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Explore the Alola Region | The Sun and Moon Recap!





Hey hunties! I'm not even gonna beat around the bush here. We got shit fucking tons of information today, and I'm still trying to process all of it. So, in the meantime, if you haven't, I suggest you watch the new Sun and Moon trailer video!



Now, onto the important things. Let's start of with the main focus of the video; the powerful legendaries! 



And it's confirmed! Solgaleo is the official name of the Pokemon Sun Legendary Pokemon. However... it's typings are... strange. I see nothing but confusion - perhaps because it's Psychic type (get it? ahaha um...) - that it's not actually part-fire. Instead Solgaleo is Psychic and Steel. The only thing we know about the Full Metal Body ability is that like Clear Body, it's stats won't be lowered when attempted to by an opponent's move or ability. We also see it using it's signature move Sunsteel Strike. The official Pokemon site states that Sunsteel Strike is "an attack that charges at an opponent with the force of a meteor, disregarding the target’s Ability." 



Next, we move onto Lunala. A simplified version of the name Luna'ala! Still with the same name origin and the like. Lunala is a Psychic and Ghost type Pokemon and contains the ability Shadow Shield. which is the same as Multiscale in the sense that a Pokemon with Full HP will take less damage from an attack. Unfortunately for vampiral kween, she has 4x weaknesses to both Ghost and Dark, so I'm not sure how helpful it will prove to be. Lunala's signature move is called Moongeist Beam, and in the same vein as Sunsteel Strike, will also disregard the opponent's ability. 




Onto the region itself. Looks a bit bigger than the last time we saw it, huh? The island we saw previously, it the one on the top left. Now we see three other big islands, as well as some sort of floating building in the Sea? There's a lot of possibilities here, but nothing really worth discussing yet. But, it is a very beautiful looking region so far. Another thing to note is that Kukui states that it's "chock full of rare Pokemon". Aye, okay, sure fucking Jan! 




Meanwhile, let's talk about Kukui. As a matter of fact, let's talk about all of the characters. Kukui is now revealed to be Professor Kukui. He is stated to live near your home and look out for you. He has his own individual style and has sometimes taken direct hits from the Pokemon for research purposes. We also now find out "Hoku's" real name - Hau. He's a Pokemon-loving boy with a big appetite. And finally, there's also Lillie - the professor's young aide. She is a mysterious girl who works for the professor for personal reasons. She doesn't like Pokemon battles but enjoys reading books (aka, she's very tragic). She will play an important role in the upcoming games. 



Is there anything we haven't covered? Oh... yeah. Your pokedex. A device that's been with you ever since the first Pokemon games, and it just got an amazing upgrade. The Pokedex is no longer just some piece of shitty machinery that acts as your ID and has very little use in the game. Nah, your Pokedex is now... a Pokemon!


That's right! The Sinnoh Pokemon, Rotom is now your Pokedex. He worms his way into the new design of the Pokedex and acts as your guide throughout the region! The Rotomdex will also act similarly to a town-map. It will show both your location, and the location which you should go to next. It may also change its destination based on conversations you have with other characters! In the Japanese trailer, the Rotomdex also shows that there is the main "Alola Dex" and there's 4 individual dexes below it; one of which is the "Mele Mele Dex". As we have four islands, MeleMele (which apparently translates to Yellow) could be one of them; and the Pokedex could be split into four like Kalos was split into three. This could also mean that no island will have the same Pokemon as the one before.



Finally, there's one final feature; QR codes. QR codes helped to make secret bases in OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire, and they've returned in a different way; A QR code scanner! According to the official Pokemon site, it works by scanning in a QR code (duh) and it will register Pokemon to your Pokedex. You can then output QR codes and share those with your friends. When these Pokemon are registered, you'll be able to see where they can be caught. It also states that "There are QR Code patterns in various places all around you, so try scanning them." which could hint towards every day QR codes in perhaps magazines and other items helping to fill the Pokedex too? 



Well, that's all the information I have for you just now... well almost. I'm sure many of you, despite the overwhelming hype and being unable to type properly like I am, are wondering when we next get news. Well, it's been officially revealed that we WILL get something at E3. Pokemon Sun and Moon will be featured on the E3 Treehouse Live on June the 14th! It will feature new information and developer stories. Pokemon Go will have a Q&A session on June the 15th, and then there's a whole E3 Pokemon Special on the 16th! Amazing! But that's not all! Junichi Masuda will be hosting a masterclass at the Japan Expo - in Paris - this year on July 7th. This is where Honedge was revealed so expect some minor information here too! Are you perched? Hyped? Excited? Fucking obliterated and unable to speak? Yeah I am too, but be sure to leave me a comment down below! 



Recommended Comments

Solgaleo's typings don't make sense for me at all, lunala's on the other hand, look rather predictable but fitting at least.

Not the professor serving daddy jj1 

Love the player characters and lillie is stunning. (too bad she will end up as a filler character) oprah3 

Peched for some starters' info now cry6 


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Queen Lunala coming through.


Still very suspicious about the region, since it's so damn small.

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lunala gets more and more awesome every time

also the assistant girl is cute and i also like how open the world looks

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13 minutes ago, WorkDude said:

lunala gets more and more awesome every time

also the assistant girl is cute and i also like how open the world looks

yas. Lunalasus. Poor stans of the bleached pyroar. 


The assistant could turn out to be the villain, or the champion, or she's going to be used in the evil plot against her will. One of the three imo. 

16 minutes ago, Hylia said:

Solgaleo's typing has me confused too orangu1 but all the info has left me SLAYED

yas antm1 only two weeks for the MASSIVE amounts of info we'll get at E3. 

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7 hours ago, RihannaRTT said:

yas. Lunalasus. Poor stans of the bleached pyroar. 


The assistant could turn out to be the villain, or the champion, or she's going to be used in the evil plot against her will. One of the three imo. 

yas antm1 only two weeks for the MASSIVE amounts of info we'll get at E3. 

I'd so be here for Lillie being villainous, giving me teas of this


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18 hours ago, Hylia said:

I'd so be here for Lillie being villainous, giving me teas of this


I don't really want her to be a villain tbh. I feel like that just portrays the "all different people are evil" stereotype. I'd rather that she have some sort of connection to the legendary Pokemon and their lore, and that she would be used against her will by the evil team to summon them. 

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