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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2023 in Posts

  1. i for one love being a slut thank you <3
    2 points
  2. I don't know why people pull the "back in my day" card. Non-binary may be a new term but people all over the world have identified as trans or gender non-conforming for a hell of a lot longer than the last 10 years and it's really ignorant to act like it's something new.
    2 points
  3. She has definitely made some points and according to some of the new stuff that’s been coming out, I will DEFINITELY wait before I make any judgements. The whole Amber Heard / Johnny Depp situation definitely taught me to actually wait before making a final judgment about the case. Her dancers have said very contradictory and weird things lately. While I don’t think it’s fair to believe Lizzo is innocent based on the face she has shown us, I definitely think cancel culture should give her a fair trial and wait for all the evidence to come to light.
    2 points
  4. They left their partners…one of them with children FOR A STRANGER. There most definitely ARE victims. 💀 How can you sit there, type that crap and actually believe it???
    2 points
  5. The definition of being a homewrecker
    2 points
  6. k but you could have done without calling her a slut OR a cunt
    2 points
  7. Nothing but what I said was a bit too personal
    1 point
  8. whats wrong with being a slut?
    1 point
  9. Upvotes by @Katy Petty? That’s hot
    1 point
  10. i don't think the people in this thread are defending her by any means besides Kristina?? and why are you calling us sluts like
    1 point
  11. Some aspects of the community even go back thousands of years, like the Vakasalewalewa in Fiji. They are born males, but dress like a woman and is/was an important part of the Fiji culture. Until white, straight cis males invaded Fiji and made straight people the common.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. As a celebrity, especially someone who has a large fanbase among people under the age of 18, she has a certain moral responsibility. That is for her career‘s sake as well as for the sake of being a role model. It is absolutely fair to criticize and judge her decision to ruin the marriage of a co-worker after befriending his wife who just had a baby. She is a public persona, she has a lot of influence and we give her our money, so she can entertain the life she currently has. Therefore, it is definitely our right to choose to no longer support her for deciding to destroy someone’
    1 point
  14. shes made some points here and there but just like she says, nothing is face value. rihanna could have been supporting CB due to other reasons unknown to us
    1 point
  15. No sis because it’s not okay to homewreck a marriage!
    1 point
  16. She clearly has absolutely no regard for the feelings of others, so yeah. The way she wasn’t kidding when she released THIS: She must have been REALLY bored on the set of that flop movie. 💀
    1 point
  17. Electra Heart's impact Jokes apart, that's pretty bad.I'm surprised his wife didn't beat him and her ass
    1 point
  18. It does happen but it really says a lot about your character. Why marry someone in the first place if you know you’re gonna leave them the minute you find someone better? Narcissistic behaviour on display. Being in a relationship mainly for the status and comfort it gives you until you get bored of it.
    1 point
  19. God, I‘m really glad we're not acquainted or friends in real life cause your understanding of morals is…WILD. 😬
    1 point
  20. Yeah they definitely get canceled in a way or end up losing a lot of respect and friends…FOR A GOOD REASON. I do agree that women often get the blame but that’s not what I‘m seeing here. Ariana is a bigger celebrity than he is, so obviously her name gets dropped more but I think we can all agree that her AND HIM are the assholes in this situation. I‘m incredibly disappointed in Ariana because I truly expected her to not be like this.
    1 point
  21. Why do you come into BG, if you apparently don’t care and have so much grass to touch (which I doubt you do)? Why is your moral compass always so off??? You always defend the assholes but never dpeak out on behalf of the victims or the people that actually got screwed over. Yes, this IS a big deal because Ariana puts on this vety innocent image. Turns out she's a total asshole and a selfish jerk. Also, I‘m not ONLY blaming her. I‘m blaming the guy as well. But this is not the place for a feminist debate. I don’t know or care enough about the guy but I do care about Ariana. It
    1 point
  22. I agree with the goldfish part. I’m not gonna refer to people as ridiculous things like that. But comparing that to being transgender just shows how ignorant he is.
    1 point
  23. Idk but when did it became a good idea to have him speak in an interview when dumb, ignorant, idiotic stuff is coming out of his mouth?
    1 point
  24. I been told yall she was trash and yall didnt listen
    1 point
  25. He decided to wake the lion. There’s no turning back now.
    1 point
  26. No we haven’t cause Taylor is very much the same and she’s most definitely a narcissist, soooo
    1 point
  27. Honey, this is BG. The softcore thread is in Celeb News. He is very much allowed to call her that. Whether it’s vile to do so or not doesn’t matter.
    1 point
  28. You're absolutely right - I would hate for that to happen to me. Tbh, I had these thoughts about Ariana for a while. She does indeed seem to jump from one relationship to another, without taking the time to heal from it. I think her longest time without a relationship was between Pete and Dalton? And that was...a few weeks? I love Ariana, but her relationships are messy af and somehow I believe the homewrecking allegations. I just don't think it's okay to make her out to be a slut while talking about respect for women in the same sentence, like Cunty Petty did.
    1 point
  29. Sweetie, I know as an Ariana Stan you are obviously bound to defend her but there REALLY is nothing to defend about this situation. Even if Ethan made the first move, she went along with it KNOWING how problematic it is. It's REALLY bad. I'm not slut-shaming her but the good sis is a total relationship-hopper. She cannot stay single for even a second and she keeps sliding from one relationship into another, often times taking trauma, unresolved issues from past relationships into the new one. Those are very toxic and narcissistic tendencies and I know that because my ex was literally
    1 point
  30. There really is absolutely no need for any further Scream movie. The 5th and 6th part (while somewhat good) were already a massive overkill (literally). It's really time to leave this franchise on a high instead of trying to further milk it.
    1 point
  31. The amount of stupid sluts in this thread with their flop takes i- Like I love Ari but this whole dilemma is trashy and vile how can you defend her.
    0 points
  32. ma'am he literally stated that he does not care, and for good reason. it's not his business to ostracize Ari for a matter that could simply be solved privately instead of being publicized. it's like he said earlier, why should we look up to pop stars for moral guidance? by the way, how in any way is he excusing her behavior? all he said was that he doesn't care for it.
    0 points
  33. Girl stfu Ari is so disgusting not you excusing her behavior
    0 points
  34. you can make a comment about your distaste or disgust for someone without being derogatory about it.
    0 points
  35. Sis you should’ve known better then to mention Taylor in a thread where @Madonna is in
    -1 points
  36. i hope you do know i wasn't referring to the op or you i'm on your side
    -1 points
  37. Why exactly am I supposed to care if Ariana Grande is a homewrecker or if Spongebob is a cheater? Could literally not give less of a fuck. That's her business to sort out, not mine. I don't come to my popstars for moral guidance. The outrage over this has been genuinely hilarious. So much grass being untouched.
    -1 points
  38. This really isn’t a big deal. No one would get canceled over this. Sometimes you fall for others and leave your family for them.. so what? That’s life. But again in cases like these the woman gets all the blame.
    -1 points
  39. There aren’t any victims in this case, Jesus Christ. Anyway, this is no big deal and nothing people would get canceled over, normal people know that.
    -1 points
  40. 😂😂😂 Yeah, he left his family for someone he wanted to be with, so what? He can still be a father to his children
    -1 points
