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Mega Evolution - Theories and Speculation





Hello. It's me. 




This evening, I'm bringing you all a new discussion topic; mega evolution. Mega evolution is, to quote the Pokemon XY Abridged Series: "when a Pokemon that's fully evolved... evolves again.. and then it goes... MEGA!" Ah, heh, yeah... Anyway, Mega Evolutions were the main focus of Generation Six and will likely remain and become even more populous over time. Generation six introduced 48 mega evolutions (28 in XY, 20 in ORAS). I've spent the last two-three hours researching this topic, and I'm here to bring you the 42 mega evolutions I believe will occur in Generation Seven 




So how will this work? Well, first of all it's important to note what each generation has brought to the table in terms of megas. At current standings, generation 3 has the most megas with 20 evolutions, followed by generation 1 at 15 mega evolutions, then comes generation 2 with six evolutions, generation 4 with five evolutions, and lastly the two newest genertaions - 5 and 6 - with one mega evolution each. XY introduced 28 mega evolutions and ORAS introduced 20. My speculative list will detail TWENTY-FOUR mega evolutions for Pokemon Sun and Moon, and then a futher EIGHTEEN mega evolutions for the inevitable Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes - these are obviously happening but see my Sun and Moon recap for the details. This list does not factor in a third version. It's also important to note that this is PURE speculation on my part but I did my research and I believe these will be the Pokemon that will have mega evolutions in the next three years. Strap in for the ride, coz we're gonna go through all of them! 




We're going to kick this list of with the 24 mega evolutions that I predict for Pokemon Sun and Moon. As a general note, I believe that - since Generation Six was aimed at genwunners - generation seven will aim to resemble generation two and will focus on giving mega evolutions to generation two; as well as populating generation five and six by a tiny amount and giving generation four a good few like XY did with generation three. So are you ready to begin? Because you're about to be blown away (or sent to sleep; one or the other). 


#012. Butterfree

I'm sure, like me, many of you were outraged that the basic bitch Beedrill got a mega, and not the bug that was popular - despite being somewhat shit - during the early generations. Ash's first caught Pokemon; Butterfree. Well, all is not lost. I believe that many pokemon who will get mega evolutions will be counterparts of some kind; and because Beedrill got a mega evolution in ORAS, I believe Butterfree will be the first to get one - obviously, since it's the first in the dex without one - in Pokemon Sun and Moon. Something else to note is that version exclusive Pokemon seem to be targets for mega evolutions and Butterfree was exclusive to White as Beedrill was exclusive to Black. 


#045. Vileplume


I believe Vileplume will be one of the new Pokemon to get a mega evolution. My reasoning? A little bit of personal bias; but not a lot. Vileplume does actually have some hints to it getting a mega. For example, Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire gave certain Pokemon expanded movepools; and one of those Pokemon was Oddish. Oddish, at level 43, learns the new Fairy-move, Moonblast. The Oddish line is the only line to acquire Moonblast newly in ORAS. Vileplume is also a version exclusive - in Red and FireRed - as well as having a split-gen evolution (Bellossom, who FYI is on this list too), and a counterpart in Victreebel. 

#068. Machamp


I know many of you are quaking in your boots (or probably high heels...) that No-Guard Fissure Machamp could possibly be a thing. I'm more thinking about it being a mega evolution. Looking at Pokken Tournament; excluding Suicune (as a legendary) and Braixen (as a NFE Pokemon), the only ones without mega evolutions are Machamp, Chandelure and Weavile. I believe that these may be Easter eggs to future mega-contenders. What's also interesting is that Machamp could be classified as counterpart to Gengar and Alakazam because of the trade evolution prowess it possesses. 

#154. Meganium, #157. Typhlosion, #160. Feraligatr


I'm sure that this isn't a shock to most of you. If generation seven really is the "sequel" to generation six, then I wholeheartedly expect mega evolutions for the Johto starters. Unless, I'm wrong about the whole direction they will take with this generation, I don't see a way that these three will not obtain mega evolutions this generation. 

#169. Crobat


Crobat is a popular Pokemon and a cross-gen evolution. Realistically, that makes me think that he has a high chance of becoming mega-evolved in Pokemon Sun and Moon. There isn't any other basis for this except the higher possibility because it's a cross-gen evolution. 

