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#10. Leafeon

A bit low for an eeveelution but the grass-type eeveelution makes it on this list at #10. Grass is my 3rd favorite type, but I do feel like the type itself just deteriorated after the first two gens. Is Leafeon a bad design? Not quite, but it doesn't live up to the five that came before (except maybe Flareon). It also doesn't help that Leafeon looks like an inferior version of what's coming next. 



#9. Shaymin

This little cutie ends up here at #9. For obvious reasons, I've never used a Shaymin during my playthroughs but with 100 base all around, it's fair to say, it plays like Celebi and Mew for in-game. The design of the original Shaymin is rather boring to say the least, albeit cute, but what is really stunning is the Sky Forme; picking up a fairy typing, impressive ability and expansive base stat in Special Attack and Speed. Not to mention, it's design is what Leafeon should have been. Look at this thing, it's purely wonderful.



#8. Bellossom

Bellossom comes from one of my favorite Grass-type lines; the Oddish line. Unfortunately, while losing her poison typing, Bellossom also just loses it in general. It's still slightly adorable and decent enough I suppose, but that 50 speed is extremely lacking; and while Vileplume suffers from a similar curse, Vileplume has the offensive capabilities to back itself up. Bellossom just feels weak. A nice design but weak. 



#7. Victreebel

I was always under the impression that Victreebel was simply a Physical attacker, but apparently this is untrue as it's Special Attack stat is only 5 points lower than the Attack stat. Victreebel brings back fond memories of the anime for me; where it would constantly attack James with it's venus-fly-trap like body. Maybe it's not the best in-game Pokemon, and I haven't used one yet because I've always been #TeamVileplume, but it's a great Pokemon overall. 



#6. Tropius

This is a really bad Pokemon. It just is. With 51 speed, 68 attack and 72 special attack, Tropius isn't going to be at all useful in game. Not to mention, it has a tragic movepool as well, for the most part and cannot utilise itself properly. A mega evolution focusing more on attack than defense would be a good touch. But if it's so bad, why is it here? Because that design. So majestic. So powerful-looking (even if it isn't powerful at all). A beautiful design and always one of my favorite Grass types. A shame I can't use one since they're so bad.



#5. Roserade

Going from one of the worst battlers to one of the best. Roserade is fucking powerful. Boasting a massive 125 special attack stat, and for a grass type; impressive 90 speed, Roserade sure knows how to work her stuff. She's also a beautiful Pokemon design. The only flaw is her technician ability which seems redundant when the majority of her moves have over 60 in power, and it would only be useful for a powered up never-missing Magical Leaf or Hidden Power. However Natural Cure and Poison Point can work well too in game.



#4. Venusaur

The OG (Olive Garden). And life surely is an olive garden (thanks Pumkin!) with Venusaur around. The original grass starter from the world of Pokemon, and a much better design than the fat lizard and the fatter turtle. Venusaur has long been my favorite of the Kanto starters. It's an all-round great Pokemon both offensively and defensively; being able to use powerful attacks like Petal Dance and Sludge Bomb, and being able to defend and recover with the likes of Sleep Powder and Leech Seed. 



#3. Meganium

Meganium; the Grass-type starter Pokemon from Generation II. Frankly, the best designed Grass starter Pokemon (not that it had any competition from Gen 3's ugly lizard, Gen 4's ugly Venusaur copy or Gen 6's ugly... whatever even is Chesnaught? Honorable mention to Serperior which is actually rather beautiful but didn't make it to this list.) Meganium tops Venusaur in this list, not because of power or defense. Because of the design. However, that design isn't Meganium's alone; more importantly Bayleef. It's actually always a shame to evolve my Bayleef into a Meganium, but it has to be done. Meganium's stats and movepool are both lacking but a Grass / Fairy mega with Moonblast could help fix that. 



#2. Vileplume

Vileplume is an amazing Pokemon. It has a great 110 Special Attack stat and gains moves the likes of Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Petal Dance, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed and Moonblast; a move that most other Grass / Poison types are unable to get. Moonblast is only available as a lv43 Oddish in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Vileplume's design has always been rather simplistic but within that lies beauty; an ironic beauty considering its name origins. The only thing holding Vileplume back is her speed stat. My love for Vileplume grew even more in Pokemon X and Y when I caught my first shiny Pokemon in Route 6; Oddish. But if I've been banging on about Vileplume this whole time, then why is she not #1? Well...



