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Everything posted by Liam


  2. Stop Kylie From Recording is my favourite Moulden song
  3. oh these are very cute. how many vids did she do it for?
  4. 24 hours left to nominate in the FOTPMAs! would luv to see more variety x 

  5. I am giving u the FOTPMA nom treatment
  6. Liam

    Kim Petras

    we going HALLOWEEN season
  7. hi where is Aidan to revive this section
  8. Liam

    Artist Kate Bush

    I am very intrigued then! The Sensual World was my favourite followed by Hounds of Love so far
  9. Liam

    Artist Kate Bush

    I need to give this a spin! last album to go in her discography
  10. I would go to the gym if they played that
  11. Liam

    Artist Kate Bush

    ur keyboard missed Heads We're Dancing and This Woman's Work
  12. Liam

    Artist Kate Bush

    fucking masterpiece
  13. Liam

    Artist Paramore

    god self titled was a time. Still Into You and Ain't It Fun were top tier pop rock tracks
  14. 72 hours left to vote x


  15. I really cba with a low quality leak. have some self control to wait
  16. I know I probably got 0 but its all for the lols!
  17. Jorja snapped her knees


  18. hi! my name is Kylie! ill be ur purser. the exits are located at the front and the rear of the craft
  19. I dont care if its recorded on a Nokia prepaid cricket phone I want it!
  20. ive never been a big Sad Girl fan but today it has warmed to me
  21. lmfao if she released JB-HIFI Australian only single! back to 2009
  22. OH well I can always stream Toronto on repeat until NFR is released