#182. Bellossom


I already stated earlier that Bellossom would be on this list. It's a split evolution with Vileplume, and revolves around the sun. It evolves with a sun stone first of all. Secondly, it's a hula dancer - a type of dance which is culturally known as an export of Hawaii. And, because of Vileplume, it also is a version exclusive in the same sense. I would be shocked if Bellossom was not given a mega evolution this generation. 

#199. Slowking


Somewhat tragically, we were given a mega evolution for Slowbro last generation. And it was a bit of a shock. No one really like Slowbro. There's many more popular Kanto water-types; including Starmie, Lapras, Golduck and Dewgong, and overall, it just seemed to catch everyone off-guard. But one thing to note is that Slowbro is a split-evolution; and the other evolution is Slowking. Like Gardevoir and Gallade before them, this makes me think that Slowking will receive his mega evolution this generation. 

#217. Ursaring


Ursaring is a somewhat decent Normal-type Pokemon that no one really cares about. That makes it a perfect candidate for a mega evolution! Something else that makes it a candidate is its version exclusivity. Ursaring is available in Pokemon Gold and Pokemon SoulSilver - I'm not exactly sure what reason propelled the switch of games here honestly. 

#227. Skarmory


Skarmory is one of the two bulky flying-type Pokemon from generation two - who holds a counterpart in the Water/Flying Pokemon Mantine. Skarmory is also version exclusive in Pokemon Silver, FireRed, and SoulSilver. I believe that like Mawile and Sableye, Skarmory will receive a mega evolution in Sun and Moon, and Mantine - who is catchable in the original Sinnoh games - will later receive one in the remakes of those games. 

#230. Kingdra


What's the basis behind Kingdra? It's... a strong dragon type Pokemon. That's basically it. It's also a cross-gen evolution; but it's dragoness powers make me believe that Kingdra will receive a mega evolution - especially when you take into account that out of the 20 mega evolutions in ORAS, six of them were dragon-types! Kingdra, being the only dragon from generation two, becomes the prime candidate! 

#232. Donphan


Donphan... is another version exclusive Pokemon - and somewhat counterpart to Ursaring. Donphan is exclusive to Silver and HeartGold. Donphan, similar to Ursaring, is also somewhat forgotten and outclassed which makes having a mega evolution all the more important. 

#350. Milotic


I'm sure you're all laughing in your seats right now coz "MUH MEGA MILOTIC" meme. Yeah, unfortunately Milotic ended up not getting a mega evolution in ORAS; despite being a fan-favorite. Flygon was excused due to their inability to make a good design, but they never mentioned Milotic. I do feel like it was planned for ORAS as it IS the counterpart to Gyarados; both evolving from useless fish but also in base stat totals. For that reason, I really do believe - and hope - that Milotic will finally become even more beautiful with her mega evolution in Sun and Moon! 

#405. Luxray


Luxray is one of the most popular generation four Pokemon and I believe that it could be one of the generation four Pokemon that will get a mega evolution prior to the Diamond and Pearl remakes. I feel like Generation two will have the most mega evolutions for Sun and Moon, and like the generation three megas in XY, generation four megas will be the second most populous in Sun and Moon - to hint more towards the remakes. 

#419. Floatzel


See above basically. Floatzel is in the same boat - pun intended - as Luxray except that it's Water-type as opposed to Electric. 

#461. Weavile


Weavile is another Pokemon that could easily hint to generation four remakes. However, it's also special in that it's a cross-gen evolution - and that it evolves from the generation two Pokemon, Sneasel. Weavile is also a Pokemon included in Pokken Tournament - and alongside Chandelure and Machamp - the only one to not have a mega (excluding legendaries and NFE Pokemon). For these reasons, I believe Weavile will snatch his mega evolution in Sun and Moon. 

#472. Gliscor


Gliscor is basically Weavile's counterpart. Weavile evolves from Sneasel and Gliscor evolves from Gligar. Weavile evolves by levelling up with the Razor Claw, and Gliscor evolves as the Gligar levels up with the Razor Fang. They're literally just counterparts; and for that reason, I see Gliscor getting a mega evolution too! 

#478. Froslass


The final generation four Pokemon I believe to get a mega evolution in Sun and Moon is Froslass. Glalie got a mega evolution in ORAS, and it's split evolution, Froslass received nothing. For this reason alone, Froslass will more than likely get a mega this generation. 

