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Everything posted by Nick

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB6tSIj5Emw


    Classic Leona bop Forgive Me demi1 

    1. Hunty Bear

      Hunty Bear

      My Hands is far and away my favorite from Echo jj2 probably in my top 5 Leona songs ever

    2. Nick


      Outta My Headsus cry6 how dare I

    3. CHANEL #1

      CHANEL #1

      It should have smashed ny3 

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  2. That's my pipe dream, but i'm preparing myself to vote for Hillary. I really don't hate her, I quite like her. I just prefer what Bernie stands for, and I know he'll actually bring about a progressive revolution. He'll stand up to the big interests and money in a way that she simply won't.



  4. Bc she has some bops but she doesn't have any real presence or anything going for her besides a few good RedOne produced singles.
  5. If I was you, i'd wanna be me too demi1demi1demi1demi1 

    1. Michael.


      my impact  demi1

  6. Performing one of my favorite songs from my favorite musical she is everything. I wish she had more pop solo success.
  7. Let's talk about her singing and acting first. Not only can she kill a pop ballad: She's an accomplished theatre actress, who was nominated for an Olivier Award for Cats recently. Some highlights: Her dancing is also incredible. She won Dancing with the Stars, mastering many forms of ballroom dance. Basically, she slays our faves with her talent.
  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/05/us/politics/john-kasich.html?_r=0 We're fucked #NeverTrump
  9. Exactly in NJ it's likely Clinton will win because she was Senator of NY, which is right next to us, but because we have a ton of delegates, every vote counts. It's true for every state. Oh I know I move to France a week from today and i'll probably be staying there for at least four years at this point.
  10. Oh ok, then that makes sense i'm voting for Bernie in my primary, which doesn't happen for a bit now, but NJ has a LOT of delegates because we're so densely populated so hopefully he gets a decent amount. I honestly am. A Trump Presidency scares me more than a Clinton one. Trust me, I agree with you 100% on her problems, but to me it just isn't as bad as what Trump has given us.
  11. Jill Stein didn't even get half of 1% of the votes in the 2012 election, so how is my vote for Hillary (if she gets it) to blame? I'm sorry but it's a little ridiculous to say that Hillary supporters are the reason for a close race. You know as well as I do that it's a two party system through and through. I hate that, it needs to change, but that's the way it is. You can vote however you want, but you can't blame the people supporting the Democratic nominee as being the reason it's a close race. I'm doing it out of fear of an even worse Presidency, as are many others. Also, I know Bernie
  12. I mean trust me, I don't think anyone here could stomach Ted Cruz as our President. I really couldn't stomach Trump after all his nasty rhetoric and radical statements. I truly believe he would ruin our foreign relations and possibly start a war. He can't control his mouth. I'm also afraid if he's elected, his supporters will be given legitimacy, and a mini genocide will break out in America. It's already happening at his rallies.
  13. If you really deny climate change I can't even debate with you. That's just proven fact.
  14. But it's real and we need to prevent further damage due to climate change.
  15. What scares me is the thought of Bernie supporters sitting out if he isn't the nominee, or worse, voting for Trump. Unfortunately, as much as I wish it was different, we are a two party system right now, and an Independent or Third Party candidate has no viable path to victory. Hillary is extremely problematic on many different levels, and she's far from my first choice (I want a real progressive like Elizabeth Warren), but on her worst day, she's better than Trump on his best day. If four years of moderate policies and a continuation of the Obama presidency is what it takes to keep a na