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Status Replies posted by Liam

  1. Carly just announced Australia and NZ Dates: 


  2. How come @Umbreon @Vesper are never in the Britney section and @Agugaga is never in the Xtina section but they're the ones who fight the most about Britney vs Xtina in BGs?interesting1 What's the conspiracy?  katy7

    1. Liam


      literally tea I wish Britney stans were more present in her section

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. I am still at the hospital but i can go outside 

  4. @Jae is begging for thread

  5. Did anyone ever listen to A1, Westlife and Blue? 

  6. I am loving the forums revival 


    1. Liam


      well post more

  7. someone ID if this mix got officially released pls



  8. You dusty ass, disgusting no manners having trifling BITCH! Do NOT talk about me to your friends like I’m not right in front of you, heifer ass customer! If I put any more items in your bags, they would BREAK, you should be THANKING me, NOT shading me to your friends. Shout out to the one friend of yours that actually defended me because she knew the tea about our shitty bags! She seems like a decent human, unlike your sewer rat bitch ass!

    1. Liam


      hm Smart arse n rude

  9. Sylk

    Sylk    Liam

    Image result for lorde i will always love you

    1. Liam


      its not right but its okay

  10. ok girls I'm going on a beauty spree recommend some body washes, moisturisers or shampoos (preferably from Lush)

    1. Liam


      I was leaning towards Ocean Salt but now I'm divisive. I might get Celestial for moisturiser and Curly Wurly for shampoo

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Why is Summerboy a top two song on The Fame?

  12. 4SzpMqT.gif

    1. Liam


      womens tennis is the sporting equivalent of female pop girls tbh. the forums are literally the same as FOTP with gays fighting over their faves lol

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  13. 4SzpMqT.gif

    1. Liam


      @Kyoteki every sanction ruled against her during the match was fair. her coach admitted he cheated from the stands so it makes her reaction very unfortunate

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. My hair always looks the best right before I'm about to get it cut


    1. Liam


      get a mullet bro

  15. fuck this song bops 


    1. Liam


      I'm shook this didn't smash over his mediocre ass other songs

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)
