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About LinaMorgana

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    Sun of Venus

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  1. Let the dislikes rain on your head now! @Queen Rivers. .gif' alt='ny6'>.gif' alt='ny5'>
  2. Clearly the Jay jizz won't either.
  3. Seriously, it's not like ravers are sober enough to know anyone is behind the turntable. Most of them are either 1) high off of their asses 2) on their knees blowing someone for some more coke.
  4. I am fucking dying. Like... on one hand I want to laugh from secondhand embarrassment on the other I want to take a machete to his head.
  5. Baby, there is never anything as too big. I am fucking pissed though. I couldn't do my pre-order through Sprint because of school. When I called they told me I had to wait an extra month. Not happy.
  6. Omg scary and hot... my favorite combination.
  7. Changing BillBoard and GRAMMY rules. When will Katy? .gif' alt='ny6'>.gif' alt='ny5'> .gif' alt='ny6'>
  8. Whoops, tots forgot about that. Wait but was MDNA after or before that rule change by BB? Then I guess Billboard won't count it then. Hmm... I thought MDNA was offered as part of a bundle... not that's its price was part of the total. Will look that up later. Cause I really doubt 300K people would buy MDNA. We will see with her next effort. Couldn't resist. http://fotpforums.com/uploads/emoticons/default_.gif' alt='ny6'>.gif' alt='ny5'>
  9. If and only if the free download is OPTIONAL. Like Madonna's option to get her album for free when buying her concert tickets.
  10. I literally thought someone had hacked my iCloud. I was like, "omg this is how it feels to be beautiful and desirable like Jennifer Lawrence. Someone want mah nudes." .gif' alt='ny6'>.gif' alt='ny5'>
  11. OH MY FUCKING GOSH!!! IS THIS WHY I HAVE THEIR FUCKING MUSIC ON MY IPHONE!?!?!? I was like um... when the fuck did I buy their music... I have gotten drunk in while... Suing Apple this fucking instant.
  12. You agreed with me about her lack of professionalism. So If anyone cares about my opinions? No, most likely not. But this isn't about whether anyone cares, it's about people not coming out of their delusion.
  13. In terms of the artist quality it is. And if PRISM is only better than ARTGRAVE it's only cause of everyone BUT Katy Perry. Something critics agree with. I am talking about in terms of the professionalism of the era and its management more so than the music and performances.