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Legendary Jakey

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Everything posted by Legendary Jakey

  1. Dark Leona avenging ha sister Uncle
  2. poe FOTPers. I can imagine certain stains having meltdowns right about now
  3. 3 huge televised performances cant save it obese rent a rapper cant will legendtina be able to save Gaga's single and therefore re-spark her dying career?
  4. PRISM outsold Bangerz, ARTPOP, Britney Jean, global female smash #1 hit Roar, Dark Horse top 10 on iTunes w/ no promo right now. You did try tho u pathetic flop
  5. She doesn't always sound good, but some people can't admit when she does. And lbr, she sounds beautiful here in most parts. Flops denying it can take a seat
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50ZobgY7tA8#t=0
  7. OMG I really have high hopes for this video. I hope it's more serious and mature..nothing childish. Just be a dark sexy badass witch bitch
  8. :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: pipi sis... .gif' alt='ny6'>.gif' alt='ny5'>
  9. Dark Horse says hi Roar still ahead of Gaga's 2nd single Qt try tho. Poe monsturds ALWAYS losing :dancey:
  10. So funny how Xtina has to save NoseGa's career now. The tables have turned. icant @ the delusional lil flops pretending like this would have been a hit otherwise. It would have been a just like after the SNL, AMAs, etc. How long before the monsters bandwagon Xtina now? Wait- it's already starting
  11. I think it will be Top 10 once all the Voice performances fall.
  12. can't wait for Godtina to SHIT all over that tranny if she performs with ha ny1