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My Top Ten Electric-Type Pokemon



#10. Luxray

We kick off My Top-Ten Electric Type Pokemon countdown with this canine Pokemon. The #10 spot was the hardest to decide as both Manectric and Luxray were fighting for their inclusion. Whilst Manectric did get a mega evolution in generation six, I still feel like Luxray has the better design; and I wholeheartedly expect it to get one in generation seven; most likely from the inevitable Diamond and Pearl remakes. One of the better generation four designs, even if there's nothing really that makes you connect with it. 



#9. Lanturn

The only Water/Electric dual-typed Pokemon (not an alternative form) makes its way here. As water is my favorite type, it's unsurprising that it would influence this list. I've never been the biggest fan of Lanturn overall; but I appreciate what it was going for and may use one in future. I feel like generation two Pokemon will get the most mega evolutions in the upcoming Sun and Moon games, but I don't think Lanturn will receive one as Kingdra will probably be the more desired Water-type (alongside Feraligatr). Lanturn is cute in Never-Used, I guess. 



#8. Emolga

Three Pikachu clones end up on this list - one of them being Pikachu. Emolga places third. One of the only generation five Pokemon that at first, I instantly thought was kinda cute. It's a shame the Pikachu clones - post-Pikachu - got no evolutions because their stats are slightly unfortunate Emolga has a nice Electric/Flying typing which removes it's ground weakness, but adds rock and ice to that mix. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity really helped with the personality of the Pokemon too! One of the better generation five designs.




#7. Rotom

At first, I didn't really know what to think of Rotom. I knew that it was swimming about in various pools competitively; particularly Rotom-Wash. It's design felt... eh; but maybe just because of it not being an animal. I, like many, are not the biggest fan of Pokemon not based off of animals - for the most part. However, I grew to Rotom's design and used one - the regular form - in a recent playthrough of Pokemon Platinum, and he was really the saving grace of my team for at least half the game. When I was in trouble, it was Rotom who always pulled it out of the bag. Yas gawd. 



#6. Pikachu

Ah. The mascot of the franchise. Sorry, Pikachu, but you miss the top five. Pikachu gets a lot of slack for being the mascot of the franchise but he's such a cutey. He even gets his own dress up kit - including the fabulous pop-star Pikachu (which I know all of us gays picked). In addition, he packs Lightningrod as his hidden ability and gets an item to himself; the Light Ball. Light Ball doubles Pikachu's attack and special attack stats in battle. I feel like it's not enough to make Pikachu amazing, and they should have it double every stat - excluding HP because of technical restrictions. Pikachu is the only Pokemon that will be on this list, instead of the final evolution, representing it's whole line. There are other middle evolutions that I like more than the final evolution, but only Pikachu will appear as the line's mascot, because he literally IS the mascot. There may be one other similar occasion in a different countdown, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. In the meantime, give it up for the legend:



#5. Ampharos

Wella, wella, wella, uh. What can I say about LGBT-iCON Ampharos. For those who haven't watched Marilland's walkthrough of Super Mystery Dungeon; go do it. He perfectly voices Ampharos in my opinion; a camp, but very slow, Pokemon. Not the brighest bulb of the bunch; even if his tail is. What makes things better for Ampharos is his pre-evolutions; Mareep and Flaaffy; particularly the latter. I was always infatuated with Flaaffy since Molly - the anti-hero from Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown - used one in her battle with Brock. One of my favorite generation 2 Pokemon. Choosing between #3, #4 and #5 was a hard choice and my opinion will probably change daily, but for now, I'm placing the Ampharos line here at #5. 



#4. Dedenne

ISN'T IT JUST SO FUCKING CUTE!!! Cutey!!! I love this little thing, and I love it even more when I see this little bitch sweeping teams and taking hits in double battles! I remember when Pokemon X and Y came out, and everyone was interested in whether Pikachu would become Fairy-type (for some reason...). Instead, we got a new clone; the best of them all, with a fairy-typing. Dedenne is known for its Nuzzle attack which paralyses everything it hits. Dedenne is a main character - almost - in the Pokemon X and Y anime as Bonnie's assistant. Like, Ampharos, Dedenne's placement is not final, but it's just based on how I feel this morning.



#3. Raikou

Entering the top three we have my second favorite of the legendary dogs - Raikou. What's interesting to note is that my favorite dog, Suicune, only appears at #7 on my Water-type countdown. Goes to show how much I love my water-types, I guess. Raikou always seemed to get the short-end of the stick really. Suicune got a movie, entry into Pokken tournament and a game to himself, Entei got a movie, and Raikou got a little anime special? Mess. There's not much I can say about Raikou other than it's great 115 Special Attack and Speed, and it's wonderful design. Like the previous two, Raikou's position could fall to #4 or #5 on a bad day, but I love all three very much. 



