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To openly discuss an interest in breaking international law like what Dump is purposing against Canada, Panama, Mexico and Greenland is just insane. This world is so fucked up.
Re-listening to Diamonds & Dancefloors and, darn it, Ava Max deserved so much more appreciation for it. The album is good, a bit long but still good. The lyrics are evocative and the singing is full-bodied throughout without coming across as monotonous. Plus, the melodies are plentiful!
One of my regrets is not going to the Renaissance tour in Europe. I had the money but it seemed to expensive at that time and now I'm like ho this might have been her last tour in Europe why didn't you go 🫤 I also didn't have someone to go with and that discouraged me even more
I can't believe YouTube is finally allowing all my mixes. Apparently my former channel was flagged by Universal back in 2015 and since I had to make a new Gmail in order to recover it, it unblocked all of them