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Pokemon Direct 6.6.17 | New Games Announced



Welcome back, my pokesisters.




It's been a good few months since I've last talked to you, and in that time we've had irrelevant news about Pokemon events and movies, different playthroughs of Pokemon games and endless discussion about the cutscenes in Pokemon Sun and Moon. But today was different; we were shown a Pokemon Direct by Nintendo's Youtube channel; which announced new Pokemon games on different platforms. You can watch the Direct at the link below:



As you can see there were some new games announced. The first was 'Pokemon Tournament DX'; an updated title of 'Pokemon Tournament', for release on the Nintendo Switch. The second game is the upcoming 'Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon' on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. Finally, the Nintendo Virtual Console will also start hosting the 1999 games, 'Pokemon Gold and Silver' in September this year. We'll go into detail about each of them today! 




As previously stated, the 1999 releases of 'Pokemon Gold and Silver' will be released to the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console later this year. These will be released in their original form just like 'Pokemon Red and Green, Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Yellow' last year as downloadable releases for the Virtual Console. These will also be compatible with Pokemon Bank in the future to allow transfer of these Pokemon and finally allow connectivity across all seven generations. The Virtual Console issues of 'Pokemon Gold and Silver' will be released on September 22, 2017. 




Next up; 'Pokken Tournament DX'; another game that will release on September 22, this year. This game is an updated version of 'Pokemon Tournament' for the Wii U and certain Arcades; and is being released on the Nintendo Switch console; as Pokemon's first entry there. It comes with all characters from the Wii U version, Scizor, Darkrai and Empoleon from the Arcade version and the new Generation 7 Pokemon; Decidueye. New support Pokemon will also be added; and all of these support Pokemon and playable Pokemon will be available right from the get-go of the game. New modes will also be added such as Team Battle Mode and Group Battle Mode; as well as the ability to watch replays. 'Pokemon Tournament DX' launches on September 22. 




And finally, the news that we're all here to Witness (buy it on iTunes on June 9th); 'Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon'; the newest main series games. These titles are an "alternative storyline" of 'Pokemon Sun and Moon' - which implies that they are more resemblant of 'Pokemon Platinum' than 'Pokemon Black 2 and White 2' - and will be released on the Nintendo 3DS worldwide on November 17th this year! 




First up, we have these alternative designs of the box legendaries Solgaleo and Lunala. These appear to be new forms which have something to do with the legendary Pokemon, Necrozma; as they seem to have absorbed its prism armor. In addition, the undersides of these Pokemon now seem to have a much more "fire and ice" coloring than their original counterparts. Both of these are sure to play a significant role within the game. 




Going through the trailer with immense detail. we see that we start in what appears to be the same house as in 'Pokemon Sun and Moon', and Route 1 appears to be slightly more vibrant color-wise. We have a Wingull fly over our heads and bypass a lady with an Alolan Meowth. Later, we are seen with all three starter Pokemon in a location that could be Iki Town, or could be further down Route 1. Then we are shown a ranch filled with Pikachu, a caretaker in a green top and a pond with a waterfall. We are then shown an angry Togedemaru, a Mimikyu swooping down from above, and showcasing its undercloth, and a pouncing Lycanroc (Midday Form)l all in different locations - a grey building (Mt. Hokulani Observatory?), a dark forest (unknown location; possibly Lush Jungle or Verdant Cavern?) and then a mountain-esque area (Vast Poni Canyon?).. Finally, we see the alternative box legendaries and a the male trainer wearing a black Z-ring surrounded by prismatic colors. 




Masuda then talks about the games themselves. While he's doing this more images are shown; we see an area with a Pikachu caravan, a little lake (which appears to fall into a waterfall), and then Pikachu and Slowpoke on the other side. I believe this could be a previously unexplorable area on Melemele Island where the waterfall leads to; close to Iki Town. He also states that this game is an alternative story taking place in the same world as 'Pokemon Sun and Moon' but featuring Pokemon that didn't appear in the original versions. This more-than-likely means either a) New Alola Forms, b) Pokemon that weren't in the Alola Dex before, c) New Forms for Gen 7 Pokemon, d) all of the above. Don't get any hopes up about new actual Pokemon designs as I think they'll be wasted until we have any evidence to the idea. He states that New Features will be added to the title as well. 




That's all from me for today. Be on the lookout for any more news over the coming weeks; we still have E3 and Corocoro but don't expect too much, if anything, from there at this stage. Are you expecting new mega forms, new alola forms, new Ultra Beasts plots? Do tell all, and don't forget to pre-order 'Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon'; out November 17!




Recommended Comments

Just now, Driven said:

I'm getting Ultra Sun, when the games come out. 

i'll be getting both, but i might use Moon this time as my "complete game" since I did Sun for SM, and use the other one for my replays. 



hoping for some info tomorrow at the Paris expo

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12 hours ago, RihannaRTT said:

i'll be getting both, but i might use Moon this time as my "complete game" since I did Sun for SM, and use the other one for my replays. 



hoping for some info tomorrow at the Paris expo

Since, i've known you. You've got both and main one and used the other game for replays, what i find smart in a lot of ways. :)

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