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#USUM: Rainbow Rocket, Ultra Wormholes & The Battle Agency



Hello. Little Mewtwonsters 




A LOT has happened today and there are now THREE trailers we need to discuss as well as other little titbits from the Pokemon website. One of these trailers is in English and two are in Japanese but you really need to view all three of them to have a grip of what's going on. I'll link them below so watch them and then meet me after the jump! 



Ok, so now that we're done with that. Where do we begin? Usually I'd go through each trailer one-by-one but there is SOOOO much to discuss this time. So instead, I'm going to discuss the main points first and then round off with little things from the website and the individual trailers. So strap yourselves in coz it's time for a journey through an ultra wormhole!




To the surprise of no-one with half-a-brain that's been updated on #USUM and its leaks, Team Rainbow Rocket is now confirmed. Giovanni is its leader! The team is made up of all teams from the past generations - excluding the Gamecube spin-offs. That's Giovanni, Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, Ghetsis and Lysandre. It also seems like Faba is somehow involved as the seventh member of the rainbow organisation. Giovanni and the other bosses - who allegedly come from universes where they actually completed their objectives - take over Aether Paradise, and after a breaking news segment, it's your job to stop them. Unfortunately for you, these bosses are now super-equipped with a new warehouse of traps, mega evolutions... and legendary Pokemon in their disposal; such as Giovanni using Mega Mewtwo Y.




Next up, let's look more into depth for Legendary Pokemon themselves. All past Legendary Pokemon - note, not mythicals - are now confirmed to return for Ultra Sun and Moon. Some of these are available in both games without any extra objectives (Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit, Cresselia, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion and Zygarde). Some of these are version exclusive to Ultra Sun (Ho-Oh, Raikou, Groudon, Dialga, Latios, Heatran, Reshiram, Tornadus and Xerneas) or to Ultra Moon (Lugia, Entei, Kyogre, Palkia, Latias, Regigigas, Zekrom, Thundurus and Yveltal), and the remaining legendaries are available in both games but only when you have certain specific version exclusive Pokemon in your party. These ones are Suicune (Raikou and Entei), Rayquaza (Kyogre and Groudon), Giratina (Dialga and Palkia), Landorus (Thundurus and Tornadus) and Kyurem (Reshiram and Zekrom). 




But how do you find these Pokemon? Simple. You travel on Lunala or Solgaleo through the Ultra Wormhole, and just like the Ultra Beasts' own environments, the legendaries also seem to be found in their own locations reminiscent to that of the original games. It doesn't seem to be a massive environment or a fully-fledge dungeon, but it seems similar to the Ultra Space equivalents that the likes of Pheromosa and Xurkitree are now found in.  As it stands, Lugia, Giratina and Mewtwo have been seen in their own environments. 




Next, let's have a look at some other old Pokemon that you can get in a new way. These ones aren't really that old; they were established last year in Sun and Moon; Totem Pokemon. That's right, in Ultra Sun and Moon, you can now gain access to these Totem Pokemon. Instead of Zygarde Cells, this year, you are tasked with finding Totem Stickers which are scattered around Alola. And the more of these stickers that you collect, the more Totem Pokemon that you can unlock for use. So far, Gumshoos is available in both games while Lurantis is exclusive to Ultra Sun and Salazzle is exclusive to Ultra Moon. Interestingly, it appeared that Salazzle is no longer a Totem Pokemon in this game as Alolan Marowak is now the Totem at Wela Volcano Park, so either totems from both games are included or some other Pokemon who weren't previously totems will also have totem forms! 




Now, let's look at something else that people have been asking for, for a very long time; the return of the Battle Factory. While not a direct copy of the Battle Factory, Ultra Sun and Moon have introduced us to a new facility; the Battle Agency. This facility allows you to rent Pokemon and battle in single battle style against opponents. Each player will use three Pokemon. These Pokemon will have pre-determined stats, movesets and items. By battling through the agency, you can battle other unique characters - like Sophocles - and earn rare items - such as gold bottle caps. As you continue battling, you will earn more powerful Pokemon to use and eventually earn a higher grade. In addition, this feature allows - and is encouraged - for multi-player use. By connecting with other agents online, you'll be able to rent even more powerful Pokemon. 




Now, with the main reveals out of the way, let's look at some of the other changes we've seen so far for Ultra Sun and Moon. Firstly, let's begin with the English trailer. The only other thing here to note is that new Island Scan Pokemon are set to appear. From what we've seen so far, these include Charmander, Grovyle and Greninja! 




Moving onto the Japanese trailer there's a lot of little things here. We get some new footage of Lusamine dangerously close to an Ultra Wormhole and still looking rather sinister. In the post-game episode, it seems like Team Skull's leader Guzma is helping you against Rainbow Rocket. It also shows a confrontation between the player, Lillie, Guzma, Lusamine and the members of the Ultra Recon Squad at the altar of the Sunne or Moone. Finally, the bottom screen menu in Ultra Sun and Moon looks a lot more exciting than it did in the original releases!




Ok, so that's all from me for today! It's only fifteen more days until Ultra Sun and Moon releases, and actually, I'm pleased - and surprised - to say that we'll have even more information coming in 8 days time; on November the 10th (5am UTC). If I had to guess, I'd say New Alola Forms and the 2nd battle facility will be revealed along with a few more Z-Moves. See ya then Lil Lusamines.




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UPDATE: forgot to mention this coz im stupid but when you meet an unseen pokemon, you'll get this to show you its new



i think this is so cool. it's like colosseum with the shadow pokemon all over again or XD alex1 

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So will the members of Team Rainbow Rocket have their respective legendary they were after, like Archie with Kyogre, for example?

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10 minutes ago, Hylia said:

So will the members of Team Rainbow Rocket have their respective legendary they were after, like Archie with Kyogre, for example?

I feel like they will but I'm not sure. We know that each has 5 members but you never know, Giovanni could be like Greevil in xD where u face the 5 pokemon first and then he sends out Mewtwo


It would make sense tho. Groudon, Kyogre, Giratina, I guess B or W Kyurem version exclusive, and Xerneas or Yveltal exclusive. I don't know about Faba tho; some bullshit about him going to Johto? Maybe Lunala or Solgaleo version exclusive? 

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