Britney Spears
'Circus' 2008
Album Review
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The Review – Luke and Jordan
1. Womanizer
(N.Briscoe, R.Akinyemi)
Instantly I am in love with this track, the intro sounds like an alarm in a laboratory after a toxic spillage, the song then kicks in with killer hooks and catchy, memorable beats and lyrics. The attitude Britney portrays in this song is great, she is on a mission to ‘out’ womanizers everywhere. Even though the verses are kind of monotone, they are very enjoyable to listen to and further boosts the persona in the song. By the middle 8 you’ll have pretty much learned the chorus and it’s one of the best things about the track as it isn’t too repetitive. 9/10
What a strong, catchy beginning to the album. The melody keeps you focused throughout with the constant beats and runs of instruments. The lyrics are easy to sing along with and it’s a fun and empowering track! 9/10
2. Circus
(L.Gottwald, C.Kelly, B.Levin)
The instant vibe with this song puts me in spy scenario, I can imagine Britney in a Ninja outfit in the dead of night, jumping from tree to tree spying on a love interest. The theme is deeper than Womanizer and shows Britney in a different light, more dominant and less fun, especially with the lyrics “I’m a ring leader, I call the shots“. Additionally the lyrics really relate to Britney’s love of performing “I feel the adrenaline running through my veins, spot light on me” This would have been a great introduction to the album as it sums Britney up really and it’s catchy as hell, a great theme for the album as she could really take the songs anywhere. 8.5/10
Another banging chorus, we are presented with sounds and lyrics that refer to a Circus. The lyrics talk about being an entertainer on stage, performing to an adoring audience – she also refers to cracking a whip which is what the lion tamers do at the circus. There’s a strange high pitched dial tune that’s reminiscent of clowns/freak show characters, that gives you the eerie vibe 9/10
3. Out from Under
(S.Peiken, A.Birgisson, W.Hector)
This is a refreshing sound from Britney – I don’t think I’ve heard such a mellow yet sweet sound from Brit. The chorus is very floaty and dreamy and it’s quite honestly lovely. I can see this in ‘A Cinderella Story‘ or something, it’s quite Disney-esque. It has definitely come at the right time in the album and it’s welcomed, I was expecting a half decent demo dance track. Her vocals work really well based on the style of the song, her falsettos are particularly nice. 7/10
A softer vibe from Brit, what a cute song – It could be used in a movie. A great ballad8/10
4. Kill The Lights
(N.Hills, J.Washington, L.Boyd, M.Araica)
The introduction to this track is quite confusing, it’s something from a breaking news bulletin in the 50’s or something. Then when the music comes in, it sounds like something from Christina Aguilera’s Bionic album. I can’t help but think this was a Pussycat Dolls song that they previously recorded and Britney took it – the vocal arrangements and style of singing sounds just like Nicole Scherzinger!
I like the musical arrangements of this song, it’s constant and keeps you enticed, it’s fast paced and the different vocal arrangements are exciting; especially when Britney sings “Keeeeeel” on ‘Kill the lights’, I just can’t shake the feeling that something is missing, and I think it’s adlibs and power vocal moments. 6.5/10
This sounds like a Christina Aguilera song, I don’t think Britney’s ‘Girl next door’ image could execute this as well as Christina could. The song is OK but it seems a bit messy to me. 6/10
5. Shattered Glass
(L.Gottwald, C.Kelly, B.Levin)
A more funkier sound from Britney here, the beginning falsetto notes were angelic and left me wanting more. Unfortunately the formula of the song is a carbon copy of circus; it contains the same melodies and the builds are the same. If you took the vocal run of Circus and placed it on this track it would fit perfectly. I feel this song was a glimpse to the future with the beats though, it’s kind of similar to the sound of ‘Hold it Against Me‘ – before it’s time I think. 7/10
Catchy intro there! pop-tastic, good vocal arrangements and it has Britney vibe written all over it! Strange over use of auto tune at the end… was that there to compensate for her lack of ad-libs? 5.5/10
6. If U Seek Amy
(M.Martin, Shellback, S.Kotecha, A.Kronlund)
Yet another track which opens perfectly coinciding with the theme of the album, the hook of “La la la la la la la la” is reminiscent of a children’s song and semiotic-ally speaking, the Circus is a children’s playground – which makes the whole song a massive juxtaposition when we are presented with the intended lyrics of “iF U SEE Kamy” (We all know what it stands for by now). The juxtaposing theme and style makes the song quite uncomfortable as I could imagine children singing along and being completely oblivious to what the song represents. Nevertheless, it’s very catchy and the style of the song is contagious. 7.5/10
A great subliminal track… Amy is a real person – it’s Britney’s sex drive. All of the boys and girls are begging to F**k me. Adlibs are on point, which are the best so far. We got a 2000 Britney note towards the end there reminiscent of the likes of Stronger #YES.9/10
7. Unusual You
(C.Karlsson, P.Winnberg, H.Jonback, K.Livingston)
The introduction of this song sounds like it could be a great interlude… but when the beat and Britney’s vocals come in, this sounds like the “Half decent demo dance track” I mentioned in ‘Out from Under‘. I don’t feel the song really goes anywhere, and get’s dull by the second verse. It has a fun theme though based on the ever changing instrumental and is quite euphoric/zen like when looking at Britney’s vocals and the effect upon them. It’s nice to hear a different sound from Britney now and again, but I imagine someone with stronger vocals could make this song a hit. 5.5/10
A rockier vibe with the opening music, then we go into a calm and reflecting track with a ballad element about it. The piano melody is beautiful to listen to. Some of the harmonizing in this track sounds a bit off… This could be the use of auto-tune affecting her melodies. I guess she wants it to sound this way due to the song’s title. 5/10
8. Blur
(N.Hills, S.Barthe, M.Araica)
The music behind the vocals is really overpowering and odd. The beats supplied are very heavy and it really drowns Britney out. Lyrically (From what I can understand) this sounds like it would have been a perfect song for Ke$ha “I can’t remember what I did last night” (If the song was sped up and given a killer dance beat anyway). It follows on from ‘Unusual You’ quite well though, the zen vibe is still there with a kind of Asian influence behind it. Not my cup of tea – it’s very drab… The adlibs are nice though. 3/10
It sounds like something from 2001, Paris Hilton could have had on her album. it’s quite messy and lacks in song structure with dull sounding melodies (Especially in the chorus) I think I’d forget this song after it finishes… The random speaking part in the middle really adds nothing to the song. 2/10
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