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Everything posted by Liam

  1. I moderate a Björk server if anyone is interested in joining: https://discord.gg/PmAkYa
  2. If you are looking for an alternative to the section I moderate a Kylie Discord server: https://discord.gg/aDV9hX
  3. I am ready for the second coming of the Al Kylieda
  4. I have never seen this wtf but also HTD being performed a year ago
  5. I have claimed this avatar mwah
  6. YUNG RAPUNXEL II is fucking terrible I am in tears

  7. I think if Boyfriend can hit top ten this will too
  8. Liam

    Artist Aaliyah

    thank you! I do not download anymore tho
  9. It beats me why fans dislike this song, it is the best off Impossible Princess in my opinion.
  10. All Too Well growing on me this fine evening
  11. ...since the start of this week!
  12. been stanning HTD since first listen! the lil trip hop elements are gorgina
  13. forgot to say FOTPMAs are Saturday, 14th September 5pm EST... I FORGOT I WAS A DAY AHEAD SORRY jj4 

  14. official date + presenters/performers announced


  15. in my mind she would perform to silence the Blue Jeans SNL image once and for all
  16. do u think with the liveliness Lana is showing she might make more public appearances? I hope the Grammys gives NFR praise and she attends
  17. Love Song concept could be cute ala Somebody That I Used to Know vibes I am just happy she is enjoying this era because its refreshing to see her so lively
  18. I got really excited than I realised it will probably be Chuck candid shot videos not Doin Time production