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Showing content with the highest reputation since 10/11/2015 in Blog Comments

  1. Omg I can imagine how nerve wracking this is!! My best friend @SCHEIBE MONSTER is having this done in June!!
    12 points
  2. @#Music @Royale @Kuba @blankdreams. @GLORY @Royalty @Hannah @Sylk @Taylor @Hyun. @Courtney Love @Daenerys @Maraj Tagging everyone who expressed interest, or who I think might be interested. Spread the word and tell your friends, because I don't think many people even know that this is happening!
    11 points
  3. See what happens when you don't give Sylk his Wendy emotes? He moves on to large ass Wendy jpg reaction images.
    11 points
  4. God forbid someone call Madonna old, when Taylor is getting called a white supremacist and a nazi. The double standard is all too real.
    10 points
  5. Academy Awards here I come!
    10 points
  6. 10 points
  7. Omg thx so much for sharing this with us! I'm very excited for you. Being obese really isn't a bad thing but if it's keeping you from feeling comfortable in your skin, then this is probably the best solution for you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well and that the sacrifices you are about to make will have the results you are hoping for! Maybe send some before and after pics too! I would be really interested in watching your progress. Anyway, all the best of luck!
    10 points
  8. Yes just look at her omg she just LOOKS like a bitch
    10 points
  9. I would like to make it clear that I have no association with Sylk
    10 points
  10. We'll miss you king! Hurry back so you can rot here 24/7 like the rest of us!
    9 points
  11. @Hylia @Hannah. @Aidan. @Skyline @Hyun. @Maraj @Juinae @Diamond @Kali @Dr. Slay @#Music @Hermione @Coca-Cola @Skywalker @Royale ya'll didn't upvote the op and neither commented what is the truth
    9 points
  12. I am so honored and privileged to be a apart of your life and for you to share this I'm glad you're making the choice that you wanted and not someone else's. I have no experience with this sorta thing because I've always have had a super fast metabolism but I know people you have had it done and they've really been happy with it. My aunt was overweight after having 2 kids and she recently got it done with her mom and they both have been the slimmest I've seen them. I am here for you and hope everything goes alright! (It's on my birthday so it's def going to be a long day for both of us ). Lo
    9 points
  13. Thank you so much for the support legends I'm doing this absolutely for myself, but messages like these give me a lot of courage and a good feeling thank you so much <3
    9 points
  14. First of all thank you for sharing. You have obviously been working hard for a long time and have reached a decision about what you want to do. I hope that everything goes smoothly and that the recovery is fast. You will be fine
    9 points
  15. It sounds like you're making a lot of sacrifices, but it obviously will make your life so much better! I'm so happy you felt comfortable talking about this and wish you so much luck for your surgery.
    9 points
  16. Oh really? O my God, I didn't know that! Well it really is nerve wrecking. And everytime I have these strange thoughts. I really want this you know, but when I think about the surgery itself, I feel so sad and like "Why am I doing this?" but I know I'm doing this for myself, and I need to keep looking at the future, but sometimes it's kinda hard.
    9 points
  17. omggg what V is one of my fave characters this is great
    9 points
  18. this was fantastic so I'm related to Hylia?
    9 points
  19. Let me read in a little bit! Really excited for this one!
    9 points
  20. Me waiting for you to contact me
    9 points
  21. Professor Aidan and Sylk AFFAIR! The Principal has a thing for Sylk? Kali, Joel Hylia have something going on. Cody and Hyun smiled at eachother. SOMEONE is pregnant. and SOMEONE IS DEAD. See you next week on The Life & Times of Nudes! Sylkonda Rhimes OUT!
    9 points
  22. I forgot to add "Shaking Wendy Jpg" omg
    9 points
  23. 9 points
  24. Your term ends a day before my birthday, and coincidentally my semester ends that same day. You will be missed though, hopefully May 12th can arrive sooner!
    8 points
  25. The important thing is that you're doing it for yourself, and not for anyone else. Of course you're going to be nervous because it's a life changing experience for you, however you shouldn't worry too much about it. I'm sure everything will turn out fine! I wish you all the best and you should definitely keep us updated!
    8 points
  26. i hope everything goes well and the recovery is fast so you can get your confidence back sooner
    8 points
  27. btw sweetie you have to start getting more sleep though Don't stress too much about it! You need to stay absolutely healthy and restful for this!! So try to get as much sleep as possible!!
    8 points
  28. Bye at Goosey being in the cast
    8 points
  29. Once again, Hannah slays at writing!
    8 points
  30. SCREAMING at Kali's pic Isn't that Taylor's mom?
    8 points
  31. Just another reminder to keep @Daenerys and I alive and happy unless you want that graph to majorly dip
    8 points
  32. Talent always calls talent to save the day from talent!
    8 points
  33. " "You feeling any better, Hannah?" Professor asks. "A bit. Thankfully troll slime is only temporary so I only stand K-Pop for a few hours." Hannah replies. "And what a torturous few hours those were!" Professor says back, teasing. They both laugh. " BYE
    8 points
  34. Some floppy chart that @Raphael still hasn't posted
    8 points
  35. But Formation only came out 7 weeks ago Truly record-breaking Queen of charting 3 weeks before anyone even knew about the song When will others?
    8 points
