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Everything posted by Liam

  1. so much music to digest! do I wait until NFR?
  2. I can lit get into every song even the Disney ballad when I am feeling very theatrical
  3. Liam

    Artist Brandy

    omg @Sylk another car crasher to stan Full Moon with us
  4. Liam

    Artist Brandy

    I want Brandy to run over my Hall of Fame award!
  5. Liam

    Artist Brandy

    41 ppl in her audiences now
  6. Liam

    Artist Brandy

    Do You Know What You Have!!! shat!!! on!!! everyone!!!
  7. Liam

    Artist Brandy

    @Venus XCX @Lachlan @Maraj @Madonna cmon car crashers! lets get in formation!
  8. Liam

    Artist Brandy

    title track is the best so far! When You Touch Me got me feeling something
  9. Liam

    Artist Brandy

    time to listen to Full Moon
  10. I hope My Secret Heart loops and rips the tape
  11. I would live for a lil Guava Island like visual album! in reality we will get song names that match a lipstick shade!
  12. I forgot the excellence Isolation exuberates from start to finish!
  13. wtf Honeymoon almost being 4 is crazy to me it feels fresh because I hated it for years
  14. u better join


  15. Bon Iver's new album is lit just stan slang



  16. I will sacrifice my dignity to participate
  17. who is ready for an ANNOUNCEMENT tomorrow bebe1 
