Review: Homogenic - Björk
Homogenic - Björk
1. Hunter: 10/10
First of all, Hunter is seriously one of my favorite songs of all time. This song still never fails to give me CHILLS when the strings come in I feel like I'm setting out on some great warrior expedition ahfghfksif. Hunter has not one dull moment, and the production is some of her very best. Plus Hunter has the iconic line, "I thought I could organize freedom... How Scandinavian of me!"
2. Joga: 10/10
Another one of my favorite songs of all time. Like Hunter, Joga gives me the chills. The very first verse and chorus especially give me chills. The lyrics and the chorus make me WET. The part after the first chorus when the production kicks in is one of my favorite parts, as well as the electronic breakdown in the bridge. It's all just so perfect Like, even my MOM stans this song and she doesn't like Björk.
3. Unravel: 10/10
Unravel continues the trend of flawless Homogenic tracks. Unravel's production is just on another level of gorgeous; it's so soothing. Once again, queen serve LYRICS. The chorus is also one of the best of her career; it's beautiful, powerful, and effective.
4. Bachelorette: 10/10
One of her most theatric and dramatic songs with POWERFUL lyrics that she sings with such emotion. Example: "I'm a path of cinders burning under your feet. You're the one who walks with me. I'm your one way street." Yet another one that gives me chills. The production is some of her most boisterous, but that's in the best way possible. Bachelorette is just so brash and beautiful
5. All Neon Like: 9.5/10
Homogenic takes a less dramatic turn with All Neon Like, in comparison to Bachelorette that is. The production is some of the most unique on Homogenic, consisting of a spacey beat over haunting, ambient electronic sounds. It took me a while to get used to All Neon Like, but now I think it's one of the best on the album. The production is gorgeous and the haunting melodies keep me coming back. It's ALMOST as flawless as the first four tracks.
6. 5 Years: 8/10
5 Years is pretty great, just not flawless like some of the other songs. The production is pretty heavy with beats and a repetitive electronic melody. The best part of the song hands-down is when the gorgeous strings come in toward the end.
7. Immature: 6/10
My least favorite on the album. I really LOVE the production, but the lyrics and song overall aren't really that amazing. It doesn't go anywhere and the vocals are repetitive. Average overall.
8. Alarm Call: 9/10
Definitely one of Björk's poppier songs. The beat is lowkey pussy popping A lot of parts of this song tend to get stuck in my head such as the "Ooooohooohoohooohoo" and "it doesn't scare me at all" parts. I really enjoy the lyrics too: "I'm no fucking Buddhist, but this is enlightenment!" Yas Bjesus CURSE at me
9. Pluto: 8/10
And here's Pluto, which is polarizing in the Björk fanbase. Some hate it, some love it. I'm one of the ones who loves it. It's definitely the most aggressive song on the album with heavy techno production, which differs quite a bit from the rest of the album. The only part of the song I don't really like is when Björk starts screeching (giving birth?) toward the end. That part is a bit extra, but overall Pluto bops.
10. All Is Full of Love: 7/10
And the Homogenic closes with the most minimalistic song on the whole album. The production is very beautiful and ambient, and the emphasis here is clearly on Björk's vocals. I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't totally fangirl over All Is Full of Love though. I enjoy it, but nothing about it truly floors me. Good way to close out the album though!
Album Score: 88%
Homogenic is one of my favorite albums EVER. One of the reasons why I adore Björk so much. The first four tracks are just so massively amazing. The rest of the album is fantastic for the most part as well. Even the worst song isn't really what I'd consider bad.
The best: Hunter, Joga, Unravel, Bachelorette, All Neon Like, Alarm Call.
Overall Album Scores
Homogenic - Björk: 88%
Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande: 78%
Post - Björk: 76%
Debut - Björk: 73%
91%-100% Pretty much perfection
81%-90% Almost perfection
71%-80% Fantastic album
61%-70% Decently good / good album
51%-60% Sub-par / average album
41%-50% Not so good
31%-40% Delete it fat!
0%- 30% This shouldn't exist.
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Vespertine review will come soon. I may review another album by a different artist before that though!
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