Sylk's Minecraft Moments
I was deleting some files and I came across my Minecraft data so I thought before I'd delete I'd take some snaps for memories!!
me dog name after @Hylia drowning in me beetroot paddy
me dog Hylia's kid Sylk Jr
Looking over me farm!!!!
Looking over me cottage me built
me land conquer me make map!!!!
me built wizard tower on mountain
me build portal thingy give me powers
me love gardening
me pig pen and chicken coop me love bacon and kfc nom nom
me sheep pen and cow pen me love wool and milk
me horsey and donkeys
me make bunny farm
me pussies
me kitchen
me bed where me magic happen
me keep secret in the woods
me put zombie spawner me trap them and harvest points like me harvest rep in rep lounge
me do witchcraft
me make portal go to other dimension to escape @Taylor
me look over me farm and do evil laugh
me name me dog after Wendy Williams!
me bodyguard
me name dog after legend
me cat wig
me cat name after @Aidan.
That's all
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