Pokemon Sun and Moon - A Summary of the Last Three Months!
Hello my little pokemonsters. It's been over three and a half months since my last blog entry on the Pokemon world; but I'm finally feeling ready to post again. And what an amazing three months it has been! So strap in for the ride, as I take you through the trials, more trials, Anti-level trials and tribulations of the last three months!
So, what's the most important news? Well... Pokemon Z is a no go. Poor Zygarde, abandoned in his little terminus cave in Kalos; with his anime-exclusive plot and forms. Isn't that a bit... suspect? Well, possibly. But the one thing we know is that the next game is not Pokemon Z. #PoorZygarde
So... what is taking its place? Say hello to the seventh fucking generation of the Pokemon series; Pokemon Sun and Moon!
Pokemon Sun and Moon will be released on November 18 "worldwide" - that means USA, Japan and Australia - because we're still being punished for some Italians who leaked details of Pokemon X and Y (even though Canada did the same thing, but I don't see America having to suffer too #fuckyouMasuda #fuckyouGameFreak #fuckyouNintendo)... ahem. Yeah, Europe is getting the game on November 23.
Meanwhile, let's talk about a happier subject. Those two new Pokemon on the box arts! The former is the box art legendary (while not officially confirmed, it's pretty obvious considering their location in the trailer - which I'll get to later) for Pokemon Sun, and the latter being the box art legendary for Pokemon Moon (I'm sure none of you needed to know this). We know nothing about these legendaries right now; not even their names. What we do know however, the trademarked names which seem to be legit. These leaked months ago. Meet Solgaleo and Luna'ala!
Solgaleo is derived from Sun, Galileo and Leo - meaning Lion. Sun Lion? Look what we got! It's Entei bathed in bleach a Sun Lion! I'm honestly not a fan of this design; it's boring and just predictable. Also we had a lion Pokemon last generation and Pyroar looked better than this mess really. We see it using - in the Japanese trailer - a move where it jumps into the air and launches a whole ray of - what is probably - fire at the opponent. It's fairly certain that Solgaleo will be Fire type. There's rumours going around on various other types; including Electric and Steel (both of which I think are quite stupid honestly). It's either - in my opinion - Fire or Fire/Psychic due to the spacial elements it pertains. It's cute I guess, but it just serves redundant Entei. The worst box legendary of the 3ds era for me; however the other three are all amazing.
Next, we move onto the absolute amazing Luna'ala. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a tragic looking design that came out of Digimon? None of the above (well, possibly a bird)! What we are looking at is the best legendary Pokemon since Kyogre! That's right. I said that shit. Get used to it, because Luna'ala shits on all of your uglee faves from the past three generations (not like generation 4 or 5 had any good designs anyway). I absolutely stan this thing. It's some kind of vampire bat or something with elements from the moon? I don't even know, but it just looks so perfect! The darkness it exudes; the evilness. I will be raising one for fucking sure. Let's just appreciate her beauty one more time!
Luna'ala is obviously derived from Lunar - aka, from the moon - and Ala - Italian for Wing. So, what could it's typing be? Well, honestly, I see it being anything from the Dark, Ice, Psychic, Ghost, Flying, Fairy or Water range really. There are reasons for all of it. Dark, because the moon causes Eevee to evolve into it's Dark-type evolution Umbreon, Ghost - because of the skeletal elements, Flying - because of it's airborne nature, the huge wing and it's name origin, Fairy because most Moon-located attacks (Moonblast, Moonlight) are fairy-type, Psychic because of the space and cosmic elements it portrayed, and Water because the moon is actually known to control the tides; and it would be opposing Solgaleo's fire-type. Well, I missed one out. The Ice-type.
What you see above is the - most probably - signature move of Luna'ala. Luna'ala takes the shape of a crescent moon and fires a blue beam right at it's opponent. I seem to be the only one to think this, but to me, this just SCREAMS Ice-type. For similar reasons with the water typing; but I seem to recall the moon and ice being grouped together in mythology before. So for this reason, I believe Luna'ala will be either Ghost/Ice or Dark/Ice. My first and most prominent guess is Dark/Ice - and if Solgaleo is Fire/Psychic, this makes them both weak and strong against each other. Their typings will probably be revealed in the upcoming two months.
What's this? Could it be? Another trademark? Well yes indeed. Trademarked around the same time, and in the same way, as Solgaleo and Luna'ala, say hello to Marshadow. Many speculate this to be a third Pokemon - in the same way that Rayquaza is to Kyogre and Groudon, or that Zygarde is to Xerneas and Yveltal. We only know the name, so let's discuss it while we can. We have a name origin that comes from either Mars or Marsh (or possibly both) and Shadow. This leaves us with a few suggestions. Mars could imply Fighting-type, FIre-type or Psychic-type. Fighting because Mars - or Ares in Greek mythology - is known as the God of War., Fire because Mars is often associated with fire in most popular culture, and Psychic type because of the obvious space theme. Marsh on the other hand could relate to water, grass, ground or poison-typing. Water, Grass and Ground all exist in swamp-like marsh areas. But the more exciting prospect is Poison-type. Many poison-type Pokemon exist in swamps or marshy areas within the Pokemon games, and the possibility of our first Poison-type legendary excites me to no extreme. Obviously Shadow hints at a ghost-typing for obvious reasons. Based on this, I believe Marshadow will be a Ghost/Poison type pokemon; with possibly a red design to match the Mars element.
