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Posts posted by Nick

  1. 7 minutes ago, Tyler said:

    I doubt it. He's getting away with a lot right now... also I don't want him impeached because I fear Mike Pence way more than Trump. That man is evil while Trump is just an idiot. 

    Honestly though, I don't believe for a second Trump is actually going to do any of the work. Pence is going to run everything, while Trump will be making sure his businesses benefit from the laws and he'll be furthering his own brand.

    So imo there's no real difference between Pence being VP and Pence being President.

  2. She didn't once say "This is why I lost." Fake news IS an epidemic that has real life consequences, as the guy who shot up the pizza place shows that. People are more often believing these fringe websites on the right and left than actual news sources (and no matter what anyone says, you cannot convince me that Breitbart or some alt-left website is more reliable than The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal).

    You got what you wanted, she lost and Trump won.

  3. Quote

    President-elect Donald Trump will continue receiving payments and will continue to be credited as an executive producer of the NBC reality series "Celebrity Apprentice" when it starts its new season in January, Variety reports.

    Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will host the 15th season of the show which helped propel Trump's image and celebrity as a hard-charging businessman. Trump will be listed as an executive producer alongside MGM TV President Mark Burnett who created the show, and Schwarzenegger. 

    Though its not clear how much Trump will earn from the show, Variety reports it will be somewhere in the low five figures. Asked about the report and whether Trump will collect the royalties or direct them elsewhere, Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said "Mr. Trump has a big stake in the show and conceived of it with Mark Burnett," and that "Additional details regarding his business interests will be shared December 15th."

    Trump is scheduled to hold a press conference on the 15th where he will discuss how he will separate himself from his sprawling business empire while in office. 

    Burnett came under fire during the campaign to release extra footage of Trump's years of host on the "Apprentice" after the release of an 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape showing Trump making lewd comments about grabbing women's genitals. Burnett did not, though he tried to distance himself from the President-elect by saying he was not a Trump supporter and that he disavowed “the hatred, division and misogyny that has been a very unfortunate part of his campaign." Despite those comments, Burnett is now involved in plans for Trump's inauguration.

    The "Apprentice" airs on NBC, though NBC does not control the content of the show. Trump, who owns a stake in the "Apprentice," previously announced that his involvement with the show would end when he announced his presidential campaign in 2015. 

    Representatives for MGM and Burnett did not immediately return requests for comment.



    Fucking mess. America has elected a crooked, racist, sexist reality star as their next President. I guess #Snooki2020 is next. jj4 

  4. 22 hours ago, lautnerfied said:

    I don't know what the best scenerio is. She will be under fire from day one because of the Weiner and the Clinton Foundation investigations. She will either be:


    1. Impeached and Kaine will then become president and then someone will challenge him

    2. Not deliver and then be challenged



    If the Senate turns blue she won't get impeached. Even if it isn't, the impeachment process is very hard and long, and Republicans are gonna have to decide whether it's smart to wage another 4 year war on a Democrat, create gridlock (which this would cause), and possibly bring rise to another demagogue, or just wait the 4 years out and try and nominate a decent, moderate Libertarian type for 2020 (Bill Weld comes to mind, he came out supporting Clinton today).

    If progressive legislation comes to her desk, I can't see her vetoing it. That would alienate almost the entire Democratic base and she would get very little support in 2020. Even Obama signed in some tough regulations, and he's taken more Wall Street/special interest money than Hillary could ever dream of. Even if she doesn't push for some of it, I think she'll sign it.

  5. On October 31, 2016 at 9:10 PM, HeatSeeker said:

    Lol Debbie Wasserman Shultz Jr. Just more proof that the primaries were not fair. Ugh, and now we're stuck between a rock and a hard place this election. SMH. 


    Sure Trump is worse, but getting Hillary still means getting a lying, cheating, corrupt, power-hungry, warmongering, irresponsible, arguably illegitimate candidate that's in bed with Wall Street, the pharmaceutical companies, big money, Republicans and the regressive establishment and will do anything for political gain and doesn't really look out for the little people. Thankfully, the president doesn't have that much practical power, and thanks to Benrie and other progressives people are beginning to wake up to the madness, but it's   still depressing.

    If the Senate turns blue, Bernie gets to be Chair of the Senate Budget Committee, which is amazing, and I think he and Warren are really gonna hold Clinton's feet to the fire on a lot of these progressive issues, especially if the Dems have the majority. If she doesn't deliver by 2020, I completely expect a moderate Republican to win, and/or they'll try to get another Democratic nominee to challenge her.