#553. Krookodile


Krookodile is on this list because he's one of the more popular Generation Five Pokemon. Generation five had tragic designs for the most part and the Pokemon weren't really memorable; and that explains why they only have 1 mega evolution - out of 156 Pokemon. I believe they will get a small amount of representation from the upcoming generation; and Krookodile is one of the more popular that could possibly warrant a mega evolution. 

#609. Chandelure


Like Krookodile, Chandelure is one of the most beloved Pokemon from generation five. It's so overrated that it scored the only generation five slot in Pokken Tournament - not even Zoroark getting that honor. It also evolves with a dusk stone; which, while not much, could also refer to the Moon. I think if any mega evolution goes to gen V, Chandelure will snatch it...

#635. Hydreigon


... or Chandelure would; if Hydreigon didn't exist. The pseudo-legendary from Generation Five. I think Hydreigon is the most likely out of any Pokemon to get a mega evolution in Sun and Moon and for one particular reason. In super training, Hydreigon is the ONLY Pokemon that yields both the Sun Stone and the Moon Stone. I mean, if that doesn't scream mega, what does? 

#683. Aromatisse


There's always the occasional mega evolution that everyone just looks at it and goes "huh?". Aromatisse will probably be that one. Aromatisse is a version exclusive Pokemon in sixth generation, and is also a good representation for Fairy-type. As this list lacks many fairy-type candidates, including Aromatisse is a huge possibility.

#685. Slurpuff


See above. 




Onto the remakes of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl! After Sun and Moon, the generation rankings would stand as follows: Gen 1 - 18 mega evolutions, Gen 2 - 16 mega evolutions, Gen 3 - 21 mega evolutions, Gen 4 - 10 mega evolutions, Gen 5 - 4 mega evolutions, Gen 6 - 3 mega evolutions. The aim of this list for the DP remakes will be to take Gen 4 up to the same level as Gen 1, 2 and 3, and provide a small amount of Gen 5 and 6 megas to not completely abandon them and help them in the long-run. For this purpose, I've selected eighteen more possible mega evolutions for these remakes, they are as follows:


#071. Victreebel


The reasoning for Victreebel is rather obvious. Vileplume would gain one in Sun and Moon and therefore it's counterpart would obtain one in the remakes of Diamond and Pearl. Victreebel is exclusive to Green and LeafGreen. 

#076. Golem


The other generation one choice, I believe, would be Golem. Golem would be the only one of the trade-evolution quartet - Alakazam, Gengar and Machamp - to not have a mega evolution. For that reason alone, I believe Golem would finalise the mega evolution for that entity. 

#226. Mantine


As stated above, in the Sun and Moon mega theories, Skarmory will probably get a mega in Sun and Moon. It's counterpart - Mantine, will probably follow the path of Mawile and Sableye; getting it's mega evolution in the game afterwards. Mantine is also available to catch in the wild in Diamond and Pearl, and because of it's forgotten nature, would make a great mega candidate. 

#389. Torterra, #392. Infernape, #395. Empoleon


It's remakes of fucking DIamond and Pearl, like what would you expect? No further comments on these three. I do feel guilty about skipping generation three; but it would still have the most megas of any gen without any adds; and outside of Flygon - for which GameFreak stated that they couldn't come up with a good design - I can't recall a standalone generation three Pokemon that would be popular enough to receive a mega (possibly Breloom, but then you have to pair him with Parasect). Moving on. 

#407. Roserade


My bias is back! Roserade is one of my favorite Generation Four Pokemon and I think it's beloved by many. It's a strong grass-type Pokemon, that could also do with a little bit of help. Despite the fact that it's a cross gen evolution and evolves in the daytime, I don't have any reason apart from being a strong Gen 4 fan-favorite, similar to Luxray and Floatzel. 

#429. Mismagius


For those who checked my Top-Ten Ghost-Type Pokemon, you should know this Pokemon. And yes, my bias returns slightly here. However, Mismagius is one of the most exclusive Pokemon when it comes to individual versions as it's version exclusive in LeafGreen, Pearl and White. It's also a cross-gen evolution, a possible candidate for a Fairy-type mega evolution, and evolves with a dusk stone. And because it's literally version exclusive in these games, I really do see it getting a mega evolution. 

