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Review: Post - Björk

Impossible Princess


Post - Björk


1. Army of Me10/10

One of my favorite Björk songs. oprah4 Such a perfect way to start this rollercoaster of an album. It's a dark, grinding, tecnho, work of art. oprah4 "And if you complain once more, you'll meet an army of me" oprah4 


2. Hyper-Ballad: 10/10

Another one of my favorite Björk songs. oprah4 Every bit of Hyper-Ballad is absolutely gorgeous. The lyrics are powerful and haunting, especially in the second verse. I orgasm a bit each time the second chorus begins and the beat picks up. The breakdown toward the end is also >>>>


3. Modern Things: 6/10

Modern Things has such quirky lyrics, and I'll admit I didn't like it at first. It warmed up on with me though, but I still think it kinda drags. 


4. It's Oh So Quiet8/10

And here is the big oddball of the album, but it oddly fits. It's a big jazzy track, with an explosion of a chorus. It even features Björk screeching a bit. Definitely one of her most popular songs, but a tad overrated!


5. Enjoy9/10

The album comes circling back to another dark, techno thing with Enjoy. Björk really needs to do more songs like this and Army of Me. Out of the two agressive, techno songs on Post, I definitely find Army of Me superior, but Enjoy is still amazing.


6. You've Been Flirting Again5/10

This song is kinda just there for me orangu1 I think it's cute, don't get me wrong, but it's just kinda there. Like you could remove it, and the album wouldn't really suffer from anything. 


7. Isobel: 9/10

After the bore that is You've Been Flirting Again, the album picks back up with Isobel. Isobel is a really pretty song that reminds me a lot of Debut, Björk's first album. It has a mysterious charm to it, and I really enjoy the tribal-meets-orchestra production.


8. Possibly Maybe7.5/10

Possibly Maybe is iconic to me simply because I use the phrase "possibly maybe" in real life. rip3 It's a really laid back, trip-hop song, and I really like to listen to it late at night. Overall though, I feel the song is missing something? But idk what.


9. I Miss You7/10

I Miss You is another song that stands out because of its unique combo of sounds, from tribal drums, to brass. It's a really mixed bag. For whatever reason, I can imagine Azealia Banks rapping over the production when I listen to this song rip3 


10. Cover Me: 7/10

I've always had a really soft spot for Cover Me because of its really venturous sound. Plus it reminds me of the intro scenes of Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (for any Zelda stans out there jj2 ). Only complaint is that it's too short, and thus feels incomplete.


11. Headphones5.5/10

Another song that's kinda there for me. I appreciate Headphones atmospherically, but I find it boring too. orangu1 Sorry Bjesus. 


Album Score: 76%


Overall, I really enjoy Post, but feel it's generally overrated among the Björk fanbase. It has a couple of her best songs, but some parts of the album kinda drag. It's a fantastic way to introduce someone to Björk though! jj2 


Highlights: Army of Me, Hyperballad, Enjoy, Isobel, It's Oh So Quiet.


Homogenic review will come after I take a break from Björk to review Dangerous Woman jj2 


Recommended Comments

It's a pretty bad album outside of the singles tbh, and even then only Hyperballad, Possibly Maybe, I Miss You and the one album track Enjoy really stand out. The rest is either non-descript or just bad, like possibly her most overrated song Abomination of Me. As a whole body of work it also doesn't work really well. Of her studio albums, only Volta is worse. 

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8 hours ago, Vilppu said:

It's a pretty bad album outside of the singles tbh, and even then only Hyperballad, Possibly Maybe, I Miss You and the one album track Enjoy really stand out. The rest is either non-descript or just bad, like possibly her most overrated song Abomination of Me. As a whole body of work it also doesn't work really well. Of her studio albums, only Volta is worse. 

Army of Me is overrated, but I still love it a lot.


4 hours ago, Liam said:

Isobel being rated below a 10 is a sin


I'm a Sinner.mp3 I guess 


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37 minutes ago, Hunty Bear said:

Homophobic is honestly overrated so I'll be perching for your Muhammadtine review jj3 

Homophobic is her best jj4 Vespallahtine is my second favorite by her though jj2 

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Just now, Impossible Princess said:

Homophobic is her best jj4 Vespallahtine is my second favorite by her though jj2 


3rd* jj4 it's definitely iconic but it's literally so dated idk how people can still groove to shit like Aborto like .... it's 2016 jj4 

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1 minute ago, Hunty Bear said:

3rd* jj4 it's definitely iconic but it's literally so dated idk how people can still groove to shit like Aborto like .... it's 2016 jj4 

I like Pluto, but I can't at the screaming parts sometime  jj4  If you think Homosensual is her 3rd best, then what do you think her second best is? hay1 

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