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Venus XCX

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Status Replies posted by Venus XCX

  1. Who has the gif of Azealia standing aimlessly on a Harlem street looking around? @Hylia perhaps you? jj2 

  2. Are you hearing?? Smooth like power steeringaretha1

  3. Does anyone have that gif of an african american woman pulling a file out of her purse and throwing it across the table? I can't find it rip2 





    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      soty contender oprah2  

  5. Did the Wendy show get better after she got her divorce?

    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      Yes she's so much more charismatic, funny and happy oprah2 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. This site dying again, literally how do we fix it?

  7. PRISM is such a gorgeous album and must always be listened in full. fall3

    It truly has no skips and still sounds fresh even after 6 years! fall3

  8. Has anyone watched AHS recently? Was Apocalypse good jj4 

    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      Apocalypse a serve tbh, though the first episode is useless and just sets the apocalypse scene jj4 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Three fucking shits tried to rob me on the street tonight and one hit me. But bad bitches like me always survive and win at the end.

  10. I apologise to anyone who had to see the picture in the dumb thread I made. I was in a really bad bad place in my head and I don't know what was I thinking at that moment

    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      We love you here, you are better than that and things can only get better katyanna1 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. I see posts of @Venus XCX and for some seconds i try to remember when did i post them. Our avis confuse me.


  12. aEdVIFA.gif

    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      It can be for anyone lots of music lovers use it just like us ari5 linkt

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. aEdVIFA.gif

    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      I'm howling dead7 pls join our discord @Venom needs a Raecist friend

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Orange is the new black's final season was so disappointing laughcry1laughcry1

    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      3 hours ago, Hunty Bear said:

      you guys really think that? I'm not quite done with it yet but it's honestly one of the best seasons so far (and most certainly not worse than the shitstains that are S5, S6 and arguably S3)


      They're overreacting. The last few episodes make up for anything that seemed boring or pointless earlier in the season. Finale truly did the show justice!


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. oH my fucking gOd so yesterday i invited my best friend over right and as usual we’re really open around each other (we don’t care if we’re naked etc!!) and sometimes we like to take showers together (just fun right). so i invite her into the shower like usual and we’re making bubbles and she accidentally gets soap in her mouth and it’s the funniest fuckin’ shit ever and we’re laughing so damn hard right... but i turn around to get the shower head in her mouth and accidentally touch her dick and??? it was so?? awkward for a second like we just looked at each other like what the fuck?? LMAO then she just looked me dead in my eyes and proceeded to touch my coochie (it was kinda awkward as a guy at first but i got used to it) and ?? i sksk don’t wanna go into mOre detail but i think!! she got me pregnant and i’m so fucking scared to tell my mom cause it would mean that she’s getting sent back to the french morocco !! and it took her so long cause we’ve been internet friends since 2012... sksk rant oVeR

  16. Lost in the mirror, I knew your face once but now it's unclear 


    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      Oh it is according to Google dead7 Wbk her enunciation can be... dead7 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Which vinyl should I buy first? Prism or Born This Way? katy4 or should I pre-order In The Zone first which would definitely be worth the 2 vinyl giveup3

  18. Which vinyl should I buy first? Prism or Born This Way? katy4 or should I pre-order In The Zone first which would definitely be worth the 2 vinyl giveup3

  19. Listening to In My Defense...dear God I hope it grows on me because I...I don't even wanna say, I can't admit it eve1

  20. COP and other pop forums look so fucking bad, I'm embarrassed lol3

    Even if this forum is dead at least it looks good and pleasing to the eye. gaga12

    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      Glad we have more of you because of the COP Refugee Crisis! moo13 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. Hey FOTP, if an album is considered a “story” of sorts as a whole, what do you consider the true final track or “final chapter” to be? The standard final track or the deluxe final track? And if standard is your answer, what are deluxe tracks in that regards? Deleted “chapters” or the epilogue? Sorry for the weird question, but I didn’t wanna make a thread for this dead2 

    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      Yup, sometimes depends on if they have creative control of their tracklist jj2 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. Hey FOTP, if an album is considered a “story” of sorts as a whole, what do you consider the true final track or “final chapter” to be? The standard final track or the deluxe final track? And if standard is your answer, what are deluxe tracks in that regards? Deleted “chapters” or the epilogue? Sorry for the weird question, but I didn’t wanna make a thread for this dead2 

    1. Venus XCX

      Venus XCX

      You should make it a thread! Anyway, the final chapter is definitely the last song on the standard for me. Take Bangerz for example, Someone Else is the more fitting closer to me and Hands In The Air is just a bonus/reject/encore, sort of like music played as you walk out of a concert dead7 Another example is Joanne, like you can't seriously interpret Grigio Girls as the closer when Angel Down is right there lj1 I believe the standard tracklist is the artist's main vision of the album. More artists should take a leaf out of Born This Way and Madame X's book and put the bonus tracks within the main tracklist rather than throwing them in at the end. On the other hand, it also depends on the album. For example, I consider No Way the final chapter to 7/27 and Choose Your Battles on Prism despite them being deluxe tracks. Basically I'm biased to sentimental songs being the true final track to an album. lol3 Thanks for coming to my ted talk!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)
