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Let's hope today I have a better day, I got shouted at by a policewoman yesterday at work for something beyond my control and she was such a fucking BITCH, I'm not playing around with you hoes today so don't fucking try it, PERIOD
Ladies in the buildin'
Probably makin' more than you
He might got money but I bet
She got her own
You know she independent
When she leaves here all alone
wow ok im on another forum and this bitch really made a new account just to downvote all of my posts for no reason, yet they havent posted a single thing.
The thing I hate most about Ed Sheeran is that he sold his creativity and became generic. Literally all he writes about is womans bodies and how he lusts over certain body parts. His debut song 'A- Team' was a meaningful track about drug addiction. Now all we get is lackluster lyrics and Shallow.mp3 songs... and he dominates the charts with the shite he puts out Not to mention he is an arrogant, cocky guy. Its not like he has a stellar voice either. Generic, that is Ed's middle name now