#2 Jolteon

Will there be an eeveelution to not cross this list? Who knows honestly. Jolteon appears here at #2 on the Electric-type countdown, following Vaporeon (#2), Espeon (#2), Glaceon (#5) and Leafeon (#10) in their respective countdowns. I was never the biggest fan of Jolteon at first, but somewhere in the last three years - possibly Red using one in Pokemon Origins - Jolteon literally jolted up my rankings and became one of my favorite all-time Pokemon. His AMAZING speed and great special attack make him a force to be reckoned with! Also what a cute little design too! 



#1. Zapdos

Say hello to literally Bird-Jesus. Zapdos; the rightful king. Zapdos has an extreme 125 special attack stat; alongside a speed of 100. It also abuses Thunder perfectly in the rain. You know what else it would like to abuse with these stats and typings? FUCKING HURRICANE. But noooo, some cunt at Gamefreak decided it shouldn't get it. And even worse, it's hidden ability got retconned from the amazing Lightningrod to fucking Static. Jesus, who runs this piece of trash company?  What's worse is I think, I actually slightly prefer Articuno to Zapdos now (let's not mention Rubber Chicken). Oops, cucked again. Well, at least Zapdos is my favorite electric-type and one of my favorite Pokemon of all time. My fond memories of using it to sweep Lorelei in Pokemon Stadium will never leave me! See you next time on a future top-ten countdown - I wonder what type it'll be, hmm; what IS my sixth favorite type? Find out later this week. 



Recommended Comments

2 hours ago, Saiga said:




IKR. stan for one of the best pokemon from the last 10 years legend1 

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Garbage list cuz you included the 10th knockoff electric mouse Dedenne but not Raichu, the superior evolution of the classic. Next. trash1 

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Just now, Cloud said:

Garbage list cuz you included the 10th knockoff electric mouse Dedenne but not Raichu, the superior evolution of the classic. Next. trash1 



 Pikachu is the only Pokemon that will be on this list, instead of the final evolution, representing it's whole line. There are other middle evolutions that I like more than the final evolution, but only Pikachu will appear as the line's mascot, because he literally IS the mascot. There may be one other similar occasion in a different countdown, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it


I don't do individual Pokemon. I do evolutionary lines. Usually the final pokemon in the line represents them, but in this case, I chose Pikachu. Raichu comes here too (even though Pichu and Pikachu >)

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1 minute ago, RihannaRTT said:



I don't do individual Pokemon. I do evolutionary lines. Usually the final pokemon in the line represents them, but in this case, I chose Pikachu. Raichu comes here too (even though Pichu and Pikachu >)

Raichu is the best tho. Don't you say Pichu and Pika > Raichu clap1 

Actually a good list except for Dedenne. Game Freak's laziest design. "Let's take Pikachu and make him stubbier." fall4 

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Just now, Cloud said:

Raichu is the best tho. Don't you say Pichu and Pika > Raichu clap1 

Actually a good list except for Dedenne. Game Freak's laziest design. "Let's take Pikachu and make him stubbier." fall4 

Dedenne is more based on Raichu than Pikachu. But 100 times cuter. 


Also Raichu is the ultimate cuck. Light Ball needs to be retconned so all of Pikachu's stats double (except HP coz tech restrictions). 

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2 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

Dedenne is more based on Raichu than Pikachu. But 100 times cuter. 


Also Raichu is the ultimate cuck. Light Ball needs to be retconned so all of Pikachu's stats double (except HP coz tech restrictions). 

I rate them on design not battle technique. moo1 

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Just now, Cloud said:

I rate them on design not battle technique. moo1 

so do I moo1 Pikachu, Pichu and Dedenne are cute. Raichu is not moo1 It's a nice design, but I prefer Pikapi. 

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11 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

Inb4 you're fave is Electashit awk1 

Ewww, no. It's this god:



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11 minutes ago, Cloud said:

Garbage list cuz you included the 10th knockoff electric mouse Dedenne but not Raichu, the superior evolution of the classic. Next. trash1 

Thanks for speaking my mind! I hate Dedenne with a passion because of this.

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Just now, Max said:

Ewww, no. It's this god:



Oh KK. I will let you know that Heliokween was in my shortlist moo1 Probably comes about #12. 

Wait... didn't you hate Helioptile when it got revealed. I seem to remember you saying "they're ruining it with flopmons like this" interesting1 

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1 minute ago, RihannaRTT said:

Oh KK. I will let you know that Heliokween was in my shortlist moo1 Probably comes about #12. 

Wait... didn't you hate Helioptile when it got revealed. I seem to remember you saying "they're ruining it with flopmons like this" interesting1 

I so was! But damn did that cute little thing grow on me.

I used it in every of my Y playthroughs and also traded it over to my OR version now. It's pretty much my favorite to fight with, alongside Froslass. cry1 

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