I am drained
I woke up at about 5 AM today because my dad was having surgery today, and so my parents and I got everything packed for the hospital and headed up there, and before long they took him back to begin the pre-op process. My grandpa arrived at the hospital right afterward, followed by my grandma (they're divorced), so it was my mom and I sitting with the how of them in the waiting area and things were going pretty great, and everyone was getting along. I got up to use the bathroom, but when I came back my mom had tears in her eyes, which I assumed were just related to her being worried about my dad. I asked her what was wrong, and she replied "I'm just pissed off at how people are judging other people like this", with my grandma firing back "well some people just have opinions that everyone doesn't agree with". Clearly, something happened during my trip to the bathroom.
I asked my mom if she wanted to get up and walk with me for a minute so I could find out what happened, so we walked off into a hallway, and she began telling me what happened, which took me for a complete spin. A cousin of mine, who happens to be a lesbian, hot brought up in a conversation and my grandpa said "it's not related to my religion, but I just don't believe in the gay lifestyle" followed by my grandma actually saying how she doesn't "understand" the gay lifestyle either. My mom had gotten mad over them talking like that due to her support of the LGBT community, and that's about when I had come out of the bathroom. I started crying because, well, both of my grandparents had just blatantly made homophobic remarks, something I never thought would never happen. These are the same grandparents I've known and loved my whole life. My mom and I sat back down, and my grandpa came up to me and said "I didn't know you felt so strongly about this, but I just don't approve of the lifestyle and I hope you can forgive me for that" (he doesn't, or didn't know I was gay at that moment). After he walked away, my mom went over to where my grandparents were sitting and basically dragged my grandpa over his hypocrisy, claiming to be a good Christian but casting judgement himself, then she came and sat back with me when she was finished.
After we talked for a bit, my mom straight up asked me if I was gay. Naturally, I came out with it and said yes, and she told me she's had a feeling I was for years now and that it's not a problem with either her or my dad, and that they both love me no matter what. Shortly afterward, my dad came out of recovery and they had him in a room so we all went to find it, with my grandpa speaking like 5 words to my dad before leaving, afraid my mom would probably drag him again. My mom explained the whole thing to my dad, and as my mom and I were leaving the hospital for the night, he told me he was proud of me. That, and the moment with my mom, are moments I'll never forget. Unfortunately, my grandpa talking to me the way he did will also be a moment I never forget.
tl;dr: In the midst of my dad having surgery, my grandpa told me to my face he didn't approve of the "gay lifestyle" and my grandma said she "didn't understand it", leaving me an emotional wreck pretty much. My dad's surgery was successful, and what matters now is that he's recovering and my parents 100% support me.
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