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ORAS Free-For-Alls





Hello y'all. It's me again. I'm sure you've all been desperately waiting for my newest blog entry; and this will be a different one of sorts. Today's topic is OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire Free-For-Alls. A Free-For-All is a 4-player multi battle where everyone is the enemy; and there is no "team-work" applied. Your goal in these Free-For-Alls is to be the last person standing. I stole inspiration from TheKingNappy for these Free-For-Alls, so you can watch some of his for examples of how they work: 



Moving on to the next subject; why I'm writing this today. For the last two months or so, I have been doing Free-For-Alls with some friends of mine - @Billie, @Habits and @Popboi. However, it's not always convenient for us to Free-For-All (or FFA) at regular times as everyone has their own busy schedules - except for me coz I have no life #PokemonLife. Anyway, I'm here to invite any of you following this blog into our FFA sessions as a recurring guest star! 




That's right! You get to be part of the fabulous FFA crew with the rest of us and get triple-teamed by the other three people in the FFA get the chance to slay everyone else. What you need to play with us is a 3DS, an internet connection, and either a copy of OmegaRuby or AlphaSapphire - X and Y could be acceptable under some rules but not in all cases. I will graciously PokeGen any Pokemon that you require for the free-for-alls. The only rules are there are no rules. you can use any Pokemon you wish, any item you wish and any move-set you wish - as long as it is LEGALLY available (i.e. no Fire Blast on Bulbasaur). You will need to send me a message in advance, with the Pokemon that you want. Preferably in a spreadsheet with this format:





An example of this layout is as follows:





252 Atk
252 Speed
4 SpDef


All Pokemon will have 6x31 IVs unless specifically requested otherwise. If you are wishing to run a specific Hidden Power on your Pokemon, then you will also need to provide an IV spread for your Pokemon. THIS SITE contains all the 30/31 IV spreads and what Hidden Power they correlate to. Free-For-Alls generally take place at level 50, and therefore 30 or 31 IVs result in the same final stat; so it doesn't really matter; I just need you to pick one, if you run Hidden Power! 




As stated above, the rules are there are no rules. You can run any Pokemon that you wish, any moves that you wish, and any items or abilities that you wish - providing that these are all legally obtainable on the Pokemon. You can request any particular number of Pokemon - but I usually suggest running 12 so you can have a team of six in your party, and a team of six in your Battle Box. After you submit your spreadsheet to me (I'd say via PM if you want to keep your mons hidden from the other players), I'll PokeGen your mons whenever I am able to, and trade them back to you (so you'll need to catch like 12 Pidgey or something to trade with). I did say that there are no rules; and for general matches, that applies. We may also decide to do some themed matches - for example, Little Cup; which we'll provide a certain set of rules too. I'll post these in the first comment and update them if there's any new "themed" FFAs planned. 




So, now with all that useless titbits of information out of the way; it's time to sign up! You can sign up to be in our FFAs as long as you have a 3DS and either OmegaRuby or AlphaSapphire - and in some cases, X and Y. We will message you a few days in advance and see if you're able and we can arrange a date and time for some Free-For-Alls. The more, the merrier, so I hope you all decide to join and we can have some messy fun! Post your 3DS friend code down-below, and I'll add you to our Free-For-All friend list:





RihannaRTT - 0232-8747-2496
Billie - 3926-6473-2479
Habits - 0791-4341-5149
Popboi - 3136-7469-3538
Jose - 5043-4896-6773
Max - 0619-7731-8236




You can also watch some of our previous Free-For-Alls by going into the Vs Recorder (you get it at the Battle Resort in ORAS or in Kiloude City in XY), and inputting these codes. I will upload our FFAs here for those wanting to watch or re-watch the FFAs. I may also request players to upload from their own Versus Recorder as I believe you can only upload 10 each. All the FFA codes can be found below:




QNNW-WWWW-WW3T-PM6J (RihannaRTT, Habits, Popboi, Billie)
XKHG-WWWW-WW3T-PM7D (RihannaRTT, Habits, Billie, Popboi)
ET2W-WWWW-WW3T-PM7S (RihannaRTT, Billie, Habits, Popboi)
XK7W-WWWW-WW3T-PM8E (RihannaRTT, Popboi, Habits, Billie)
9H2G-WWWW-WW47-DUVU (RihannaRTT, Billie, Habits, Popboi)
6MWW-WWWW-WW47-DVX3 (RihannaRTT, Popboi, Billie, Habits)
JDBW-WWWW-WW47-DV2R (RihannaRTT, Habits, Billie, Popboi)
BXEW-WWWW-WW47-MZTW (RihannaRTT, Billie, Popboi, Habits)
6E6W-WWWW-WW47-MZTT (RihannaRTT, Habits, Popboi, Billie)
YWAG-WWWW-WW4C-SAV3 (Popboi, Billie, Max, RihannaRTT)
HNPG-WWWW-WW4C-SAYR (RihannaRTT, Billie, Max, Popboi)



Well, that's all that I have for you today! I hope y'all decide to join in the fun and put your friend codes below so we can Free-For-All with each other. I'll also post the "General Rules" and any themed FFA rules in the first comment . Hopefully, this will tide us over to Sun and Moon; and hey, maybe from November onwards we'll be doing Sun and Moon Free-For-Alls. See ya soon! 



