A Cunticritic™ Ranking: Madonna's Albums
Shamelessly inspired by my dear friend @Hylia's ranking blogs. As a huge fan of Madonna, I decided to re-listen to all 13 of her studio albums and do a ranking.
So here it goes!
#13. Like a Virgin
Probably no surprise that this is #13 because I've noticed it's most likely her least liked album on here. It has a couple good songs, but a good portion is just forgettable imo, despite it being her only diamond certified album. Honestly her only album I don't care for.
Fave songs: Dress You Up, Angel, Material Girl.
Least fave songs: Over and Over, Pretender, Stay.
#12. Madonna
Pretty good for a debut. It's full of cute bops, while a bit fillerish from time to time.
Fave songs: Borderline, Burning Up, Holiday
Least fave songs: I Know It, Think of Me, Everybody
#11. True Blue
True Blue is what I consider her first truly solid album. There's only one song I strongly dislike (Jimmy Jimmy), and I don't even dislike it as much as most of her other fans. Love the overall feel of the album.
Fave songs: Live to Tell (one of my faves overall), Papa Don't Preach, La Isla Bonita.
Least fave songs: Jimmy Jimmy, Where's the Party
#10. Like a Prayer
Inb4 I'm dragged for her post-COADF albums being above LAP. Oh well! I really like LAP, but I just like most of her other music more than her 80s music. LAP is her first album that I consider to be an artistic leap forward. The lyrics are superb and I love the message of many songs. PS. Dear Jessie is underrated!
Fave songs: Till Death Do Us Part, Oh Father, Like a Prayer.
Least fave songs: Keep it Together, Cherish, Act of Contrition.
#9. Hard Candy
If only I could type enough words to express how underrated I feel Hard Candy is. The only tragic song is Spanish Lesson, and she's released worse songs. Yeah Hard Candy does lack lyrically sometimes, but I just enjoy it and I can't help it.
Fave songs: 4 Minutes, Devil Wouldn't Recognize You, Voices, Candy Shop.
Least fave songs: Spanish Lesson
#8. Rebel Heart
I've had a love/hate relationship with Rebel Heart. Loved it when it first came out, then grew to dislike it a lot, even calling it my second-least fave after LAV for a while. Recently I realized how good it is though. Yeah, Rebel Heart has some low points, but it has some of her highest points since COADF and American Life. Also, Bitch I'm Madonna is a massive bop, despite how lyrically deprived it is.
Fave songs: Ghosttown, Living for Love, Bitch I'm Madonna (BOP), Hold Tight, Joan of Arc, HeartBreakCity.
Least fave songs: S.E.X. ( ), Beautiful Scars, Body Shop.
#7. MDNA
Her second most underrated and hated on album after Hard Candy. I despised MDNA when I first heard it in 2012, but now I love it. MDNA simply serves the bops! There's some missteps (Superstar), but also some major triumphs (I'm Addicted). It also has fantastic bonus tracks, bar B-Day Trash. Overall, MDNA does not deserve the hate it gets.
Fave songs: I'm Addicted, Girl Gone Wild, I'm a Sinner, Love Spent, Turn Up the Radio
Least fave songs: Superstar, B-Day Song.
#6. Confessions on a Dance Floor
For the longest time, I found COADF painfully overrated. I still do find it a trifle overrated, but I realized it is one of her better albums. The dance music of COADF was a such a nice change-up after American Life. If Future Lovers and I Love New York were replaced with better songs, this would have perhaps made it to my top 5
Fave songs: Hung Up, Get Together, Sorry, Let It Will Be, Push, Forbidden Love.
Least fave songs: Future Lovers, I Love New York.
#5. American Life
American Life did NOT deserve the draggings it received upon its release. Lyrics wise, it's honestly some of her best. Nothing Fails is one of my favorite Madonna songs ever, and the lyrics never fail to get me teary eyed. The rap parts she tried to incorporate are somewhat..... extra but they're not that bad. The best songs on the album are the guitar driven ones. The whole album slays though, even my least faves
Fave Songs: Nothing Fails, Easy Ride, Intervention, X-Static Process, Love Profusion
Least fave songs: Nobody Knows Me, Mother and Father
#4. Erotica
I used to not be as huge on Erotica as I am now, but my most recent listen simply floored me. This was a major turning point for Madonna's career and it's the beginning of a flawless streak of 90s and early 2000s Madge albums that make up my top 5 Did You Do It? and Bye Bye Baby are trash, but the rest of the tracks are so flaw free that they make up for it.
Fave Songs: Deeper and Deeper, Bad Girl, Waiting, Thief of Hearts, Rain.
Least Faves: Did You Do It?, Bye Bye Baby.
#3. Bedtime Stories
I feel like the consensus on Bedtime Stories is divided among the Madonna fanbase. Some find it boring, and some think it's either her best or one of her best. I think BS is the first album Madge released that has zero filler. There's not a bad song. I love the smooth R&B sound.
Fave songs: Bedtime Story, Secret, Survival, Inside of Me, Sanctuary
Least fave songs: None
#2. Music
I personally find Music to be her most bizarre album. It's a combo between electronic music, and folky stuff. I've always described Music's sound as "cowboys vs aliens" and I still find that description pretty accurate Like Bedtime Stories, there's not a flaw here.
Fave songs: I Deserve It, Paradise (Not for Me), Gone, Amazing, What it Feels Like for a Girl
Least fave songs: None
#1. Ray of Light
Ray of Light being at #1 was probably expected, as it seems most Madonna fans, and critics as well, consider it her best. Ray of Light deserves ever single bit of praise it receives. It's a spiritual experience to listen to it, and it's one of my favorite albums of all time. A true work of art. No flaws!
Fave songs: Every single song
Least fave songs: None
Hope y'all enjoy I'm going to do Kylie next!
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