My Pokemon Gym: The Fighting-Type
Welcome to a new entry in the 'My Pokemon Gym' series. This series allows me to post about my potential life as a gym leader; showcasing the Pokemon I would use at different stages of battle. We'll do these in order from my favorite to least-favorite type. As this is the final entry in the series, I want to thank everyone who commented and viewed the series and hope you enjoyed it as we move out of the era of Pokemon Gyms. Now, I'll be showcasing my talents as a master of Fighting-type Pokemon. So please sit back, and comment below! For those unsure on the series in general, I've outlined background information and the rules for the series in this following blog-post:
Gym #1
Meditite | Level 14 | Pure Power | Mach Punch, Bide, Meditate, Confusion
Machop | Level 16 | No Guard | Mach Punch, Foresight, Focus Energy, Low Sweep
Favorite TM: Mach Punch
Gym Leader Comment: For the first gym in a region, it needs to be easy but challenging. There's one massive threat here; Meditite. Knowing Pure Power as its ability already makes it a little bit of a challenge but not unstoppable. However letting it set up with Meditate will put you in a world of hurt when it outspeeds with Mach Punch. It's only other attacking move is Confusion so using a Ghost-type that's not weak to it like Misdreavus will net you an easy win. Machop can hit ghost-types with Foresight but needs to waste a turn first.
Gym #2
Meditite | Level 22 | Pure Power | Mach Punch, Meditate, Confusion, Force Palm
Machop | Level 24 | No Guard | Mach Punch, Focus Energy, Revenge, Knock Off
Favorite TM: Mach Punch
Gym Leader Comment: By the second gym, you should begin to have a much more varied team. Particularly ghost-types. Machop now has access to Knock Off to punish them incredibly as many trainers use held berries by this point. Meditite gains Force Palm for those instances where it already outspeeds and wants an extra bit of damage and paralysis hax.
Gym #3
Meditite | Level 27 | Pure Power | Mach Punch, Meditate, Confusion, Force Palm
Scraggy | Level 25 | Moxie | Feint Attack, Headbutt, Swagger, Brick Break
Machoke | Level 29 | No Guard | Mach Punch, Focus Energy, Revenge, Knock Off
Favorite TM: Mach Punch
Gym Leader Comment: At the third gym, the threat increases from two Pokemon to three. The third Pokemon to join this gym roster is Scraggy. A Pokemon I'm not a massive fan of to be completely honest, but it works for the gym in itself. Utilising Feint Attack to break through Psychic-types and Ghost-types and using Swagger to troll while increasing its stats with Moxie. It's not one to leave unchecked. Machop evolves into the much more useful Machoke here.
Gym #4
Meditite | Level 34 | Pure Power | Mach Punch, Confusion, Mind Reader, High Jump Kick
Scraggy | Level 31 | Moxie | Drain Punch, Feint Attack, Swagger, High Jump Kick
Machoke | Level 35 | No Guard | Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Knock Off, Dual Chop
Favorite TM: Drain Punch
Gym Leader Comment: A new TM is awarded; Drain Punch. This allows the user to restore HP to themselves after dealing damage. This is awarded to Scraggy and Machoke here. Machoke also gains access to Dual Chop for resisted opponents. Meditite and Scraggy also gain access to High Jump Kick; an incredibly powerful Fighting-type move with crash damage attached in the small chance they miss. But what's the odds of that?
Gym #5
Medicham | Level 36 | Pure Power | Mach Punch, Confusion, Mind Reader, High Jump Kick
Mienfoo | Level 33 | Regenerator | Meditate, Fake Out, Force Palm, Drain Punch
Scraggy | Level 34 | Moxie | Drain Punch, Feint Attack, Swagger, High Jump Kick
Machoke | Level 37 | No Guard | Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Knock Off, Dual Chop
Favorite TM: Drain Punch
Gym Leader Comment: The fourth addition to the gym is from my second favorite (and favorite non-legendary) Fighting-type Pokemon line; Mienfoo. Mienfoo comes in as the only main change this time around carrying Fake Out to irritate opponents, meditate to boost its stats and gain back HP with Drain Punch. In addition, your worst nightmare is beginning as Meditite evolves into Pure Power Medicham.
