. 
  • There will be no Wild Area.
  • Overworld encounters in routes will likely not exist - other than specific events like the Valley Windworks Drifloon.
  • The Underground is already confirmed to return from the original titles. 
  • The Great Marsh will still exist, but will no longer involve the Safari Game or the same mechanics from the original title. It will act similar to the Safari Zone from Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
  • Pal Park will be removed and replaced with a GO Park, like in Let's Go. 
  • The Game Corner will likely not be functional, or closed down entirely - as with all recent titles - due to legal gambling restrictions across the world.
  • Some gyms will have re-designs, and the gym leader and elite four teams will be re-designed also. 
  • There will be some form of battle facility postgame, but not the Battle Frontier. 



  • Mega Evolution will return. 
  • It is unlikely that any new mega evolutions will be present, but not impossible for the Sinnoh starters or Box Legendaries to get one. 
  • Primal Reversion will also likely return for Groudon and Kyogre. 
  • Dynamax, Gigantamax and Max Raid Battles will therefore not return. 
  • The "usual" battling / catching expectations will be included - four move slots, turn based gameplay, abilities, items, natures etc. No surprises here. 
  • Quality of Life changes from recent titles will also return - the Gen 8 EXP system, move re-learner having no cost, escape rope as a key item and obviously a lot more. 
  • HMs will likely be removed and replaced with another more convenient way - like Pokeride, an accessible Bike or Partner Skills. 
  • Multi-use TMs will return with a changed roster from SWSH. Single-use TRs will probably not return, due to the game having no Max Raids. 
  • Move Tutors will return for this purpose to expand on movesets. 
  • The Poketch will likely return in some capacity, but with different features - probably brought up by the Y menu. 
  • Berry Trees will return. Honey Trees will return but will be drastically improved. 
  • Pokemon Contests will return. 
  • Pokeball Seals will probably return.


Connectivity & Online

  • Unlike past generations, BDSP will probably not connect to SWSH due to the missing Pokemon in both games. Therefore battling and trading between games will be unlikely. 
  • Obviously, BDSP will connect to Pokemon HOME - but most likely not on launch day.
  • Wifi Rooms are already confirmed to return from the original titles (but likely improved). 
  • The Y-Comm is therefore not expected to return.
  • Single, Double and Multi battles will still exist, as will online trades. 
  • The GTS will likely return in Jubilife City, and will host Surprise Trades. 
  • Worlds 2022 will likely continue to use SWSH as BDSP will probably not have an online ranked battle system.
  • Pokemon GO will likely connect to BDSP similarly to the Let's Go titles. 
  • DLC should not be expected for this title. 



That's as much as I can think of for now. We'll check back in on this list after future reveals. See you next time. 


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Recommended Comments

Everything about these games just seems so basic, nothing‘s exciting. This is the biggest concern I have about them. I never enjoyed gen 4 much to begin with - it even turned the back on Pokémon during hen 4. I only returned during gen 6, which is also when I discovered my now favorite gen - number 5. 


 these lame ass remakes will probably push me away from the franchise once again. katy2 


The power of gen 4, I guess. katy2 

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5 minutes ago, Max said:

Everything about these games just seems so basic, nothing‘s exciting. This is the biggest concern I have about them. I never enjoyed gen 4 much to begin with - it even turned the back on Pokémon during hen 4. I only returned during gen 6, which is also when I discovered my now favorite gen - number 5. 


 these lame ass remakes will probably push me away from the franchise once again. katy2 


The power of gen 4, I guess. katy2 

Your taste is... concerning girl 🤧 gen 5 does nothing for me 🤧 that’s the gen when I abandoned pokemon


I don’t love gen 4 either though but all the QOL improvements from newer gens should make it better like ORAS did. 

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Now that more info about these games are coming to light, I'm gonna go back through this list and give a blue font to anything correct and a red font to anything incorrect. First of which is the release date which was painfully obvious.

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Updated with some more blue font for correct predictions. A lot of stuff is probably correct but until the game releases we can't be sure. 

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