#1. Celebi

I think you already know her name. After coming at #4 on my Psychic-type list, Celebi returns here with a vengeance and claims the top-spot. Celebi obviously is a Grass and Psychic Pokemon, and another of the all-round base 100 event legendaries. Base 100 Speed is especially great for a Grass type considering it's usually what holds many Grass Pokemon back. It's Natural Cure and access to many useufl in-game moves, make it a force to be reckoned with. An absolutely adorable design and there's no other fitting place for it than here.



Recommended Comments

LEAFEON & BELLOSOM! katy3 So cute!!

I probably also would've picked Lilligant and Virizion. And maybe Deerling... lol1 

But nice list! :D 

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5 hours ago, Queen Of Suburbia said:

LEAFEON & BELLOSOM! katy3 So cute!!

I probably also would've picked Lilligant and Virizion. And maybe Deerling... lol1 

But nice list! :D 

Don't get me wrong. Virizion really grew on me after Gates to Infinity, and Deerling grew on me after Super Mystery Dungeon. But overall, Gen 5 is still the biggest piece of trash in the entire franchise. Virizion is one of the best designs there tho

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44 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

Don't get me wrong. Virizion really grew on me after Gates to Infinity, and Deerling grew on me after Super Mystery Dungeon. But overall, Gen 5 is still the biggest piece of trash in the entire franchise. Virizion is one of the best designs there tho

no gen 3 was trash for me

hardly liked the pokemon and the region was so confusing

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Just now, WorkDude said:

no gen 3 was trash for me

hardly liked the pokemon and the region was so confusing

I agree about the region. There's literally too much water (7.8/10 - IGN). The endless sea routes with the same Pokemon in every one is annoying. But the Pokemon designs aren't THAT bad. A lot of people say it's the best and I just can't agree with that, but there's some lovely designs overall. 

1 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 5

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38 minutes ago, Impossible Princess said:

Iconic list yas2 I would have personally included Cacturne and Serperior in place of Tropius and Victreebel though jj2 

Funny how you mention Cacturne. I did a "name all Gen 3 pokemon" quiz yesterday and Cacnea and Cacturne were among the five I forgot. Serperior is one of the best Gen V designs, but since Gen 5 is literally the bottom of the barrel, it's just the best of a bad bunch. 


Also Ice Type Pokemon coming soon moo1 

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2 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

I agree about the region. There's literally too much water (7.8/10 - IGN). The endless sea routes with the same Pokemon in every one is annoying. But the Pokemon designs aren't THAT bad. A lot of people say it's the best and I just can't agree with that, but there's some lovely designs overall. 

1 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 5

i can forgive gen 5 though because some of them are gorgeous

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2 minutes ago, WorkDude said:

i can forgive gen 5 though because some of them are gorgeous

Literally NONE of them are gorgeous though. That's the only reason I can forgive Gen 4; because Roserade and Mismagius exist. 

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32 minutes ago, RihannaRTT said:

Funny how you mention Cacturne. I did a "name all Gen 3 pokemon" quiz yesterday and Cacnea and Cacturne were among the five I forgot. Serperior is one of the best Gen V designs, but since Gen 5 is literally the bottom of the barrel, it's just the best of a bad bunch. 


Also Ice Type Pokemon coming soon moo1 

Was this quiz on that Sporcle site? (I think that's what it's called) because if so I quizzed myself on Gen I through V one day dead2 


and yes yas2 I love ice types. I'll be perched. 

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9 minutes ago, Impossible Princess said:

Was this quiz on that Sporcle site? (I think that's what it's called) because if so I quizzed myself on Gen I through V one day dead2 


and yes yas2 I love ice types. I'll be perched. 

Yes. On sporcle. I got all of Gen 1 in under 4 minutes (I used to test myself on this in order as a kid). In Gen 2 I got all but fucking Tyrogue (how? I even got hitmontop rip3 ). Gen 3, I forgot 5. Gen 4 I forgot about 10-20. Gen 5 I forgot 50 of them (ew I hate that gen). Gen 6 I forgot 10. 





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3 hours ago, RihannaRTT said:

Don't get me wrong. Virizion really grew on me after Gates to Infinity, and Deerling grew on me after Super Mystery Dungeon. But overall, Gen 5 is still the biggest piece of trash in the entire franchise. Virizion is one of the best designs there tho

I know, more people think Gen 5 is the messiest one. eve1  

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