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My Top Ten Flying-Type Pokemon



#10. Tropius

My Flying-Type countdown kicks off with Tropius at #10; Bananasaur also charts at #6 on my Top Ten Grass-Type countdown. Well, why if I prefer Grass-Type to Flying-Type is it lower here? Surely there'd be more chance of it coming higher here? Well actually, I never realised how much I love Flying-Type Pokemon. I genuinely love at least twenty fully evolved Flying-Type Pokemon; and I don't know if I can say that for any other type - possibly Water. But while I like a lot of the Pokemon, Flying-Type just doesn't resonate with me the way that Water, Psychic and Grass do. Tropius is an abomination of a Pokemon; but a wonderful design. 



#9. Yveltal

When Yveltal was first revealed, my exact words were "k, ew at whatever that ugly thing on the left is". Yeah... needless to say, that's changed. Yveltal is one of my favorite Gen VI designs - and a lot of them were great. While Xerneas still is my preferred legendary, Yveltal is also a great design; both simple but with some complex elements and an amazing color scheme. 



#8. Pidgeot

The OG bird appears here. I never got the reason people used to shit on Pidgeot - except for it's lack of use in competitive. Pidgeot is my 2nd favorite regional bird design; probably because of the Pidgeotto exposure as a child. And then, OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire comes out and gives Pidgeot a mega evolution... with No Guard Hurricane and Heat Wave. Finally, Pidgeot became the force it deserved to be. 



#7. Noctowl

Perhaps the most useless of the regional birds and it suffers a lot of flack for it; but as a design, I've always preferred it. It always had those Psychic-like elements that excited me when I was younger. While not a very useful Pokemon, I love the design and that's all that really matters. 



#6. Lugia

Coming form the Pokemon who deserved to be Psychic-type to the Pokemon that leaves everyone asking "WHY ARE YOU PSYCHIC TYPE?" Lugia, the guardian of the seas, who lives in the Whirl Islands; requiring whirlpool to access and later Waterfall, obviously deserved to be a Water/Flying type. But there's always the possibility with it's mega evolution/primal form (unless they fuck up like Mega Gyarados).. Lugia is a great design and my love for it probably comes from its role in the second movie; and from Shadow Lugia in Pokemon XD. What's interesting? I never had SoulSilver - I had HeartGold. 



#5. Moltres

A fire-flying bird but it's not the HeartGold legendary. Moltres is one of the original legendary trio. Known as the titan of fire, Moltres is actually my least favorite of the legendary birds, but it's still a great design overall, and anyone who spent their time as a kid playing Pokemon will know the struggle of trying to catch him. I didn't like the Sevii Islands in FireRed and LeafGreen so I hope if they do make another re-release of the originals, it'll be back in Victory Road. Unfortunately Moltres gets fucked over by Sneaky Pebbles. smh. 



#4. Gyarados

The legendary atrocious Pokemon; known for his Hyper Beam, comes here at #4. Gyarados is the Pokemon equivalent of never judging a book by its cover. Yeah maybe the 500 pokedollars for the Magikarp at lv5 in Mt Moon is a bad deal; but is it really when you get a Gyarados who destroys the rest of the game by Cerulean City? Gyarados loses it's flying-type with it's mega evolution, but unfortunately gains dark instead of dragon. I hope for a Gyaradosite Y in future with a dragon-typing. 



#3. Butterfree

After topping the Bug-Type countdown last week, Butterfree appears here at #3. Butterfree is one of my favorite Pokemon of all-time, but there's two Flying-types I love more. Butterfree holds a special place in my Pokemon heart, but so do the upcoming two. 



#2. Zapdos

The hardest decision was choosing between #1 and #2 because I love them both; almost equally. But eventually Zapdos was decided to be here at #2. Zapdos seems to get completely cucked in more than one occasion; being the only legendary bird to not get use of Hurricane - despite being the one who could actually use it. I think Zapdos was always my favorite legendary bird as a child as I have fond memories of catching it as soon as I got surf and dragging Lorelei with it; both in Red, Blue and Yellow, and Pokemon Stadium. 



#1. Articuno

But number one goes to the titan of Ice. There's just something so majestic about Articuno that makes me put it above Zapdos. Zapdos's design is a very cool design, whereas Articuno's is very elegant and beautiful; and that generally wins for me. I love both birds equally, although I'm not delusional enough to say Articuno is useful as it is HORRIBLE competitively. Maybe one day, the birds will get a mega. Who knows? 



Recommended Comments

Yveltal is so beautiful. worship1 


My list would also include Scyther, Honchkrow and Crobat tbh. They're my top 3 when it comes to Flying type.

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