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Losing a friend



You never really think you might lose someone when you're still so young. When I graduated high school in 2014, I didn't talk with my friends much because I wanted a new start. Just a couple of months ago, my mom snowed me a name on her computer screen and asked if I knew her because it listed her as going to my high school and being in my graduating class. I said yes, and my mom told me that the girl had passed away a month ago, and that she was reading her obituary. The girl had been one of my best friends in high school. I thought I had processed things and went through the motions of coming to terms with it, but recently I've been having multiple dreams where she's still alive and I'll talk to her like it's just an ordinary thing and nothing has happened. The more I have these dreams, the more regret I feel about my not keeping connections with my high school friends. I guess I'm still processing things in my head. I saw her back in January at the mall and said hi to her, but she barely spoke to me and walked off. When I found out that she had passed away, I found out it was due to a brain tumor, and in the process of getting rid of it last year she had a stroke and lost her motor skills and had to relearn everything. When she barely spoke to me at the mall, my first thought was that she was being obnoxious, I never thought that she might have forgotten who I was or that she had been through so much. You can't take back the bad thoughts you once had about someone's actions, no matter how much you want to. I have a lot of regret surrounding this, but I want to remember her for who she was and how good of a friend she always was to me.


Always tell the people close to you how much they mean to you, and don't let go of them before they're took from your life permanently,


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Im sorry to hear that Nick :( R.I.P to her 



I cant imagine losing someone like that, i hope you can overcome all of this and conserve the good memories you had with her.

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Sorry to hear about this :( R.I.P. for her :(

During times like these, your head might be all over the place and you don't know what to think, but like you said it's worth holding onto the positive memories and looking back upon the past hug1

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38 minutes ago, Divinity said:

Im sorry to hear that Nick :( R.I.P to her 



I cant imagine losing someone like that, i hope you can overcome all of this and conserve the good memories you had with her.

Thanks Victor hug1 

26 minutes ago, Infrared said:

R.I.P Hope her family is well and you as well

Thank you, and yeah I can't even imagine what her family has been through. I wish them the best

3 minutes ago, Skyline said:

Sorry to hear about this :( R.I.P. for her :(

During times like these, your head might be all over the place and you don't know what to think, but like you said it's worth holding onto the positive memories and looking back upon the past hug1

Thank you, I'm coming to terms with everything and making an effort to remember the best moments hug1 

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That's just terrible... I'm so sorry you lost a important person in your life in such way. This made me think about how much I would suffer if one of my ex-friends died...

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I'm so sorry to hear this :( When I hear about this or someone I used to know passes away, I start to really think about just how fragile all of our lives are. I hope you're hanging in there, Hylia hug1 

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I'm so sorry to hear that Hylia. One of my bestfriends and the only person in the world who sort of knew who I was and accepted me for it passed away a few months back. He was hit by a car and died instantly. I hadn't seen him since graduation. And I honestly didn't know how to feel at first, because I never fully understood the idea of death. How could someone not exist anymore? 

I still think about him time to time. I know this is like the biggest cliche of all but he's not gone, he's always with me, in my thoughts, in my memories, in the things that he loved. I hope you find a similar closure with your friend. 

She's in a much better place now. 

Sending you love <3 

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14 minutes ago, Sylk said:

I'm so sorry to hear that Hylia. One of my bestfriends and the only person in the world who sort of knew who I was and accepted me for it passed away a few months back. He was hit by a car and died instantly. I hadn't seen him since graduation. And I honestly didn't know how to feel at first, because I never fully understood the idea of death. How could someone not exist anymore? 

I still think about him time to time. I know this is like the biggest cliche of all but he's not gone, he's always with me, in my thoughts, in my memories, in the things that he loved. I hope you find a similar closure with your friend. 

She's in a much better place now. 

Sending you love <3 

I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for your support hug1 


And thank you to everyone else that's posted here. It means a lot

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R.I.P hug1

It's very hard to lose a friend, I remember a couple of years ago, after summer a boy stopped coming to high school (I barely spoke to him during the course) and asked his friends where did he go, they started to cry since he had died of cancer... His family never told anyone cry5

So yes, it didn't happen to me directly, but I understand you hug1 But I'm sure it was a good decision to start all over after high school, sometimes we need a change and new friends... and maybe it's better that you didn't know anything about what was happening to her since you will always remember her "healthy" self and not her worst moments... Sending you many hugs

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I could never imagine losing my ABSOLUTE BEST FRIEND from 7th and 8th grade; whom ive lost connection with since then.

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