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My Pokemon Gym: The Steel-Type





Welcome to a new entry in the 'My Pokemon Gym' series. This series allows me to post about my potential life as a gym leader; showcasing the Pokemon I would use at different stages of battle. We'll do these in order from my favorite to least-favorite type. For this penultimate entry, I'll be showcasing my talents as a master of Steel-type Pokemon. So please sit back, and comment below! For those unsure on the series in general, I've outlined background information and the rules for the series in this following blog-post:


Gym #1

Mawile | Level 14 | Intimidate | Metal Claw, Taunt, Fairy Wind, Bite
Honedge | Level 16 | No Guard | Metal Claw, Swords Dance, Fury Cutter, Pursuit

Favorite TM: Metal Claw

Gym Leader Comment: For the first gym in a region, it needs to be easy but challenging. I'll be honest and say this is probably the hardest first gym battle so far. Mawile leads with Intimidate and also has Taunt forcing opponents to attack specially to destroy her. She has Metal Claw which is the TM for this stage of the gym and has a chance of raising attack. Next up is Honedge which gains Swords Dance making it a very dangerous threat if not taken out immediately. 



Gym #2

Mawile | Level 22 | Intimidate | Metal Claw, Taunt, Fairy Wind, Feint Attack
Honedge | Level 24 | No Guard | Metal Claw, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Aerial Ace

Favorite TM: Metal Claw

Gym Leader Comment: By the second gym, you should begin to have a much more varied team. In case you lead with any evasion setters, Mawile gains Feint Attack to make sure she doesn't miss. Honedge gains a little bit of coverage with Aerial Ace and priority with Shadow Sneak. 



Gym #3

Mawile | Level 27 | Intimidate | Metal Claw, Taunt, Fairy Wind, Feint Attack
Ferroseed | Level 25 | Iron Barbs | Rollout, Curse, Pin Missile, Gyro Ball
Honedge | Level 29 | No Guard | Metal Claw, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Retaliate

Favorite TM: Metal Claw

Gym Leader Comment: At the third gym, the threat increases from two Pokemon to three. Competitive players will know the bane of the next addition; Ferroseed. So I really hope you have a special fire type, coz you're gonna need it.  It carries Curse to set up and then uses Gyro Ball for massive damage or Rollout to destroy teams. Remember Miltank? This is her now. Feel old yet? Meanwhile, if you do manage to knock her out, Honedge has boosted Retaliate as it switches in. 



Gym #4

Mawile | Level 34 | Intimidate | Iron Head, Taunt, Fairy Wind, Crunch
Ferroseed | Level 31 | Iron Barbs | Rollout, Curse, Pin Missile, Gyro Ball
Doublade | Level 35 | No Guard | Iron Head, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Iron Defense

Favorite TM: Iron Head

Gym Leader Comment: A new TM is awarded; Iron Head. Both Mawile and the prior Honedge now gain access to it. In addition, Honedge evolves into Doublade here. It also gains another +2 set up move with Iron Defense. Special attackers are the way to go here. 



Gym #5

Mawile | Level 36 | Intimidate | Iron Head, Taunt, Fairy Wind, Crunch
Skarmory | Level 33 | Sturdy | Iron Head, Peck, Sand Attack, Spikes
Ferroseed | Level 34 | Iron Barbs | Rollout, Curse, Pin Missile, Gyro Ball
Doublade | Level 37 | No Guard | Iron Head, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Night Slash

Favorite TM: Iron Head

Gym Leader Comment: The very defensive Pokemon Skarmory is added here. It also gains Sturdy as an ability to protect itself from any OHKO's by Fire or Electric type special attackers. It utilises Sand Attack and can annoy opponents with Spikes. Doublade also gains access to Night Slash. 



Gym #6

Mawile | Level 40 | Intimidate | Iron Head, Taunt, Fairy Wind, Sucker Punch
Skarmory | Level 38 | Sturdy | Iron Head, Peck, Sand Attack, Spikes
Ferrothorn  | Level 38 | Iron Barbs | Rollout, Curse, Gyro Ball, Self Destruct
Doublade | Level 41 | No Guard | Iron Head, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Night Slash

Favorite TM: Iron Head

Gym Leader Comment: A few small changes here. Mawile's main regular issue is her speed. It now gains access to Sucker Punch allowing her to strike first. Ferroseed evolves into Ferrothorn to absolutely stall out opponents. In a dangerous situation, it'll blow itself and the enemy to smithereens with Self Destruct. 



