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My Top Ten Bug-Type Pokemon



#10. Masquerain

So we'll kick this topic off with this cute little bug... well, the evolution of a cute little bug. Masquerain itself isn't anything new or exciting, but it's prior evolution, Surskit, gives off a unique bug and water typing; a typing that I hope will be replicated with a new bug type in Pokemon Sun and Moon. Surskit had so much wasted potential with its original typing. It's a shame to see; I mean, for fuck's sake, it even has RAIN in it's name! Masquerain isn't bad whatsoever; it's just nothing short of tragic for changing into another Bug/Flying type. 



#9. Parasect

One of the original bug-type Pokemon to exist; and one that actually has a (tragic) 6x weakness to Fire with the ability Dry Skin. However, Parasect is the only Bug-type Spore user. It's a cute design - even though I absolutely DESPISE mushrooms. Not my absolute favorite bug-design but it's nice enough. 



#8. Ledian

I have absolutely no justification for this except that I find the design adorable. Ledian and Ledyba are some of the most useless bugs that have ever existed. But I just like their design. Their appearance in Pokemon: Mewtwo Returns showcases them in a beautiful night-lit sky. Ledian is a Pokemon beyond saving, but I like it. 



#7. Dustox

I don't really know where to place Dustox on this list. Dustox is a counterpart to Beautifly; as they both evolve from Wurmple. Now while both obviously tried to resemble Butterfree and Beedrill, Dustox didn't actually feel like a complete copy as it had a semi-original design. It's another useless bug-type but I do enjoy its design and the general Poisonous feel it has. 



#6. Ariados

Another Bug/Poison dual-type Pokemon places itself here. It's a lovely spider-like design here. I've never really used an Ariados so I don't have much to say about it, but it's just a solid and nice design. Nothing else really to say about it. 



#5. Venomoth

Seems like most things come in threes, huh? Another Bug/Poison type comes here - kinda showcasing how Poison and Flying oriented the Bug type is. Venomoth was one of the Pokemon I really adored growing up. I respected it more than the other Bug/Poison type in the first generation and enjoyed it because of its ability to utilise Psychic. Over time, as it got more irrelevant, I lost interest in it, but I guess I have a soft-spot for it somewhere. 



#4. Scizor

Now we're onto the four bugs that I really adore. Scizor honestly couldn't have placed any higher coz I do love the top three very much. Scizor and Scyther both represent the same line, and I do slightly prefer Scyther; but I don't hate Scizor by any means. Both are great designs - albeit Scyther being slightly better - and both are great battle-wise too. Scizor is probably the best Bug-type on this list for battle. But obviously, I don't like Pokemon because they're good in battle; I like Pokemon that I like for various reasons; usually their design. But Scizor charts here at #4. Also, FYI, Bugsy, you and your Scyther are cunts xoxo. 



#3. Beedrill

bzz bee, bzz bee. That's the sound of a swarm of Beedrill coming towards you. Oh, and now they're Mega Beedrill; yeah that's gonna fucking hurt. Beedrill, as a kid, was a Pokemon that I never appreciated. I wouldn't say I hated it; but maybe I disliked it. It was always just inferior to Butterfree (and still is). But, it never really clicked with me. But then OmegaRuby and Alpha Sapphire came out and I grew attached to Pokemon from my childhood that I never had the opportunity to use; like Tentacruel. But Beedrill also was one of these because of it's fabulous mega evolution. It looks amazing and it finally became useful (Say what you want about Butterfree, but at least it had almost 100% accurate Sleep Powder). Mega-Beedrill made me love regular Beedrill too. His design is amazing; whether original or mega, and I don't know why I just cucked him as a child. I'm really happy ORAS happened because it really made me stop and think about some Pokemon I never used to like, but now I really do, or even better, have become some of my favorites - and Beedrill is one of these. 



#2. Vivillon

However. Beedrill could never breach my Top 2. Generation Six was a godsend. The only thing that I really care about when I judge a generation is the Pokemon designs; and both Generation 4 and 5 failed in that department - and Generation 3 wasn't the best either. But Generation Six happened and we got so many wonderful designs (and maybe 5 or so that weren't so wonderful but hey, much better than the 145 that weren't wonderful in the gen prior to it). And Vivillon is one of those. I seem hypocritical because Beautifly to me is a non-factor as it's just a Butterfree clone; and yet Vivillon, which is evidently also a Butterfree clone, is my second-favorite Bug-type. Maybe the issue with Beautifuly is that, it's not just a Butterfree clone, but a useless Butterfree-clone; whereas Vivillon is a great design and everything about it I love. It even gets access to Hurricane which makes it hell on wheels. The one thing I don't like is that it doesn't get Sleep Powder in its level up moveset and it's only a move-relearner move so it's not as useful in game. But apart from that, it's just amazing. Viola is also my favorite character from Generation Six - probably because her Vivillon is so memorable.  While the different pattern gimmick is useless, it's cute; and hey, it also was used in the Sun and Moon #HawaiiConfirmed theory videos, so well done Vivillon! 



#1. Butterfree

Was there ever any doubt? I have no words to describe Butterfree. The OG bug-type and I still cry when I see Ash release Butterfree in that anime episode #spoilers. Butterfree was the very first Pokemon Ash caught - albeit, as a Caterpie - and in Pokemon Red and Blue, is literally your only way of beating Brock if you picked Charmander. The early high-power Confusion attack plus the powder moves made Butterfree a threat; and I know it became useless afterwards, and I know that it resides in PU nowadays. But it's just flawfree all around for me. It's design, it's personality, it's movepool (except it not getting Hurricane; GameFreak fix your shit meg1 ). Just everything about it slays me and it's one of my all-time favorite Pokemon; and I doubt any Bug will ever come close. 



Recommended Comments

3 minutes ago, Max said:

Vivillon, Scizor and Dustox worship1 

Probably my top 3 worship1 

Vivillon really saved recent Bug type designs, huh giveup1 


My next countdown is Flying type and IDK how I'm gonna do it. I looked at the list and I'm like shit, I love at least 15 of these Pokemon giveup1 Like, I put it at my 8th favorite type from memory and looking at it, I'm like, how is not like #4 or something. But IDK, I love the Pokemon but wouldn't put Flying as a fave type. it's weird. Anyway, it'll come soon moo1 

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Where's VespiQUEEN? wendy1  I also have a soft spot for Galvantula, because I'm using one on White 2 rn and it's actually a fantastic Pokemon. 


Omg I'm so glad you included Vivillion though cry6 

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Just now, Impossible Princess said:

Where's VespiQUEEN? wendy1  I also have a soft spot for Galvantula, because I'm using one on White 2 rn and it's actually a fantastic Pokemon. 


Omg I'm so glad you included Vivillion though cry6 

Vespiquen made the short-list, but ended up about #12. I'm not the biggest fan, but I like it more now than in the past. I'm not a fan of Galvantula. It's Gen 5 and it's ugly, but it's warming up a wee bit. 

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i love bug pokemon yas2 they are my favorite oprah9 I have a serial killer durant jj2 i love masquerain and ledian too cry9  

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