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#USUM: The Last Six Weeks



Good evening, my fabulous little Pokemonsters.




It's been a long time since I've done a post on this blog; roughly six weeks. It's certainly not for a lack of news either, I've just been so busy personally, that I had no time to update things. But after today's massive information reveals, I have little choice other than to make all of you aware of the reveals from today and over the last six weeks. So get your asses in gear, strap in (not strap-on) and get ready for the ride of your life. 




September 13th



September brought, in-arguably, the biggest news of the #USUM hype season at the time. TWO new Ultra Beasts were shown. This is the first time ever that new Pokemon have been added to the roster within a generation. These Pokemon are UB-Assembly and UB-Burst; their codenames. UB-Assembly's Japanese translation is UB-Lay. Since the reveal in September, UB-Burst has been revealed to be Fire and Ghost-type with a new move; Mind Blown which sacrifices 50% of its HP to deal massive damage. It is based off fireworks, and the ghost-typing element seems to come from its ability to steal the vitality of others. UB-Assembly has since been confirmed to be Rock and Steel-type. 




The other Pokemon reveals from the September trailer was the confirmation that the new forms of Solgaleo and Lunala are... not forms of Solgaleo and Lunala, but instead forms of Necrozma. The Dusk Mane form takes control of Solgaleo, and the Dawn Wings form takes control of Lunala. Interestingly, Necrozma also seems to inhibit the typings of the Alolan Legendaries. In today's trailer another update of this controlling sequence was shown with both the legendary and Necrozma being summoned at the altar, and their auras fighting it out.




In September, another unique Z-Move was also revealed. Lycanroc was given a unique Z-Move known as Splintered Stormshards which activates off the Rock-Type move; Stone Edge. And fortunately for everyone involved, Z-Moves don't miss. This move also adds to the effect in where it does damage, but also eliminates terrain effects such as Electric Terrain and Misty Terrain. It was also confirmed that all three Lycanroc forms will get the ability to use the Z-Move. It was also stated that the Rockruff gift gets Fire Fang or Thunder Fang; depending on the version of USUM that you purchase.




September 18th




The only news here was a new poster promoting Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. But they say a picture tells one thousand words. And in this case, it certainly does. Firstly, Hau appears more serious in his demeanour; while Lillie seems to, not only, have toughened up a little bit, but also seems to now be holding a Poke-Ball; implying that she has, or will, become a trainer. Finally, a dark cloud is seen at the top and some new characters who are difficult to make-out from the poster, but were revealed today. We'll go onto them a little bit later. 




September 22nd



But for now, let's talk about something hinted in a former trailer. In the trailer on September 13, a Mantine was wearing a ride-saddle at one of the beaches... and with this trailer, it now confirms that Mantine is a ride-Pokemon. Mantine will allow you to surf between islands, while also playing a fun mini-game. It also appears that you can encounter wild Pokemon and possibly trainers as well by surfing between islands during this mini-game. 




Next up; the island challenge has returned but also changed. Firstly, Lush Jungle retains Lurantis as its totem Pokemon, but it now seems that there are wild Sudowoodo sprawling around Lush Jungle during the trial. Sophocles's trial on Mount Hokulani does appear to use Vikavolt, but a Togedemaru seems to be facing off with some Charjabug. Acerola's trial near Route 14 is the most interesting as she appears to be warning the player to get out immediately. Alolan Marowak is now also confirmed to be the totem Pokemon of Wela Volcano Park. Finally, Mina does indeed gain a trial in Ultra Sun and Moon.




The other main piece of information with this update is that the regional dex has over 400 Pokemon, compared to 302 with Sun and Moon. This is the second-highest ranking regional dex ever; bested by Pokemon X and Y's 450+ Pokemon. It also, now, appears to explain Kukui's "Alola is full of rare Pokemon" speech from the beginning of Sun and Moon; as trainers can find Tropius, Larvesta, Mareep, Larvitar and Zorua; as well as either Houndoom in Pokemon Ultra Sun, or Manectric in Pokemon Ultra Moon. It also seems that Alola Vulpix is once again said to be exclusive to the Sun variant, as Alola Sandshrew becomes exclusive to Moon again. 