#430. Honchkrow


Honchkrow is Mismagius's counterpart in every way. Mismagius evolves from Misdreavus and Honchkrow evolves from Murkrow. Mismagius is exclusive to Pearl, LeafGreen and White, whereas Honchkrow is exclusive to Diamond, FireRed and Black. For said reason, Honchkrow will also probably get a mega evolution. 

#466. Electivire


Electivire is a strange one. First of all, it's version exclusive - or rather Electabuzz is - to Red, FireRed and White 2. Secondly it's a cross-gen evolution; but not just one, but twice. Elekid originates from generation two, evolving into the generation one Pokemon, Electabuzz, and then further evolving till it reached Electivire; a generation four Pokemon. This is one of my least confident picks, but it's still a high possiblity. 

#467. Magmortar


Magmortar - and ha creepy face - is the counterpart to the above Electivire. Available in Green, LeafGreen and Black 2, Magmortar is also a cross-gen evolution spanning three generations from Magby to Magmar to Magmortar. The influences of both Johto and Sinnoh is why I believe this could be a new mega evolution in Gen 7. 

#483. Dialga, #484. Palkia


I mean, hello, duh? They are the box legendaries of Diamond and Pearl. Of course, they're going to get mega evolutions - or some equivalent - with the remakes. If they do not become mega evolutions - and instead gain Primal form or some new bullshit name for basically mega evolution - then that does free up space for two more Pokemon, but I included them just in case they follow the Mewtwo or Rayquaza route. 

#571. Zoroark


Zoroark is perhaps the mascot of Generation 5. I think it's in receipt of a mega evolution really. One of the fan-favorites, one of the more exclusive Pokemon and just something to bring a little popularity into the gen that nearly destroyed the franchise. I feel like it will get a mega in Diamond and Pearl as opposed to Sun and Moon for no adequately explored reason, and it's just my personal speculation on that part. 

#612. Haxorus


Another popular generation five Pokemon - despite being uglee as fuck - and hey, look, it's another dragon-type. Seriously, you start to wonder if Seto Kaiba really exists or if someone at GameFreak has a dragon fetish. Irrespective of... that, Haxorus evolves from Axew - the main Pokemon of Iris in the anime - and is one of the more popular additions and I think that makes it one of the possible Gen 5 additions.

#691. Dragalge


ANOTHER DRAGON. woo. Yeah, this one was totally coincidental, in that I actually have a reason for Dragalge. Aromatisse and Slurpuff were my suggestions for Sun and Moon, and Dragalge is part of the only other set of version exclusives - outside the legendary duo. So, I believe Dragalge could keep the gen six representation alive. It's counterpart is Clawitzer. For those wondering why I didn't select Greninja, we still don't know about the Ash-Greninja mechanic so I don't want to suggest it yet. For those wondering why I didn't select the likes of Talonflame, Vivillon or Goodra - I think we'll get Gen 6 megas in bigger numbers in Gen 8 and they'd be kept for then. 

#693. Clawitzer


See above. 

#---. Magearna

That's right! I'm including Magearna here. OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire added ONE generation six mega into the mix; and that was the event legendary Pokemon, Diancie. Diancie is a rock and fairy Pokemon. Magearna, is a steel and fairy Pokemon and shares a striking resemblance with Diancie. This would count as representation for both generation seven and the fairy-type, and as we don't know any of the other Gen 7 Pokemon - that could realistically get megas - Magearna is my final pick! 



And that's it! After Sun and Moon, and Diamond and Pearl remakes, the total scores would stand like this:

Gen 1 - 20
Gen 2 - 17
Gen 3 - 21
Gen 4 - 20
Gen 5 - 6
Gen 6 - 5
Gen 7 - 1


I hope you all enjoyed my purely speculative ramblings, and that you think at least some of these suggestions are reasonable. Are there any Pokemon you believe we'll see get mega evolutions that I haven't listed here. Are there any Pokemon you'd want to see get a mega evolution but doubt it'll happen (#RIPLapras #RIPStarmie #RIPEspeon), then let me know. I'll be back tomorrow with a Who's that Pokemon segment, as we kick off the new week! See you all then xoxo. 



Recommended Comments

No, stop right there.

