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Everything posted by Nick

  1. She cries from Monday to Friday, werk from Friday to Sunday. mess1 

  2. She did marry ha best friend's husband. He's cute too. I think it'd do decently in the country community, but yeah it probably wouldn't do fantastic overall.
  3. Her husband cheated on her with her best friend, and after that she was devastated for a while, as her husband is also her co-writer and producer. She also was having problems with her throat tightening due to stress and nerves. Recently she started getting over it, so she wrote her memoir, had an OWN mini-series based around her recording and writing a song on her own for the first time in more than a decade, and she opened her Vegas show.

  5. I'm caught up on Game of Thrones and my life is ruined cry9 

    1. Nick


      @Sylkmonster what's your favorite house? I'm part of House Tyrell. lj1 

    2. Sylk


      House Tyrell is my fav too but House Stark will always be the one cry6

      Which season are you at now?

    3. Nick


      I'm all caught up. The season premiere snatched my wig. cry9 

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  6. You're preaching to the choir here. I'm voting for Bernie in my primary. I'm pro-Bernie up until the nomination is decided, and if he doesn't get it, i'm going with Hillary. Trust me, I know Bernie's awesome pro-LGBT record. One of the reasons i'm voting for him. I'm just saying that he wasn't in favor of marriage, and he wanted it left up to the states. Hillary had the exact same position, full benefits and rights within civil unions, but leave marriage to the states, although she was touting the traditional marriage thing for a while. I really am no huge supporter of Hillary. W
  7. OMG i'm done she stole her fucking title track
  8. If Hillary doesn't get the minimum number of delegates needed to secure the nomination, we're going to be going to a contested convention, and Bernie could possibly take it there. It's not over yet. The media wants voters to think it's over so that Sanders voters don't go out, and Clinton can take more delegates. The fact is, even though Bernie only won one state last night, he still picked up a decent amount of delegates, and superdelegates are slowly saying they'll vote for him at the convention. Superdelegates ALWAYS go with the candidate who won in their district. It's never happened the o
  9. As you are someone who won't have a voice in our American politics this cycle, i'm certainly glad your opinion is truly irrelevant to American politics. Like a true Trump supporter, you have been given fact after fact and simply come back with scary words like communist. He's never said anything about taking away capitalism in this country. I think you've embarrassed yourself pretty thoroughly, unless you want to say anything more about your "dark skinned people."
  10. If he doesn't, i'll be voting Hillary. Trust me, she's not my favorite by any means, but i'd rather her than Trump. He isn't a communist, he's a democratic socialist. If you understood American politics, you'd know that we have many socialist programs in this country. Infrastructure like roads and highways, social security, 40 hour work weeks, the minimum wage, Medicare. He wants to keep control of the big corporations and banks that put us into the Great Recession of 2008. They pay way less in taxes than they should, and there are many jobs in this country where a secretary pays a high
  11. Common sense to elect a racist sexist xenophobe? Yeah no. Try again. Still haven't heard any defenses from everything I brought up. I can bring up more. His plans to bring back American jobs when he's been sued for hiring illegal Polish workers to build his hotels for extremely low wages? How he thinks building a giant wall around the border and making Mexico pay for it will work? Please, have at it. Lets see what will happen in November.
  12. Right now we are in the primaries, meaning Trump and Bernie are not directly competing with each other. They are competing with others in their respective parties. In the general election, the Republican and Democratic nominee will go at it. If it's Trump vs Bernie, trust me, common sense will win. Also, once again, anyone supporting Trump has an irrelevant opinion due to the things I listed. Please, try to defend any one of those things. I'm waiting.
  13. You're not even American. Your opinion on American politics is irrelevant. Not to mention any Trump supporter is already irrelevant for supporting a man who wants to ban an entire religion of people from entering the country, try to force our military to commit war crimes (killing the wives and children of suspected terrorists), calls Mexicans rapists and drug dealers, demeans women by saying they're on their period as well as calling them fat pigs and dogs, and making fun of the disabled. Not to mention encouraging violence at his rallies, not disavowing the violence (calling his supporters e
  14. Omg you're really calling Bernie a communist? Are you kidding? Get educated on what he wants to do and get back to me. Don't even try to get into it with me about politics here because i'll drag whatever opinion you have to the pits and back. Btw I like Hillary so if that's who you say you support, that's fine. Go for it. But if you're gonna come at me with some Trump or Cruz bullshit i'm gonna have to ask you to sit down. Also it's not just your opinion, its anyone's. She doesn't give a shit about anyone's negativity. She's making more money than any of us ever will. She's gonna
  15. Anyone still holding on hope for the failure of a career that is Azealia Banks.
  16. Glad you have to resort to insults in order to make a point. Good job bud. That's your opinion if you think she comes off fake. She does the same thing as everyone else. She don't give a shit about anyone's opinion, sorry to tell you.
  17. Not to mention that even if it was inspired by witchcraft, Beyonce isn't checking for Azealia. Bey doesn't shop at the Dollar Tree.