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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Christina Aguilera - Cute teen pop debut Stripped - Incredible Back to Basics - Incredible Bionic - Horrible in the minds of critics/GP tho I love it so to me it's incredible Lotus - Not counting any others bc we all know Mi Reflejo and My Kind of Christmas don't count BOMT - Cute teen pop debut Oops - Good teen pop sequel Britney - Very good, seeing some growth In the Zone - Incredible Blackout - Incredible Circus - Good comeback Femme Fatale - Great Britney Jean - Glory - Amazing Part of it is that
  2. He hasn't campaigned whatsoever, and has endorsed Hillary. That's fine if he counts in your state, but any vote for him would only count in eight states. It's a legitimate throw away vote, because that vote will not go to either third party and help their viability in the next election, nor will it go to one of the big two. "DNC Protest Vote" is legitimately nothing. Even if the third party candidates themselves don't excite you, giving a vote to them and helping them get a future is better than a vote that will actually be thrown in the trash.
  3. Then I guess your choice is to not vote? Unless another third party candidate comes along that you agree with. I'd never shame someone for voting third party. The system won't allow for one to win this year, but if they get enough votes, they can qualify for public matching of funds, and get more public support and access to debates, which will make it more viable that one could win in 2020 (also if we work to overturn our electoral process to the popular vote or a ranked voting system). Voting Trump and writing in someone who isn't campaigning/filled out the proper paperwork for the
  4. 1. That quote is from 2004 and, ironically, she was speaking out on the Senate Floor against a Constitutional Amendment that would've defined marriage as between a man and a woman. 2. Bernie also didn't believe in gay marriage until a few years ago. He was for civil unions and didn't want to start a "national debate" on gay marriage. Trust me, as a gay man I would've loved to have seen more politicians come out in support of it earlier. Fact is, virtually zero big name politicians came out in favor of gay marriage until fairly recently. It's been through years of hard work and progr
  5. If Paulie wins this buy back i'll be so pissed
  6. To me, she's really bad representation for the progressive movement. She wants to criticize Hillary for a lot of her foreign policy decisions (and some of those are valid critiques), but Stein herself cuddled up to Putin at a dinner in Moscow in 2015, and made a speech there criticizing American human rights and saying we should follow Russia's lead in areas of "acceptance" and such. Plus there's the fact that her running mate has called Obama an "Uncle Tom," refused to take back the statement, and then said Bernie's campaign supported white supremacy and stoked those flames. It's just a shame
  7. True but when even conservative news sources like Fox News and non-partisan (that's what all media should be but that's another discussion) news sources are shitting on Trump, it's pretty clear that something is terribly wrong. You know I'm about my boo Bernie (i'm hoping for him to be Majority Leader in the Senate if the Dems take back the Senate this year, so he can start to advocate some serious change) still. I understand that not all of the Bernie voters will go to Hillary, and honestly that's fine. I think Stein's totally unqualified and ridiculous herself, but that's also another
  8. - Trump absolutely mocked a disabled reporter. I watched the entire video, and he invoked that man specifically, and mocked his disability. Trump knew who this man was, as archival records have shown that reporter has reported on and interviewed Trump many times over the years. - When you say that Mexico is specifically sending over it's bad people, "pushing them over the border," and you then proceed to call these people "rapists" and that they're bringing crime and drugs, yes you are absolutely a racist. When there are multiple reports and studies showing that more Mexican immigrants a
  9. I think they learned their lesson and it's all Britney this time. Well.....we can hope.
  10. Literally anyone who stans that mess Afailia Banks
  11. The way she uses her voice isn't the annoying part. It's the over editing, which started with Blackout and has steadily gotten more robotic with time. The tone she has is unique and nice. She still sounds fine when she's doing a song thats not edited like crazy.
  12. Imma break down Trump's idiocy one by one. What will the words "Radical Islam" specifically do for us? It won't send ISIL away. Everyone knows that we are fighting an extreme sector of the Islam religion, a sector that does not represent the majority of Muslims. The KKK represents an extreme sector of the Christian religion, yet we never called them "Radical Christians." Also, where is this number of 550% increase coming from? Any quotes of her saying that? Whenever Hillary rips into Trump, there is always an exact quote or interview to point to. Yet you cannot ev
  13. Watching Chelsea introduce her moments before she went on stage Barack OBAEma passing the baton last night Full video coming soon, she's currently on stage snatching what's left of the Day Old Mayonnaise Sculpture that the GOP nominated.
  14. Queen Hillz My faves are Taylor Swift Anastacia Toni Braxton
  15. Like, love you Mariah boo, you my #2 girl, but your voice is shot to hell. Holy HELL can she still belt the shit out of a song or what???? Slay French-Canadian Queen of Our Lives. Her classics sound as beautiful as ever
  16. She'll milk this for about 15 years, like she did the Kanye thing. Write songs about it, act like the victim instead of owning up to her part in this. That's her problem. If she admitted she lied and apologized, we might be having a different conversation. However, she continues to play the victim, which makes her that much more unlikeable. I can guarantee that there would still be ridicule if she apologized, but not nearly to this level. Fighting back just fuels the fire and gives people reason to continue their line of thinking that she's a fame hungry snake.
  17. And she'll lose and be viewed as an even bigger imbecile. Taylor, stop trying to fight back. The public isn't here for your excuses go away for a while and hope people forget.