Actually I'm praying that mega evolution is being paid dust and that it will soon be forgotten and never touched again.


Keep in gen 6.

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Just now, Max said:

No, stop right there.

Actually I'm praying that mega evolution is being paid dust and that it will soon be forgotten and never touched again.


Keep in gen 6.


bullshit. mega evolution changed the metagame and will return just like alternative forms have done since their inclusion. they may remove gameplay mechanics, but they never remove battle mechanics. 

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9 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:


bullshit. mega evolution changed the metagame and will return just like alternative forms have done since their inclusion. they may remove gameplay mechanics, but they never remove battle mechanics. 

This is so fucking stupid and unnecessary though.


'Going back to simplicity' my ass, I guess.

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1 minute ago, Max said:

This is so fucking stupid and unnecessary though.


'Going back to simplicity' my ass, I guess.

it was a much needed change for the metagame, and gave some Pokemon like Beedrill a chance to shine. 


Also, they stated the designs would be simplistic; not the games. However, I'd rather they remove IVs. 

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13 hours ago, RihannaRTT said:

it was a much needed change for the metagame, and gave some Pokemon like Beedrill a chance to shine. 


Also, they stated the designs would be simplistic; not the games. However, I'd rather they remove IVs. 

Beedrill is still useless though?


But well, I'm not into battling "professionally" anyway. So I guess I'll just ignorthe the fatties and walk through my games with non-demetrias only! worship1

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2 hours ago, Max said:

Beedrill is still useless though?


But well, I'm not into battling "professionally" anyway. So I guess I'll just ignorthe the fatties and walk through my games with non-demetrias only! worship1

Beedrill - PU

Mega Beedrill - UU


Beedrill went up three tiers with it's mega. It's far more useful than you give it credit for. 

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1 hour ago, RihannaRTT said:

Beedrill - PU

Mega Beedrill - UU


Beedrill went up three tiers with it's mega. It's far more useful than you give it credit for. 

Ok. sia5

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Love this list. I'm super excited for the new games. I'm hoping more Gen 4 and Gen 5 Pokemon get Mega's. They're my personal favorites. I have a feeling vanilluxe might be getting an awesome mega so people can stop complaining about there being an ice cream Pokemon. 

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I'll be back tomorrow with a Who's that Pokemon segment, as we kick off the new week! See you all then xoxo.

I'll be back tomorrow with a Who's that Pokemon segment, as we kick off the new week! See you all then xoxo.

I'll be back tomorrow with a Who's that Pokemon segment, as we kick off the new week! See you all then xoxo.

I'll be back tomorrow with a Who's that Pokemon segment, as we kick off the new week! See you all then xoxo.

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8 minutes ago, Max said:

I'll be back tomorrow with a Who's that Pokemon segment, as we kick off the new week! See you all then xoxo.

I'll be back tomorrow with a Who's that Pokemon segment, as we kick off the new week! See you all then xoxo.

I'll be back tomorrow with a Who's that Pokemon segment, as we kick off the new week! See you all then xoxo.

I'll be back tomorrow with a Who's that Pokemon segment, as we kick off the new week! See you all then xoxo.

cancelled like the gen V rate mad1 

I'll seriously be back tomorrow with some news and probably my bug countdown, but I don't think anyone cared about the WTP segment, so cancelled moo1 

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3 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

cancelled like the gen V rate mad1 

I'll seriously be back tomorrow with some news and probably my bug countdown, but I don't think anyone cared about the WTP segment, so cancelled moo1 

It better be some major, huge news tbh. Not waiting for just "some". sia5 

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Just now, Max said:

It better be some major, huge news tbh. Not waiting for just "some". sia5 

I'll probably do a "what I expect" beforehand. It's enough to warrant a game-trailer but it won't be huge news. Just the regular monthly reveal. 

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7 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

I'll probably do a "what I expect" beforehand. It's enough to warrant a game-trailer but it won't be huge news. Just the regular monthly reveal. 

What do you think would be realisitc? More character models, like gym leaders or something?


I desperately want to see the whole map tbh + starter evolutions (but you already dragged me because of this so... sob1 )

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Just now, Max said:

What do you think would be realisitc? More character models, like gym leaders or something?


I desperately want to see the whole map tbh + starter evolutions (but you already dragged me because of this so... sob1 )


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