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About MDK1440

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    Certified: 4x Platinum

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  1. Rockstar 101 this song is weirdly so nostalgic for me
  2. i've been reminiscing over this era of kpop lately
  3. poopie

    1. Gilly


      HII BEWWW how are you? cry1 

    2. MDK1440


      i'm doing good i miss you baby cry1

  4. i photoshopped the price to say 2.99 instead of 12.99 but the photoshop was so bad i had to make the picture super small so you couldn't tell. then pigrez picked up on it and tweeted the pic which prompted xtina's manager to drive to a borders to verify that in fact the album was selling for full price
  5. 1. Santa's Prostitute2. Daddy's Sack3. Peppermint Kisses4. Little Red Party Dress 5. Cocaine & Candy Canes6.
  6. because the video was antisemitic
  7. minzy was the only one who even seemed invested in the group so as soon as she left i knew they were over