The above screenshot reveals details on another trademark. As you can see, it's not exactly trademarked in the same way. For that reason, not everyone believes it is a Pokemon. But let's discuss it anyway. The trademark's name is Gigareki. If we were to break this down, Giga generally means Earth, however could be translated as colossal. Gareki translates to some form of Rubble. For those unaware, the definition of Rubble is as follows: "waste or rough fragments of stone, brick, concrete, etc., especially as the debris from the demolition of buildings". This leaves us with a possible Ground, Rock or Psychic typing. Ground - as all Earth based attacks are Ground-type, Rock from the rubble debris, or Psychic from the cosmic elements of the planet Earth itself. So either a Ground/Rock or a Psychic/Rock - or even a pure Rock type, could be entirely plausible here. Where would this fit in with the other three; well we have Solgaleo (Sun), Lunaala (Moon), Gigareki (Earth), and Marshadow (Mars). Perhaps we'll get four legendaries instead of three; and get a sequel like BW2 with Gigareki and Marshadow. Who knows? But that's always a possibility. After all, Pokemon itself is just an endless pit of possibilities!
We've rambled about the legendaries long enough, but I hope you remember the name origins of Solgaleo and Luna'ala - as they both seemed to have Italian references. Does that mean Gen 7 takes place in Italy? Not at all. Gen 7 takes place in the Alola Region - word-play on the Hawaiian word, Aloha! That's right bitches, Hawaii is finally confirmed. This island closely resembles once of the Hawaiian islands - the one with Honolulu. In addition, a screenshot from the trailer shows Kukui (we'll come back to him) saying "Welcome Cousin". If you learned anything from Lilo and Stitch, it's that Ohana means Family Hawaiians call each other cousin all the time! We also see many Hawaiian trees and Tiki statues across the island. What's interesting is that this particular island - although most of us believe this is obviously not the only island we will travel to - contains the real life locations of Diamond Head Volcano, and the infamous Pearl Harbor. Diamond and Pearl? #Gen4RemakesConfirmed.
Meet Kukui. The guy on the left. Kukui - pronounced Koo-Koo-Ee - is modelled after a nut. The Kukui nut can be found in Hawaii. However that's not all, as Kukui is also the name of the official state tree of Hawaii. A guy named after a tree wearing a lab coat, must be the professor, right? Well, not exactly. There's another guy; a much older guy, named Hala, on the right, who throws out the three starter Pokemon to you. I've kept you waiting long enough, so let's meet the three adorable little critters!
Meet Rowlet! I'm sure everyone already knows who Rowlet is by now; as he's been my avatar for a few weeks and the hit gif of him exploding the Pokemon across from him and his trainer behind him has been making the rounds too! Irrespective of that, Rowlet is our first dual-type first-stage starter since the OG, Bulbasaur himself! Rowlet is Grass/Flying and knows a new move; Leafage. Rowlet is an owl Pokemon who attacks with powerful kicks and long-range attacks. I personally believe Rowlet might lose his flying typing and become Grass/Ground - due to some encrypted data in the Pokemon site where it showed six types - Grass, Flying, Ground, Fire, Water, Fighting. Ground being before Fire would suggest that the Ground type went to the Rowlet line instead. And since prehistoric birds did lose their flight, prepare for disappointment. Rowlet is mine - and the majority of the Pokemon fanbase's - favorite first-stage starter of the generation! Now, time to meet the second favorite!
Litten, the fire cat Pokemon! Litten is obviously derived from the term Lit - after something has been set on fire - and Kitten. There is huge speculation, and I agree, that Litten will become the first tiger Pokemon as it evolves. I also believe that Litten will remain a pure fire-type. Litten's fur is so flammable that it licks itself and then uses its hairballs to fire embers at the opponent. Litten is revealed to know Ember from when you choose it. The other possible typings for its evolutions could be either poison - because of the acidic references in Litten's design - and dark - because... well look at it.
And finally, we have... Pooplio Popplio. The one that no one really likes. The literal clown. Just eh. Just no. Just moving on.
So what else do we know about Pokemon Sun and Moon? Well. Not an awful lot. There are two other new Pokemon we have seen so far - outside of Magearna. These two pictures above are fan creations of the small information we got about them. For the dog Pokemon, you can see in the screenshot above a very low quality look at a 3D model. While some believe this to be a deer, most of us reasonably think this is a new canine Pokemon. Back in February, the Pokemon direct revealed a wireframe of a model; which some believed to be Fletchling. A lot of people pointed out that it couldn't be Fletchling, and that it must be a new Pokemon creation. An artist quickly drew what they thought the final design would be. We have no real information on these Pokemon, but may expect to know more in the upcoming months.
Above, are the English and Japanese trailers for Pokemon Sun and Moon. These were released on May 10th. They feature everything that I've just discussed here; and a few more minor bits of detail. Check them out if you haven't. The final thing, that I need to say, is that we WILL receive new information - which will be posted to the Japanese website - on June 2nd at 22;00 JST. That's 13:00 UTC, 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST, 09:00 EDT, 06:00 PDT and 23:00 AEST.. This was confirmed via Pokemon's Japanese Twitter account. Google Translate tells us that the tweet mentions the word 'Video' and therefore it's possible to be new video footage; possibly containing new Pokemon, new features, more information on the legendaries. We don't really know yet. But we will in nine days! Stay tuned for a new Top Ten countdown, coz I'm back bitches!
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