@Max @Impossible Princess @Jose @WorkDude @Hylia @Lollipop @Shane @Cloud @Chris Pratt @Kyoteki @BEYONCÉ @AGNTEA  @Carlos @Saiga @ChooseyLover @Daydreamer @WelatRogue @Rico @ParentalAdvisory @Bill Kaulitz @idontthinkyouknownowimchec @Cortez @Entea @BlackJesus

(tagged everyone who has commented on my blog so far)



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Applicable Games: OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire

These rules apply to every battle unless stated otherwise. The FFA will take place under the 3DS "Normal Rules". You can use any Pokemon you wish; any ability you wish; any movepool you wish and any item you wish - as long as they are legally obtainable. There are no "Smogon"-like restrictions or clauses. You can use "banned" moves like Double Team and duplicate Pokemon/items if you wish. Try to be original in your choices! You can attack anyone and everyone as the aim of each FFA is to be the last person standing. There is NO teams. You win when everyone else is knocked out. Because of 3DS restrictions, it is possible that a battle will end with two players still alive. If this happens (i.e. if both on the "same side" are still alive), the winner will be the player with the most Pokemon left - and if they both have the same number of Pokemon, the winner will be the player with the most HP. This is to provide a fairer assessment of the battle than TheKingNappy's free-for-alls above. These rules apply to all Free-For-Alls unless stated. 





Applicable Games: X, Y, OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire

The Kalos Rules are a setting on the 3DS that occurs when a player from ORAS tries to connect with a player from XY. These rules state that you can only battle if the ORAS player does not have any "new" Pokemon, moves, or items that were unavailable in X and Y. The following list details everything that cannot be used:




Mega Sceptile
Mega Swampert
Mega Beedrill
Mega Pidgeot
Mega Slowbro
Mega Steelix
Mega Sableye
Mega Sharpedo
Mega Camerupt
Mega Altaria
Mega Glalie
Mega Salamence
Mega Metagross
Mega Lopunny
Mega Gallade
Mega Audino
Mega Rayquaza
Mega Diancie
Primal Kyogre
Primal Groudon
Hoopa Unbound

New Mega Stones

Dragon Ascent
Precipice Blades
Origin Pulse
Hyperspace Fury


These are all the Pokemon, Items and Moves that cannot be used for battles with X and Y players. These will be known as the Kalos Rules and may be used for General Kalos FFAs with each other. All other General Rules (above) still apply to these Free-For-Alls. 






Applicable Games: X, Y, OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire

These rules are for the Little Cup Free-For-Alls. These FFA will take place under the 3DS "No Restrictions". This setting keeps Pokemon at the level they currently are. Therefore, all Pokemon for the Little Cup MUST be at Level 5. You can use any Pokemon that is in it's lowest stage of evolution - Pokemon with no evolutions do not count. For a list of all the available Pokemon, see THIS LINK. Please ignore the "Players cannot use the following Pokemon" clause. You MAY use those Pokemon if you wish (i.e. Scyther, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Swirlix, Yanma, Sneasel, Tangela, Gligar and Meditite). We do not folow Smogon rules. however, there are a few rules that we have implemented in the interest of fairness: EVIOLITE (HELD ITEM) IS BANNED. DRAGON RAGE (MOVE) IS BANNED. SONICBOOM (MOVE) IS BANNED. Everything else is accepted! General Rules - that do not conflict these rules - will apply here too. Also, whilst not a rule, note that EVs at level 5 work differently; see HERE for a guide. 



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Damn I only have Pokémon Y fall3 By the way, I thought it wasn't possible to use the pokegen since the last update oprah6

It looks very funny I wish I could join cry9 Anyway you'd beat me up because I use cute pokemon instead of strong ones sia2mad2

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1 minute ago, ChooseyLover said:

Damn I only have Pokémon Y fall3 By the way, I thought it wasn't possible to use the pokegen since the last update oprah6

It looks very funny I wish I could join cry9 Anyway you'd beat me up because I use cute pokemon instead of strong ones sia2mad2

I mean, we could always do an X and Y themed Free-For-All in future, if some people only have X and Y. It's possible to battle between them; it just means no one can use ORAS moves or megas. But it's definitely a possibility. So if you wanna join, we'll easily consider it and adapt to that mad1 


Also, usually the people will weaker Pokemon are never the targets so they end up winning when everyone else kills each other. 


(And yes it's not possible but I have two 3DS consoles and one is an old one with Homebrew so I can pokegen through it). 

