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Everything posted by harry

  1. Reggae stations have noting new to play? ::
  2. Well Billboard does count it, and according to them it is the featured artists song shared with the primary artist, soo...
  3. That's great for Gaga! :cheer: Go Brit get that top 10! :cheer:
  4. On the fucking real right now, I can't tell if you are actually being serious or mocking it.
  5. Where'd all the album cover lovers go? +laughcry+ Come the fuck in sis'...
  6. God damn thats an ugly cover. The image itself isn't too bad (from a design standpoint) but that text is seriously WHAT-THE-LITERAL-FUCK Gaga? I fucking love her and despite some bitter Betty's claiming Judas is awful I happen to really like it. This is just NO, however. I admire her for being so involved in every aspect of her art, but na na na c'mon Gaga, a graphic designer, you are not. That font and bevel they've put on it seriously looks tacky and amateur as fuck. The facebook response seems to be pretty universally brutal, ranging from "Please please fix this Gaga" to "GTFOutta here
  7. Yeah cause Gaga has absolutely no leverage there right now. FFS. +laughcry+
  8. Yes thats true, but I am wondering if the circumstances are different since it's a remix and the original has previously charted. I agree I think Britney deserves the credit, it just seems like a weird process for Billboard.
  9. So will Britney be credited for another #1 if this tops the chart next week?
  10. I personally only like the original. Kanye feels forced in the flow of this song in a *cue rap break* kind of way. I also don't like it when rappers keep going over the singing in a song. ANNOYING!
  11. Much of the same could be said for the current #1 and it's "klip-n-paste-Kanye" remix. All the things she said, all the things she said, running through my head running though my head running though my head. ::
  12. The S&M remix is about to steal the top spot.
  13. It's cool to see TTWE rising now that she has a nice chunk of airplay. Hopefully this results in a top 5 placement on the Hot 100 next week. I think she needs about 220 points to get in the top 5. 150k sales + 55m AI + TTWE video streams = ?? next week.
  14. Isn't there a second, choreography only version of the video coming out? I guess that should clear everything up for us. Till then it seems like a load of crap.
  15. lolz. And the truth comes out. bahahahaha. People are so quick to jump on Britney.
  16. There are no receipts that she used a body double except some shoddy no fucking name blog and some quickly photoshopped and badly capped screens supposedly not of Spears. HOW DA FUK IZ THAT A RECEIPT? NEXT.
  17. This. Anyone huffing and puffing about this random ass blog (no like seriously, HEW?) needs to read and comprehend the above. Thxgorlbai
  18. booty chowder who is this blogger? more clucking from the peanut gallery. +arrow+