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Sun and Moon - Final News Post



Hello. My lovelies. 




In less than 48 hours, Pokemon Sun and Moon will be released in America, Australia and parts of Asia. Europe remains with the release date of November 23rd (although some French users are reporting that Amazon will deliver on November 19th for them). On Thursday, I will be updating the blog with a Discussion Thread and a Battle Royal Thread for future use. Sun and Moon discussion - including spoilers - can take place in the Discussion Thread and the Battle Royal thread will be used for future battles between the FOTP community. I'll have the game hopefully the afternoon of the 17th, and will be able to lead you all into this brand new adventure. But before that begins, we have a few "official" announcements to talk about:



The video above showcases the final trailer for Pokemon Sun and Moon. It showcases the exclusive Z-Moves that Decidueye, Incineroar and Primarina have. These are Sinister Arrow Raid, Malicious Moonsault and Oceanic Operetta respectively. They are Ghost, Dark and Water typed Z-Moves respectively. They must be used in conjunction with the signature moves of each Pokemon.  See these Z-Moves in action in Pokemon Sun and Moon! 




Next. A few new Ultra Beasts have been revealed! In the trailer, we see UB03-Lighting and UB-05 Glutton. Glutton is a Dark and Dragon-type while Lighting is a pure Electric type. Corocoro was also leaked the other day showing two more Ultra Beasts; these are UB-04.  In addition another Pokemon has been revealed, but it doesn't officially reveal its name. 



The other reveal is the official reveal of the fabulous Alolan Dugtrio and its pre-evolved form Alolan Diglett. They are both Ground and Steel-type Pokemon. They carry either Sand Veil or a new ability called Tangling Hair which lowers an opponent's speed upon contact; in the same fashion of Goodra's Gooey ability. Their hair is made from a volcanic glass surface known as 'Pele's Hair'. 



That's all the news for Pokemon Sun and Moon before the games release in a couple of days. The games have also been released to reviewers today, and are currently sitting at an aggregated 88 on Metacritic with 25 critics each. It's been a whirlwind nine months, but the day is almost here. My little luranti, I wish you all farewell. 


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