Gym #7

Mawile | Level 45 | Intimidate | Iron Tail, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Stockpile
Skarmory | Level 44 | Sturdy | Iron Head, Peck, Sand Attack, Spikes
Ferrothorn  | Level 44 | Iron Barbs | Curse, Gyro Ball, Self Destruct, Power Whip
Aegislash | Level 47 | Stance Change | Iron Head, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Night Slash

Favorite TM: Iron Tail

Gym Leader Comment: There's a few major changes here. The first is the introduction of the new TM; one of my favorite Steel-type moves that I'm sad is no longer currently a TM - Iron Tail. Mawile gains access to this new move and Stockpile to boost her own defenses. Ferrothorn finally gets a grass-STAB move in the form of the destructive Power Whip. Finally, Doublade evolves into Aegislash; Smogonsword icon. 



Gym #8

Klefki | Level 50 | Prankster | Spikes, Foul Play, Play Rough, Heal Block
Mawile | Level 53 | Intimidate | Iron Tail, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Play Rough
Skarmory | Level 52 | Sturdy | Iron Head, Sand Attack, Air Slash, Autotomize
Ferrothorn  | Level 52 | Iron Barbs | Curse, Gyro Ball, Self Destruct, Power Whip
Aegislash | Level 55 | Stance Change | Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, King's Shield, Sacred Sword

Favorite TM: Iron Tail

Gym Leader Comment: The final Gym team tests trainers to the extreme. Another Smogon icon is added to the team here; the hair-tearing inducing Klefki. Thankfully it doesn't run Parafusion yet. Instead it sets up Spikes and annoys any potion-users with Heal Block. It relies on enemies with high attack stats and destroys them with Foul Play. Mawile gains a new toy this time with STAB Play Rough. Skarmory changes a little bit gaining Air Slash and Autotomize for no real reason. Finally Aegislash gets a complete polish and makeover as it keeps Shadow Sneak and Swords Dance but adds King's Shield and Sacred Sword to its roster. 



Gym Rematch

Klefki | Level 69 | Prankster | Foul Play, Light Screen, Reflect, Thunder Wave
Lucario | Level 67 | Inner Focus | Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Calm Mind, Psychic
Ferrothorn | Level 65 | Iron Barbs | Curse, Gyro Ball, Power Whip, Leech Seed
Skarmory | Level 65 | Sturdy | Spikes, Roost, Stealth Rock, Whirlwind
Aegislash | Level 68 | Stance Change | Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, King's Shield, Sacred Sword
Mawile (M) | Level 70 | Intimidate | Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Play Rough, Stone Edge

Gym Leader Comment: The Gym-Leader rematch is meant to become the ultimate test of a Pokemon-type. Klefki continues leading this team and I bet you thought it was going to abuse Calm Mind or Swagger, right? Fucking wrong. I got stuck with a Klefki in the past with Dual Screens and it was so useful, so I present Klefki with Reflect, Light Screen and Thunder Wave who then utilises Foul Play to destroy its opponents. Next up is a Pokemon who appeared on both my steel and fighting top ten lists despite being part of both types - which happen to be my least two favorite types. Lucario joins the team but is a bit interesting; it's Special. Not something you see often. It uses Calm Mind to raise its stats and has great coverage with Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse and Psychic to remind me what type it should have been. (Fighting type? What the fuck?). Next up is Ferrothorn with a classic movepool; Curse, Gyro Ball, Power Whip, Leech Seed. Usually, I'd waste a slot on Rapid Spin or Stealth Rock but Rapid Spin is irrelevant for a Steel-mono team and for Stealth Rock... meet Skamory. Carrying Sneaky Pebbles, Spikes, and Whirlwind to toy with and irritate opponents, and then Roost to heal up any damage it takes, Skarmory is completely Taunt-bait but that's what switching out is for. Next is Aegislash, carrying the same moveset as the final gym match because, it's just that good. Finally, Mawile enters with its intimidating self and it's truly intimidating as it mega evolves into a massive threat; carrying Sucker Punch to outspeed and destroy attackers; with STAB options and Stone Edge for coverage on Fire-types. Will you even put a dent in this team? Ha. I doubt it. 



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