October 4th



A trailer was shown last night after a special on the Japanese TV show, Oha Suta. There's not much to discuss about this trailer because a lot of it was shown in more detail in today's much bigger trailer. However, there's a few scenes that were absent from today's information. And these were mainly the dialogue scenes. The main gist of it was the following; Kukui talked about an ancient story where darkness plagued the land and the legendaries of Alola fought against it with light, Burnet takled about how uncommon it is to see cracks in the sky, such as the Ultra Worm Holes, Guzma said something along the lines of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", while Gladion mentions a possibility that his mother could also die. Meanwhile Lusamine is telling someone to get out quickly because "he's a monster". 




October 5th



Finally, we're onto today's trailer. This was, without a doubt, the best trailer thus far and showcased so much about the games, their new characters, their plot and a new Pokemon. Let's begin with the new characters; The Ultra Recon Squad. These are mysterious people that dwell in an area called Ultra Megalopolis; a world where Necrozma has stolen the light. In Ultra Sun, you will meet Dulse and Zossie, and in Ultra Moon you will meet up with Phyco and Soliera. It is not currently known whether these guys are allies or enemies. These guys are also shown to battle using Ultra Beasts themselves. 




Ultra Megalopolis will allow you to explore the Ultra Space in full. You can now fly through Ultra Space on Lunala, or ride through it on Solgaleo, and while also playing another cute mini-game, enter various portals that lead you to - as suspected when that Kartana image popped up a while back - the resident Ultra Space Lands of each Ultra Beast. From what we've seen so far, Nihilego remains as it was in Sun and Moon, whereas Xurkitree seems to be in some kind of Electric Jungle, and there also seems to be another sort of jungle and a volcano; where Buzzwole appears to hail from. Pheromosa seems to be in a desert with sandcastle like buildings that look like she's on Planet Namek from Dragonball-Z. Because... talent?




... and there's one thing left to discuss... or one Pokemon, I should say. Welcome UB-Adhesive to the roster. A Poison-type Ultra Beast. UB-Adhesive is said to display many emotions and can understand human speech if it spends enough time together with mankind. It's head is filled with poisonous venom and it fires this venom at its targets through the needles on its head and body. 




Well, that's us finally done for today. Looking back, it's amazing how much new info was shown over the last six weeks. Now, onto the future weeks; it appears likely that new information will come in roughly 2 weeks or so, and then we'd expect a final bit of information in November. If I had to guess, I'd say new Alola Forms and a new battle facility, but that's a guess only. I'm also going to attempt (keyword) to post more on this blog with the Type Tourney series. Leave some discussion and comments down below. See y'all around lovelies.




Recommended Comments

UB Adhesive swiftly snatched the spot of my fave Ultra Beast. Sorry Nihilego, still love you though! Ultra Space is looking SO much better this time around, they really outdid themselves. 

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8 hours ago, Hylia said:

UB Adhesive swiftly snatched the spot of my fave Ultra Beast. Sorry Nihilego, still love you though! Ultra Space is looking SO much better this time around, they really outdid themselves. 

Mine is still Pheromosa and then Celesteela. I don’t know if I prefe Nihilego or little Stitch here. I want the squad to be like it’s just a dog when I battle them


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14 hours ago, RihannaRTT said:

Mine is still Pheromosa and then Celesteela. I don’t know if I prefe Nihilego or little Stitch here. I want the squad to be like it’s just a dog when I battle them


I’m living for Pheromosa’s area in Ultra Space. Kim and her Calabasas estate just can’t relate


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35 minutes ago, Hylia said:

I’m living for Pheromosa’s area in Ultra Space. Kim and her Calabasas estate just can’t relate


It serves Planet Namek from Dragonball-Z and it just made me stan for Phero more than ever




a true ULTRA beast.

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