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My Coming Out Process: Step 1



Like most people, coming out has been a timely process, and I'm just talking about preparing for it. I made a promise to myself two years ago that I would come out to my parents by the time I was 20. Here's the fun part. I turn 20 NEXT MONTH. orangu1 It's not even about the goal anymore, but rather I feel that the time is coming. Today at an appointment with my psychiatrist, we got to talking about politics and particularly Donald Trump and his feud with Rosie O'Donnell. My psychiatrist was talking about Rosie's strained relationship with her daughter and wondered if her daughter might have homophobic tendencies, and I kinda blurted out "that's something I wanna talk to my parents about. Coming out". It was that moment that for the first time ever, I've told someone in real life that I'm gay. We talked a lot about coming out and she told me that from the times she's talked to my mom (my mom also sees her for other reasons) that my mom always seems proud of me and that she doesn't think that my parents will have a problem with it. She reassured me that no matter what my parents' initial reaction is, that things will will work out in the end. She was so supportive and I really feel like I've took a major step for myself and that I'm finally starting this journey I've wanted to start for a very long time now. 


I also must must thank all of you on FOTP. Being able to talk to all of you on here, I haven't felt alone with my sexuality considering I live in the Bible Belt. I hope that soon I'm able to post part 2 with my parents' reaction, and I hope that part 2 is filled with good news.


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Good luck sis! I can definitely relate to FOTP helping to embrace my sexuality as well, I don't think I'd be as comfortable as I am with being gay if it wasn't for FOTP.


I don't see myself coming out to my parents any time soon tho. xtina1 

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1 hour ago, Cortez said:

@Hylia How'd it go? cry1 

I turned 20 a couple of weeks ago and I'm still not out so orangu1 I'm focusing on other stuff atm jj2 

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Just now, Hylia said:

I turned 20 a couple of weeks ago and I'm still not out so orangu1 I'm focusing on other stuff atm jj2 

Well, good luck with that other stuff! jj2 

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