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Sun and Moon - Ash-Greninja, Starter Evolutions + Special Demo Version





Good afternoon, Little Luranti. The newest trailer for Pokemon Sun and Moon has revealed so - SO - much. Spanning new features, new Pokemon, new forms, the return of mega evolution, new battle settings and more - along with the announcement of the special demo version. I'll be covering the whole trailer here, but you really need to see it for yourself. Watch the trailer below:



So where better to start than the thumbnail; showcasing the evolutions of Rowlet, Litten and Popplio. The first of these Pokemon is Rowlet's evolution, Dartrix. It retains the Grass/Flying type and Overgrow. Next, there's Torracat; the evolution of Litten. Retaining the Fire typing and Blaze. Finally there's the Pop Star Pokemon; Brionne. She is Water-type with the continued ability of Torrent. 



The other 'new' Pokemon revealed was a form change for a very special Pokemon; Greninja. Ash-Greninja's forme from the anime has been added to Sun and Moon and will firstly be available through the Sun and Moon demo - more on that to come. This seems to be similar to that of Steelixite and Glalite from the ORAS demo. This Greninja requires the ability Battle Bond to transform. It activates when Greninja knocks out an opposing Pokemon; transforming it. Like mega evolution, this form change only lasts for the battle. 




And speaking of mega-evolutions... they have been officially confirmed to return to Sun and Moon. It seems like Sina and Dexio will later give you the mega ring; as they talk about Alakazite. However - while not confirmed - it is implied that no new mega evolutions will be added, as mega stones have been confirmed to be banned from VGC 2017. Also, it seems that legendaries and mythicals will be excluded and only Sun and Moon originating Pokemon can be entered. 




The festival plaza is a new feature and location within Pokemon Sun and Moon that you unlock as you progress through your adventure. You'll be able to welcome others to the plaza and take requests from them. You earn festival coins by doing this; and those coins can be used in various shops. This plaza will allow you to battle and trade with your friends. There are also exclusive missions which will be added to Sun and Moon that everyone playing will attempt to complete a certain goal. The 'Catch a lot of Pokemon' mission will go live in November. 




Another new feature is PokéPelago. You can send your Pokemon - when they are deposited into the PC - to PokéPelago where they will have fun, explore and play games on their own. There are various isles that your Pokemon may decide to go to. Wild Pokemon also may choose to come and experience your paradise. In Isle Abeens, wild Pokemon may choose to join you if they feel friendly towards you. In Isle Aphun, later in the game, you can find evolutionary stones and other hard-to-get items. This also seems to give out... the Ice Stone? Hm. 




The Pokemon Global Link will receive even more upgrades with Sun and Moon than previously mentioned. Firstly, online, there is now a 'Your Time' battle setting. This setting allows each player 60 second to make their move, but you only get 10 minutes in total. If you use the 60 seconds each turn, that means you get 10 turns. If you run out of personal time, you forfeit. This prompts quick thinking and intuition. You are now also able to battle with other player's Pokemon through the use of QR Rental systems. You can register up to six battle teams that others can use with the QR code! It also seems that - according to the Battle Spot options - Triple Battles and Rotation Battles have now been removed. 




The final thing to note is the new Special Demo Version of Sun and Moon is coming out in TWO WEEKS. This will require 400MB or 3100 blocks to download and will be downloadable from the E-Shop. The Ash-Greninja you use during this demo will be able to trade to the actual games of Sun and Moon upon release. The next batch of news comes on October the 14th at the same time; 2pm BST / 10pm JST - however, Corocoro will leak before then, and this information may be a video format of the Corocoro information. Until then, adios! 





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