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3 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

I mean, we could always do an X and Y themed Free-For-All in future, if some people only have X and Y. It's possible to battle between them; it just means no one can use ORAS moves or megas. But it's definitely a possibility. So if you wanna join, we'll easily consider it and adapt to that mad1 


Also, usually the people will weaker Pokemon are never the targets so they end up winning when everyone else kills each other. 


(And yes it's not possible but I have two 3DS consoles and one is an old one with Homebrew so I can pokegen through it). 

I wouldn't want to bother you guys so don't worry about me sia3 Probably I'll buy Pokemon Moon or Sun as soon as they come to my country so we will can play together bey1 Now I'm into Pokemon Fire Red and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue, cry9

I don't think I end up winning with this team: Growlithe, Chikorita, Houndour, Rapidash, Altaria and Mew rip3 I used to have in my team other cute pokemon like Hitmontop, Igglybuff (eve1), Delcatty, Lanturn, Dewgong, Pachirisu, Flareon, Combusken, Chespin, Charmander shiny (oprah2)...

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Just now, ChooseyLover said:

I wouldn't want to bother you guys so don't worry about me sia3 Probably I'll buy Pokemon Moon or Sun as soon as they come to my country so we will can play together bey1 Now I'm into Pokemon Fire Red and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue, cry9

I don't think I end up winning with this team: Growlithe, Chikorita, Houndour, Rapidash, Altaria and Mew rip3 I used to have in my team other cute pokemon like Hitmontop, Igglybuff (eve1), Delcatty, Lanturn, Dewgong, Pachirisu, Flareon, Combusken, Chespin, Charmander shiny (oprah2)...

If you change your mind, we can add it in future mad1 I mean the Little Cup FFA would work fine with X and Y since the only things not in X and Y were these:


Groudon or Smeargle with Precipice Blades
Kyogre or Smeargle with Origin Pulse
Rayquaza or Smeargle with Dragon Ascent
Pokemon holding items available only in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, including the items for the new Mega Evolutions / Primal Reversions


And, well, I would Pokegen happily for anyone, so you'd probably be fine moo1 

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Updated the OP to state that X and Y may be acceptable with some rulings, and updated the first comment with "Kalos Rules" and XY acceptance in Little Cup. 

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i only have X

i didnt buy OR/AS because i never liked hoenn

i wanted to get the game anyway at first but never did

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10 minutes ago, Jose said:

Let me eat and i'll post my FC cry9 

awesome antm1 

43 minutes ago, WorkDude said:

i only have X

i didnt buy OR/AS because i never liked hoenn

i wanted to get the game anyway at first but never did

You can still join in with XY, but only in some restricted formats. See the first comment for details on that. 

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1 minute ago, Jose said:

5043-4896-6773 cry9

added antm1 Feel free to check the first comment for various themes and send me a spreadsheet with any Pokemon you want

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5 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

added antm1 Feel free to check the first comment for various themes and send me a spreadsheet with any Pokemon you want

let me see if i understand it, i can request any pokemon i want, and you'll give it to me and we all will battle or something? it sounds funny jj2

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Just now, Jose said:

let me see if i understand it, i can request any pokemon i want, and you'll give it to me and we all will battle or something? it sounds funny jj2

yeah mad1 as long as it's legally available - and there may be some exceptions if there's some sets from years ago which might be to difficult to Pokegen. 

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Any ORAS players available around 4pm BST (which is 16 hours from now) tomorrow? We need an extra person for a Free-For-All. It'll be just general ORAS rules and no themes. Send me a PM with 6-12 mons you want (see the format in the OP) and I'll inject them and trade u them before the FFA tomorrow. If one of u was able, it would be great mad1 (Also add myself, Billie and Popboi to ur 3ds friend codes)


@Max @Impossible Princess @Jose @WorkDude @Hylia @Lollipop @Shane @Cloud @Chris Pratt @Kyoteki @BEYONCÉ @AGNTEA  @Carlos @Saiga @ChooseyLover @Daydreamer @WelatRogue @Rico @ParentalAdvisory @Bill Kaulitz @idontthinkyouknownowimchec @Cortez @Entea @BlackJesus

(tagging everyone who posted on the blog)

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Just now, Max said:

I know nothing about competitive fighting tbh sia5 

Free For Alls are just meant to be fun so mad1 

Just pick your mons, moves and items. Also an EV spread (252, 252, 4) and a nature for each.  Smogon can help with EV spreads and natures if ur unsure:



All pokemon allowed. mad1 

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1 minute ago, RihannaRTT said:

Free For Alls are just meant to be fun so mad1 

Just pick your mons, moves and items. Also an EV spread (252, 252, 4) and a nature for each.  Smogon can help with EV spreads and natures if ur unsure:



All pokemon allowed. mad1 

Ok, count me in then. sia5 

I'll PM you 6 Pokemon then?

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Just now, Max said:

Ok, count me in then. sia5 

I'll PM you 6 Pokemon then?

YAAAs. so 5pm in Germany is good for you mad1 


and yas pls. if u want more, u can have more. (If you have time right now, you could trade me something and I'll put them all [if possible] in your name when I make them ]

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