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Status Updates posted by rose

  1. when you hate your child this much rip2

  2. "beautiful tribute from the queen of soul to the queen of hearts"

  3. you psycho glitter bitch!

  4. Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe
    fake blondes
    beauty spots on their face
    loved by the people
    among the sweetest/nicest girls on the planet
    used by people who were supposed to love them
    had a hard time finding/keeping love
    born on the 1st of the month (MM june, PD july)
    died in august
    died at 36
    and yet people want me to believe they were not the same person



    1. rose


      i should be sleeping but i am thinking about this

    2. Honey


      And both GODDESSES 


    3. rose


      @witchcraft. speaking nothing but the truth


  5.  i would have liked to have known you but I was just a kid
    your candle burned out long before your legend ever will


  6. i love her so much fall4 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. G like MC

      G like MC

      let Me take the night I love real easy 

    3. Onika


      tag yourself i'm the girl whose friend is taking a pic of her with the flash on

    4. Onika


      the new "WHO IS IT" tbh rip3 

  7. lmfao2 

    1. Ciggy Socialist

      Ciggy Socialist

      I'll give you $5 to change your username.

    2. Princess Aurora
  8. i can't at the whole cast of GotG being fucking stupid lmfao2lmfao2lmfao2lmfao2lmfao2 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dennis Reynolds

      Dennis Reynolds

      I think Rooker and his brother Sean would be the most likely to quit in solidarity with him. Dave Bautista has been more outspoken than anyone about how Disney made a mistake in firing him, and many of the other cast members have talked about how much they loved Gunn in the past. It's debatable if they'd try to break contract and leave, but I doubt Marvel would sue them if they did. They didn't sue Hugo Weaving for not wanting to play Red Skull again even though he was contracted to do so, and I highly doubt they would go against the wishes of the literal entire cast of one of their most popular series, who are also yet to appear in Avengers 4.


      Seems like an easy thing for the alt-right to go in on, although ironically some of them are actual literal Nazis...



    3. rose


      i'm sure we'll see what disney and the actors do in the next couple of days.  


    4. Dennis Reynolds

      Dennis Reynolds

      We certainly will!

  9. you built up a world of magic because your real life is tragic

  10. tumblr_oepepdHyAn1r1dzhio1_540.jpg

    i want proof 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dancing Queen

      Dancing Queen

      And it was like James Dean, for sure, you got my eyes burnjj5

    3. H.O.N.E.Y



      I can already see the movie adaption now, starring James Franco in both roles


  11. my mind at 3 am: why did Paula Abdul have a cat in her music video for opposites attract


    1. Dancing Queen

      Dancing Queen

      Paula Abdul is so 90's

  12. she'll tease you she'll unease you all the better just to please you she's precocious and she knows just what it takes to make a pro blush

  13. You really don't remember, was it something that he said?
    Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?
    Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'?
    If everybody wants you, why isn't anybody callin'?


    1. Honey


      GLORIA mess1 


    2. Shego


      omg have you watch ian bernado from xfactor singing this? u should rip3

    3. rose


      @Regina Phalange   just watched it rip2

  14. tumblr_o74t7heK1D1vr6agao1_500.gif

    1. ajp


      Breakfast Club yas2


    2. Mitski


      i love this movie

  15. why was Janets performance so short? 

    1. Chris


      shes old jj3 


      ut yeah it shouldve been longer jj3 

      they couldve shortened it because i think they were running out of time

  16. ari looked cute. 

  17. tumblr_mrrcw6143W1qe22zyo1_540.jpg

    what the fuck is this

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rose
    3. Chris


      iwas gonna say its me but i cant top Jake's response lmfao2 

    4. TomTom
  18. why is no one no when i can't sleep scream2

    1. Jae


      no one is on ever 

  19. it's 2 am and i can't freaking sleep cry9 