Gym #6
Medicham | Level 40 | Pure Power | Mach Punch, Zen Headbutt, Mind Reader, High Jump Kick
Mienfoo | Level 38 | Regenerator | Meditate, Fake Out, Drain Punch, Jump Kick
Scraggy | Level 38 | Moxie | Drain Punch, Swagger, High Jump Kick, Crunch
Machamp | Level 41 | No Guard | Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Knock Off, Dual Chop
Favorite TM: Drain Punch
Gym Leader Comment: A few small changes here. Machoke evolves into Machamp here. Medicham and Scraggy gain more powerful STAB moves in the form of Zen Headbutt and Crunch, whereas Mienfoo replaces the lesser Force Palm for the strong Jump Kick.
Gym #7
Medicham | Level 45 | Pure Power | Mach Punch, Zen Headbutt, Mind Reader, High Jump Kick
Mienfoo | Level 44 | Regenerator | High Jump Kick, Fake Out, Drain Punch, U-Turn
Scrafty | Level 44 | Moxie | Drain Punch, Swagger, High Jump Kick, Crunch
Machamp | Level 47 | No Guard | High Jump Kick, Mach Punch, Knock Off, Bulk Up
Favorite TM: High Jump Kick
Gym Leader Comment: There's a few major changes here. The first is the introduction of the new TM; High Jump Kick. A move of this nature has never been a TM before and it's clear to see why. This move is added to Mienfoo and Machamp - who usually is unable to learn this move. Mienfoo gains access to U-Turn now to play with its ability a little more. Machamp also gains Bulk Up to become a very powerful threat. Finally, Scraggy evolves into Scrafty making it very difficult to take down quickly.
Gym #8
Breloom | Level 50 | Effect Spore | Drain Punch, Leech Seed, Spore, Seed Bomb
Medicham | Level 53 | Pure Power | Mach Punch, Zen Headbutt, High Jump Kick, Recover
Mienshao | Level 52 | Regenerator | High Jump Kick, Fake Out, Drain Punch, U-Turn
Scrafty | Level 52 | Moxie | Drain Punch, Swagger, High Jump Kick, Crunch
Machamp | Level 55 | No Guard | High Jump Kick, Mach Punch, Knock Off, Bulk Up
Favorite TM: High Jump Kick
Gym Leader Comment: The final Gym team tests trainers to the extreme. A nice addition in Breloom happens here. While it doesn't yet carry its hidden ability of Technician, it carries Effect Spore instead so think twice about hitting it physically! It also likes to use Spore, Leech Seed and Drain Punch to incapacitate opponents and then heal off any damage it took. The only other changes here is the evolution of Mienfoo to Asian Icon Mienshao, and Medicham gaining Recover.
Gym Rematch
Mienshao | Level 69 | Regenerator | Fake Out, U-Turn, High Jump Kick, Knock Off
Breloom | Level 67 | Technician | Leech Seed, Spore, Rock Tomb, Bullet Seed
Gallade | Level 65 | Justified | Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Earthquake, Will-O-Wisp
Scrafty | Level 65 | Intimidate | Drain Punch, Poison Jab, Dragon Dance, Knock Off
Machamp | Level 68 | No Guard | High Jump Kick, Facade, Stone Edge, Bullet Punch
Medicham (M) | Level 70 | Pure Power | Ice Punch, Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, Fake Out
Gym Leader Comment: The Gym-Leader rematch is meant to become the ultimate test of a Pokemon-type. We now start this battle off with Fake Out Mienshao. Her number one play for anything that isn't a ghost-type. And if you do bring a ghost-type she'll destroy it immediately with Knock Off anyway. After Fake Out, it's High Jump Kick all the way until she fears danger or gets low in health; in which case it's time for U-Turn. Next up is Breloom; now carrying Technician. This allow it to boost its Bullet Seed and Rock Tomb; a move not usually seen to often; but with a speed lowering side-effect, sees some use here. Spore and Leech Seed are as common as ever. The next Pokemon is Gallade; a new addition to the gym. Carrying Swords Dance, it sets up to sweep through teams with Psycho cut and Earthquake. It also can act as a surprising status inflicter with Will-O-Wisp making an appearance every now and then. Next up is Scrafty. Intimidating everything on the switch, it threatens switches while it sets up with Dragon Dance and then fires out Drain Punch and Knock Off and Poison Jab for those pesky fairies. The previous gym ace; Machamp returns with No Guard HJK. Enough is really said there but it can also out-prioritise fairies with Bullet Punch and use Facade if burned. Finally Medicham mega evolves and instantly uses Fake Out. It hits fairies with Bullet Punch, Flying-types with Ice Punch and restores HP with its move of choice; Drain Punch. Hope you're fighting spirit doesn't crushed.
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