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My Top Ten Ghost-Type Pokemon



#10. Chandelure

My sixth favorite Pokemon-type was between bug and ghost. Bug has a few more standouts, but Ghost is a good type overall. So we'll kick the ghost-type countdown off with Chandelure. Chandelure is one of the saving graces of generation V, but also one of the most overrated Pokemon from it; and really it doesn't deserve it. Maybe it's the thought of it being an inanimate object; IDK. It's a good design but not a great one. Pokken Tournament added a slight hint of personality to her though. 



#9. Giratina

The #9 spot on this list went to Giratina. It was somewhat hard to place #9-#11 (#11 being Hoopa). But Giratina always has an exciting role in the games. The distortion world - while annoying - was rather cute, and I can't help but wonder if they'll have a DW post-game to the Diamond and Pearl remakes that are inevitably coming out either next year or the year after. Giratina's not the greatest legendary design by any means, but it's just a little cutey. Who's a cute little legendary Pokemon? Ahem... no, but it's a solid design and it's role in games like Mystery Dungeon help it out a bit. 



#8. Drifblim

I'ma make one thing clear. While I like Drifblim, I don't necessarily love Drifblim. I didn't really pay attention at first, but I really did quite like Drifloon; it was cute and cuddly but also had a slight prankster-like nature; and then I see it evolves into this thing... really? It's only natural to see it now, but it's just kinda a let down. Drifblim has some nice defensive stats and a nice ability so it places here at #8, but Drifloon's design is much cuter. 



#7. Aegislash

An inanimate object. "Has he lost his mind?" I hear you all scream. The fumes are coming through my computer screen already. Honestly, yeah, I didn't like the Honedge / Doublade / Aegislash lines when they were announced. But they grew on me a lot; especially as I have an Aegislash on one of my FFA-teams. It's a solid design when it comes to it. And it looks decent without seeming overdesigned. 



#6. Banette

I've never been the biggest fan of Banette. I always preferred him to Dusclops. But it felt like after the two amazing ghost-types we had in the first generation, the ones from the third generation felt cheap. However, Banette's very, very, VERY basic design got a lovely buff in generation six with his mega evolution. Also becoming strong as hell and being an offensive prankster... which I'm not sure if it was a good or a bad move. But the new purple elements to Mega-Banette really makes the Pokemon all the more exciting to use. 



#5. Gourgeist

We're almost at the heavy hitters and again, I can sense the fumes. Gourgeist is... a meh design really. One worse than Aegislash realistically. However, this #5 spot encompasses the whole evolutionary line. And Pumpkaboo is something to write home about. It's one of the most adorable designs, and has a great personality in the Pokemon X and Y anime. It's really a shame that it evolved to become Jack and the Beanstalk's weird cousin. Hopefully split evolutions return in generation seven, and Pumpkaboo gets a cute evolution. 



#4. Rotom

Picking between the #3 and #4 spot was the hardest decision on the list for me. I had pros and cons for both of the Pokemon, but Rotom eventually ends up here at #4. Originally, as you can read in my Electric type countdown, I wasn't the biggest fan of Rotom; I thought it was a good design but I'd never used one - until I decided to use it in Pokemon Platinum, and for most of the game, it became the saving grace of my team with it's Shadow Ball and Thunder combo. So for my newly discovered love of Rotom (well, the original form - half of the alternate forms look uglee), it places here at #4.



#3. Sableye

This little bitch. Yes, once again, I can sense the fumes from everyone who got dragged by a will-o-wisp abusing Sableye. Sableye is THE prankster ghost. It's honestly such a basic but nice design. I always preferred Sapphire to Ruby because of Kyogre and Sableye being the exclusives. Until recently, I never thought much of Mawile. However, Sableye on it's own would have probably ended up at #4. The mega evolution it received in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, however, changed that. I just love the personality it exudes; pranking opposing Pokemon, mega evolving and hiding behind this amazing shield. You go king! 



#2. Gengar

Perhaps, to the surprise of most of you, Gengar doesn't chart at #1. The only ghost-type Pokemon from the first generation makes its mark here at the #2 spot. Obviously, this includes both Gastly and Haunter. Gengar is just a nice solid final evolution design. Gastly has so much personality in the Maiden's Peak episode of the anime, and Haunter is my absolute favorite of the three; it exudes so much personality and in HeartGold and SoulSilver, follows behind you while masturbating all the time. It's really something, huh? Gengar got a mega evolution in generation six, and I'm slightly disappointed that it kept the Ghost/Poison typing. While you can see the poison-elements more on the mega design, I hoped that the color scheme and the third-eye would make it Ghost/Psychic instead. But alas. In the meantime, we have GengarTheGreat. 



#1. Mismagius

Misdreavus and Mismagius are officially my favorite Ghost-type. and it's fucking annoying because they're so limited in the main games; only being available early on in Pearl and Pokemon Colosseum meg1 Generation IV did a lot of things wrong; it created basic and uninspired Pokemon (albeit not as bad as gen V), and then it created uglee evolutions of decent generation 1, 2 and 3 Pokemon. But, there were a few gems in those cross-gen evolutions; and one of those was Mismagius. Misdreavus was already a fave of mine due to her design, but then Mismagius came out and had all these witch-like elements to her. She's just so fabulous. I'm praying she'll get a mega evolution in either Sun and Moon or the DP remakes - however as she is a Pearl exclusive Pokemon, I expect it to be in the DP remakes. Oh and, Ghost/Fairy typing would be nice. 



Recommended Comments

53 minutes ago, Cloud said:

I didn't know #9 was even Ghost fall1 

How didn't you know dead2 Have you never played Platinum dead2 Giratina was the only ghost-type legendary Pokemon until Hoopa came along. 

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12 hours ago, RihannaRTT said:

How didn't you know dead2 Have you never played Platinum dead2 Giratina was the only ghost-type legendary Pokemon until Hoopa came along. 

I skipped playing Gens 4 and 5. I've played 1-3 and 6. mad5 

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5 hours ago, Cloud said:

I skipped playing Gens 4 and 5. I've played 1-3 and 6. mad5 

yas. play the best gens cry6 skip the trasH

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