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Sun and Moon - Discussion & Gameplay Thread









The wait is now OVER! Pokemon Sun and Moon have arrived to the world. Currently released in Asia and Australia, it will be releasing in the USA and Canada within the next twenty-four hours. Europe sadly still has its release date of November 23rd, but don't give up hope fellow Luranti. The nine months of waiting has finally come to an end. The next chapter of Pokemon has started. And what better way to celebrate than a thread to discuss the games and document our adventures? 




Comment below and let me know where you are in Alola right now? What your team is? What you're loving? What you think of the new region, new characters, new Pokemon? There's so much to discuss. Feel free to be as spoiler-filled as you like but use spoilers tags if you think you're giving away too much information. Also try and keep spoilers tagged in the main Pokéthread. I'll be updating this post with my teams and playthrough too. Let's have a great time, because we fucking deserve it! L'oreal! 




OH. And, one more thing! Don't forget to SIGN UP to take part in FOTP's very own Battle Royal! We'll be doing Battle Royals occasionally over the next foreseeable future and we'd loe to experience more battle styles and mechanics by playing with others! You can find out all the details about our very own Battle Royals at the link below. In the meantime, take your time to enjoy Pokemon Sun and Moon and let us know how you're enjoying your vacation in Alola! 






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Ok so i've been playing non-stop for six hours. I've JUST beaten the first totem Pokemon giveup1 Yeah, i've been messing about a bit and trying to explore EVERYTHING but don't let anyone convince you this game is short. The first trial captain almost swept me even tho i was 3 levels higher. Sweeping me with a smeargle no less. I was able to OHKO totem raticate with Trumbeak tho because 4x weakness from Brick Break. However, I expect the other trials to drag me when i'm not prepared enough for them giveup1



Brionne - 17
Trumbeak - 15
Cutiefly - 13

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20 hours ago, RihannaRTT said:

Ok so i've been playing non-stop for six hours. I've JUST beaten the first totem Pokemon giveup1 Yeah, i've been messing about a bit and trying to explore EVERYTHING but don't let anyone convince you this game is short. The first trial captain almost swept me even tho i was 3 levels higher. Sweeping me with a smeargle no less. I was able to OHKO totem raticate with Trumbeak tho because 4x weakness from Brick Break. However, I expect the other trials to drag me when i'm not prepared enough for them giveup1



Brionne - 17
Trumbeak - 15
Cutiefly - 13

sis we live in the same continent how did u get ur game early!?!?!

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2 hours ago, BJORK said:

sis we live in the same continent how did u get ur game early!?!?!

I bought a new 2ds a few months back and set it to australia the moment i got it, purely for SM. and then bought SM from the aus eshop gaycat1 

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So now. I'm 18 and a half hours into the game and I've JUST gotten to Island #3 (and beat Hau there coz I didn't really have time to save beforehand). My team is:

Primarina - 35 @Waterium Z - Scald, Sparking Aria, Psychic, Disarming Voice
Lurantis - 34 @Grassium Z - Leech Life, Synthesis, Leaf Blade, Growth
Salazzle - 34 @Firium Z - Flame Burst, Nasty Plot, Dragon Rage, Venoshock
Toucannon - 33 @Sharp Beak - Beak Blast, Roost, Fury Attack, Brick Break
Ribombee - 33 @Silver Powder - Psychic, Draining Kiss, Stun Spore, Pollen Puff


Last night, after beating the first trial, I went and did the Kahuna - who I bodied with Cutiefly gaycat1 - and then rematched Ilmia which went smoother than the first time tbh, but his Gumshoos was a bit tricky. Then onto island #2 where I did some stuff and went to do Lana's trial. I got REALLY lucky. I was able to 2HKO TotemWashi with Rain boosted Scald, and instead of summoning Alomomola with Heal Pulse, it summoned little bitch wishiwashi so it was easy in that sense. Next up was the Battle Royal dome which I enjoyed and won with the newly caught Fomantis. Kwin. Can't wait to do more BRs when my team are lv50+. Then onto Kiawe's trial. I found his trial a hilarious mess with the hiker and the totem photobombing nnn. Salazzle stood no chance tho as Brionne was like 8 levels higher and OHKO'd with WateriumZ + Scald. Biggest challenge at this time was Iilmia's Smeargle. 

And then came Mallow's trial. Lord. I loved searching for the ingredients tbh. All the little things as part of it and things jumping out. it was great. but then the totem Lurantis battle (the way she sneaked up behind you too; such a talent). and she was the hardest thing so far by miles. My Salandit's Flame Burst + FiriumZ didn't even OHKO and then she healed with Synthesis whilst summoning Castform to Water Gun my ass out. And after killing it with Ribombee, she summoned Trumbeak to deal with it. Finally beat them with Toucannon's beak blast but i was slayed. antm1 Best moment so far.

Then it was off to battle Olivia and Plumeria caught me off guard i wasn't even prepared this bitch dead2 Beat ha and Olivia and then on the way to Aether Paradise. MESS @ the story element here with Hau. This dumbass dead2 not even gonna mention but you'll all see it when he says something and her reaction. (not about her age, about another character). And then the UB01 appeared with a defense boost. OHKO'd it with Z-Sparking Aria tho coz i was prepared.. Then on the way to Ula Ula Island, battled Hau when I got there and bitch had Alola Raichu and I didn't really have anything for it so Ribombee took a lot of damage from it rip1 But survived coz it loved me. Poor Hau. And then I saved gaycat1 


Yesterday, I was liking the game but not meltdowning. I wouldn't say I'm meltdowning coz maybe I'm more mature now but I'm absolutely loving it today. Mallow's trial was amazing and my favorite part so far. I also noticed I'm a bit overlevelled and its because I'm using EXP. Share AND Pokemon Refresh. Refresh gives me boosted EXP but I won't be doing it in future playthroughs. It was fun for the first playthrough tho. So yeah I'm lovin it and I hope those who have it rn are loving it too, and my fellow europeans get it asap. gaycat1 

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I'm almost done giveup1 33 hours into the game. JUST caught Lunala and on my way to the E4/Victory Road tomorrow. My current team:

Primarina (57) @PrimariumZ - Moonblast, Sparkling Aria, Energy Ball, Blizzard
Lurantis (56) @GrassiumZ - Leech Life, Brick Break, Leaf Blade, Swords Dance
Salazzle (56) @FiriumZ - Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Will O Wisp, Sludge Wave
Ribombee (56) @FairiumZ - Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Quiver Dance, Pollen Puff
Toucannon (56) @FlyniumZ - Beak Blast, Roost, Bullet Seed, Brick Break
Mimikyu (56) @GhostiumZ - Shadow Claw, Swords Dance, Leech Life, Play Rough


I've honestly loved the last half of the game so much. I've enjoyed the whole game but the story REALLY kicked in after the second island and it was so dramatic, the region looked fucking gorgeous and everything was so well done. I'm slayed. Can't wait to trounce the E4 and play again when my UK copies come. 

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